To cohabitate or to marry?

relationships - couples
@estremms (324)
October 20, 2012 9:12am CST
Separation of married couples are already arising in numbers, so if you're still single and with a boyfriend or girlfriend, what would you choose? cohabitation or marriage?
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6 responses
@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
20 Oct 12
Some people think that cohabitate is better. But there has been studies that have shown the opposite. Marriage even though many end in divorce provide a lot more protection for the children if there were ever anything serious to happen. Like an accident and life insurance was to be dispensed. Things often time do not go well when it's just girlfriend and boyfriend that way.
@estremms (324)
• Philippines
23 Oct 12
That's so true and illegitimate children also doesn't enjoy the same rights the legitimate children has.
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• United States
2 Nov 12
Yeah that is true. Getting married can make things better for the family. It's a good thing though for young people for example to really take their time and think about what they want out of life before getting married. Because marriage is a big step.
@berting600 (3453)
• Philippines
20 Oct 12
You are asking two different questions that needs careful understanding and responses.Not all people are ready to answer your question because it needs careful planning to have such relationship like cohabitation or planning to get married.
• Philippines
23 Oct 12
Most younger generations are just like a piece of cake for them to say to settle down as to cohabit with their relationship,because they do not know what would happen next time they could realized they were both in the same house.The next step to them is adjustments,which is very difficult to decide whether to let go or just stay so that they could have so much time with themselves.The most difficult decision they could do next is marriage,because they must know their individual roles when they are already tying their knots.They must think of all expenses,their growing family as they were already one family.Can they survive as married couple?
@estremms (324)
• Philippines
23 Oct 12
Yes whatever decisions we have decided on should be planned and not just be done on a whim because this is life.
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@GemmaR (8517)
20 Oct 12
I think that it is very much up to the individuals whether they choose to live together or to get married, and I honestly think that either is okay in the modern world. There might be a little bit of pressure to get married now, but there would be nowhere near as much as there would have been in times gone by, and this is good because it at least means that you are not pressured to do something that you might live to regret in the future. I would always listen to your own heart and try not to be influenced by anybody else, and you should find that this is the way to be able to get the future that you want.
@estremms (324)
• Philippines
23 Oct 12
Yes so true, couple in a cohabitating should just ignore what people say, coz sometimes people say negative things if a couple doesn't get married.
• Philippines
20 Oct 12
hi est, It is always my dream to settle down get married, have kids and have a wonderful family. Well I can't say what will be my future will be so I can't really say happy mylotting
@estremms (324)
• Philippines
23 Oct 12
No one can really say what's going to happen about their future.
@5mahi05 (666)
• India
20 Oct 12
Who wouldn't want to marry and settle down in life and have a family for yourself. That is the best thing that can happen to any one in this world. A happy living family. I wouldn't choose cohabitation because of the fears of separation. The thoughts of cohabitation somewhere plays its roles in the thought of separation in the married couples these days. Anyday, I would prefer marriage and a family to just live together. There has no meaning to it.
@estremms (324)
• Philippines
23 Oct 12
yes Marriage is really preferable than cohabitating specially if we are talking about legal rights just what 3honor and Dominique 25 said.
@Magz1989 (271)
• Philippines
23 Oct 12
Well, in this era where matching is the best solution before entering a no return no exchange path of marriage life mostly teens preferred cohabitation. Live-ins as they called it. Maybe because they choose to know each other first if they are compatible but i am not saying the this is the best method for we still value the integrity of Marriage (Sacrament), maybe youths now a days make sure that they will not end-up in a agonizing marriage life, though its not good but that's their perceptions. More so, if you have cohabitation for more than 6 years then your marriage application will easy and cheaper just file an affidavit of cohabitation and a civil marriage is just a puff away without many explanation not to mention that in the Civil Registry , there is no child that is born as illegitimate, all are legitimate just made the father acknowledge the Child Certificate. Furthermore, single parenthood is acceptable and its protected by the law. So, no worries....hahaha..what a world!!
@estremms (324)
• Philippines
23 Oct 12
In a parent's heart there is really no child born illegitimate but in our law there is even if the father acknowledge the birth certificate of the child. And an illegitimate child doesn't enjoy the same rights the legitimate child has.