Good Things About Reward Cards

@ARIES1973 (11426)
Legaspi, Philippines
October 28, 2012 6:16pm CST
Several years ago, issuing a Reward Card to their customers became quite popular in our place. We have to major malls in our location and they are offering different rewards system as their way of giving thanks to the customers who buy from their stores. And I could say that both of these are helpful and I really enjoy having one. The process is simple, as a customer, we have to present the reward card every time we make a purchase and points corresponding to the amount of our purchase is being added to it. The first one is offering points wherein we can exchange the reward points for a product corresponding to the points accumulated. The other one offers a cash reward which the customer could use when buying things. I was already able to redeem few items from both reward cards and I am so happy. I once redeemed kitchen utensils and some Victoria's Secret's products from the first one and a cash reward from the other one. Having these kind of reward system is really one kind of strategy to encourage more and more customers to buy from their stores. How about you my dear friends, do you also have this reward system in your place?
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10 responses
@Canellita (12029)
• United States
30 Oct 12
We have that here, though there are different kinds of programs. CVS has a very good rewards program. They email discount offers and coupons every week. Big Lots only gives you 20% after you have spent $100 and they don't notify you when it becomes available and it expires quickly.
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@ARIES1973 (11426)
• Legaspi, Philippines
31 Oct 12
Hi Canellita! Kindly tell us what is CVS all about. Why do they need to email offers and coupons? Is this an online program? Thank you.
@Canellita (12029)
• United States
2 Nov 12
Rite Aid has a program also, but they don't send me discounts or free money to shop with the way CVS does.
@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
29 Oct 12
What I havce in my supermarket are some points according to what we spend. We can exchange it for goods in a catalog of for the same amount in things from the supermarket. I usually wait until I have about US$20 so that it is worth while to get my groceries with that.
@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
29 Oct 12
I also get some cents for using my credit card even if I pay it every month as I do it. That way I save to buy part of my ticket fare when I go on vacations.
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@ARIES1973 (11426)
• Legaspi, Philippines
29 Oct 12
Hi marguicha! This is similar in one of the stores that we have in our place. The only difference is that we don't have the catalog. This thing is very helpful. It's just like a savings. Thank you for sharing!
@ARIES1973 (11426)
• Legaspi, Philippines
29 Oct 12
Oh yes, I remember my credit card also allow us to exchange point that we earn from using it. Maybe I have to check if I can already avail of a reward from there. Thank you for sharing!
@myfb2009 (8296)
• Malaysia
30 Oct 12
Aries, i had joined the cash back reward since from a few years ago. I had received many types of cash reward coupons from them. It had helped me to save quite a lot in the long run. I ever joined the points reward but don't really like it. Because the items which inside their catalogue seems not interesting for exchange at all. I still prefer to spend my money into the shopping mall that provide cash reward. For me, it is more worth it.
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@ARIES1973 (11426)
• Legaspi, Philippines
30 Oct 12
Himyfb! I love both. Actually we just have two malls which offers this kind of reward cards and it so happens that I am shopping on both of those malls. Thank you for sharing!
@asyria51 (2861)
• United States
28 Oct 12
I have several rewards cards. The one that is used most frequently is at Walgreens. We get two prescriptions filled each month and each perscription is worth a certain amount of points. You also get special prices by using it.
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@ARIES1973 (11426)
• Legaspi, Philippines
29 Oct 12
Hi asyria! It's good t know that there are also other ways of getting some rewards in your place. May we know what a Walgreens is? Thank you for sharing!
@ARIES1973 (11426)
• Legaspi, Philippines
29 Oct 12
I really thought of it already, I just want to make sure. Thank you for the additional knowledge I got from her. I can encounter several names of stores like this one and the other one is Walmart. Have a nice day!
@sishy7 (27169)
• Australia
29 Oct 12
Yes, we have those here too. I have about five from various retail stores where my family and I are usually shop from. And the one I use most frequently is the supermarket one where I do my grocery shopping.
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@sishy7 (27169)
• Australia
29 Oct 12
I have one for a clothing store. Two for different food chains. And two for supermarkets. They are all chained stores or franchises with many branches all over the city; and I can use the reward cards in any of the branch. I am actually offered more reward cards from other stores for free; but I only stick to a few which I know I shop there anyway.
@ARIES1973 (11426)
• Legaspi, Philippines
29 Oct 12
Hi sishy! You have 5? Wow! It's good to have several so that wherever you go you can use those reward cards. Actually, one thing I like about one of the reward cards that I have is that the store who offered this has different branches in several location. So even I go to this place or to other places as long as it is within our region, I can use the card. Thank you for sharing!
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@xiejiaotu (217)
• Malaysia
29 Oct 12
yes there are reward card system in my place too and i think the name also name reward card. i didn't own it but my father used to have it. i don't know how is it now but few years ago he is still using it. and for others like different shop, petrol station, etc. reward card type, there are a lot and sometimes i feel like too much already. even small shops come out with their reward card type so i feel like if apply for so many, in the end will result carrying too much card along. so thinking of apply, normally i will only apply bigger or more value reward cards as the main and the rest just let it be.
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@ARIES1973 (11426)
• Legaspi, Philippines
30 Oct 12
Maybe you should get one for yourself also. It is also good if you receive some rewards for patronizing a certain establishment. It is also one form form of saving. But if your father have one, I think they also allow others to use it other than those who owned it. Have a nice day!
• United States
28 Oct 12
I don't have that where I live for cash back or points. we have one with savings off products for that week. I like that card as well.
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@ARIES1973 (11426)
• Legaspi, Philippines
29 Oct 12
Hi Linda! A pleasant day to you! You mean it is a discount card for a special product? Thank you for sharing!
@Raine38 (12257)
• United States
29 Oct 12
I have lots of reward cards but I think only one has cruelly worked lol! I was able to claim some kitchen utensils and other small kitchen appliances. The same reward card also allowed me to purchase anything from that store, then pay the items purchased using my points earned on my card. It's one good way of returning the good business that customers has provided to these shops.
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@ARIES1973 (11426)
• Legaspi, Philippines
29 Oct 12
That is why even if I want to buy at some stores around the area, I would still choose to go to the store where I have a reward card. Thank you for sharing!
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
28 Oct 12
We have a few places here in mx with reward cards. Just like I had in the usa. My grocery store, send coupons and things out once per month. BUt its a gimmick. Doesnt really save. Just lets them keep track of ones purchases.
@ARIES1973 (11426)
• Legaspi, Philippines
29 Oct 12
Hi maria! It's good to know that you also have a reward card in your place. Regarding the coupons, what do you mean a gimmick? Does it mean that you don't get any reward after your purchase? Thank you for sharing!
@jdalaqui (1073)
• Philippines
29 Oct 12
Ah, reward cards. My wife is after those rewards earned in her card from one of the nearest supermarket we have here. I could not see big points being earned bu she was loves the little points garnered every time she purchase from that store.
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@ARIES1973 (11426)
• Legaspi, Philippines
29 Oct 12
Hi jdalaqui! Women are really like that. We appreciate the little things because eventually, once the points were collected it could mean something. It's also a reward for being loyal. You know, our idea is that, yes we are buying the same thing and most probably the same price. We prefer to spend our money on this place where we would get something, like a reward in the long run, rather than spending our money on the other place where we get nothing. Thank you for sharing!