feeling incomplete

October 19, 2012 1:40am CST
sometimes i just get irritated without any reasons, then i feel sad, or lonely sometimes i want to shut the world around me. there were times that i feel lost and incomplete its like i need to find my self and look over the pieces that i need. and most of time i can't feel the joy inside (although i laugh alot). i always pray and meditate and ask God to help me get through this problem of mine. i wanted to be happy again but i don't know the answers to all of my questions (unknown questions actually). its like i don't fit in this life that i have right now, i want to break free but i don't know how. for all i know i don't have a problem to think about. i'm okay financially, i don't have family and friends problems. for as long as i know i'm contented with my life. well am i getting insane? am i just bored? is this just part of being a woman (hormonal issues)? or maybe because i don't have a problem so my life is looking for something to think about, a puzzle to be solve that will teach me to understand life even more.. well i don't know.. so help me God
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8 responses
@subhojit10 (7375)
• India
19 Oct 12
Thanks a ton for posting this discussion. Well i can understand your feelings. i think nothing is good or bad, our thinking makes it so. We have to find positivity and happiness in everything. Happiness and joys wont come knocking at your doors. If u find gloominess and darkness everywhere then u can never find light and cheerfulness. So u have to make yourself happy and cheerful all the time and forget whatever has and is happening with u and think positive always. What say?
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• Philippines
19 Oct 12
hehehe..yeah i think thinking making make it much complicated.. waking up in the morning and my day is already ruined.. but i cant help to think about it because its hard to control the emotions.. but i hope i can handle it.. hmmm.. sad to say but positive ideas doesn't help much when i'm drown to my anxiety (depressions). i better keep my self lock up in my room, read and wait till the emotions is gone. thanks for the response :)
• Philippines
19 Oct 12
yeah.. sometimes we cannot control things up. but i keep figuring up how to control it, but most of the time i just keep quiet when im around people, specially if my mood is up. i don't what to say anything that will hurt them although there are times that i cant control it. im just happy that they understand me when im starting to rage.. ahehehe..
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
19 Oct 12
That was the great way of saying it, subhojit! As always, your response are very interesting and helpful. Chubbychubchub, while staying away from people to prevent from causing them harm or bad feeling with the way you are feeling maybe good, of course, you still need to learn how to be around people and strive to look the brighter things in life than sulk in a corner all day. Breathe fresh air and unwind, girl!
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
19 Oct 12
I hope you don't get me wrong, but I think you are suffering from depression. What you need is to see a therapist so that we would know what is causing you these feelings. There must be something in your past that lead you to feel this way. If it were cause of some hormones, you would just be feeling it once in a month. But if you are feeling this most of the time, then there in an underlying issue that you need to figure out with the help of the therapist.
• Philippines
19 Oct 12
well i don't feel that anxiety all the time.. i think it occurs mostly when my period is coming and it last long for a week until i got my period or when i just wake up from a bad dream and my whole day will be ruined.. well thanks for your response..
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
19 Oct 12
Hormonal it is! But I suggest you control these sudden burst of anxiety, especially when you are around friends coz they might think of you having BIPOLAR Syndrome! I am just making you smile!
• Philippines
19 Oct 12
hehehe.. thats why i lock myself in my room when it occurs and stay there till my emotions laylo and i'm okay again.. i dont want them giving an impression that i'm losing my mind ehehe,. thanks again ^^
@sunita64 (6469)
• India
20 Oct 12
I feel everyone feels like this once a while.Recently I was denied a promotion then I was also feeling to be away from the world and depressed. But some how when I think everything happens for the best then all my sadness goes away and I start living more enthusiastically.
@sjvenden27 (1840)
• United States
20 Oct 12
It sounds like you either have depression; but from the sounds of it you are unhappy but can not figure out why... Have you ever been checked out mentally, you may be bipolar... you get depressed but there is nothing in your life upsetting.. and from they way you write.. just a guess here but your thoughts are racing.. wonder if you have a hard time sleeping at all? Do you have an appetite, have your eating habits changed at all?? Do you get hungry at all or eat just because you should?? Now if you are bipolar, it doesnt mean your crazy, or mental problems.. Bipolar is a cheimical imbalance within your brain.. No worries with the right professional help you will feel better soon
• Philippines
20 Oct 12
ehehe.. thanks for the response.. i never thought that im bipolar. cause my mood only change when my monthly period is coming. i thought its only hormonal issue.. but i will still consider talking to professionals.. hmm and when it comes to your questions... nope.. i dont have problem sleeping cause i love to sleep. and my appetite is still the same, although cravings happens once a month..
1 person likes this
• United States
21 Oct 12
What about PMSDD... From what I heard, havent done any research or asked my doctors about it.. But its like what you said your moods change once a month..
@eagletrek2 (5499)
• Kingston, New York
19 Oct 12
I know what that feel like for me this what I do I join clubs even my big problen is not being able to afford to do any thing that make more lonely for me to be complte I need to find a lady to be my wife when I do get the income im heading to isreal to find her for you since you have no money probelm try to join clubs or help out your relglion when they help with doing some thing i think that can help do not lock your self in room that when the depression happen do something ok good day.
@kiiw013 (102)
• Slovenia
23 Oct 12
I feel the same way sometimes, not everyone fits in the world. It's all about making things suit yourself, and not suiting yourself to every spec of dust in the universe. Once you can do that, your subconscious mind will be more and peace, and your mood won't change suddenly. And no you're not insane.
@mikyung (2232)
• Philippines
19 Oct 12
I think those feelings are perfectly normal to all of us. It may be hormonal, or environmental. Our mood changes, we have a good mood today, we don't expect to have the same mood for tomorrow. Don't you worry, you are not alone in that predicament. Strive to be happy. I hope you have a good mood tomorrow and as always. Thanks
@babyeve (1048)
• Seychelles
19 Oct 12
I also feel like that whenever I feel lonely. Sometimes when you lead a single life is not easy. I feel like I am missing something in my life and that I cannot feel the gap. When I am with friends at times I feel lonely as well. Sometimes boredom can make you think a lot and want to just feel sad without any special reason. I think it has to do with hormonal changes to some extent. However, i believe that at this point, only God can fill this gap in my life.