Does french fries make you fat?

October 30, 2012 1:30am CST
I eat lot of french fries. Do eating french fries actually make you fat or is it healthy is eat lots of french fries?
7 responses
@silverfox09 (4708)
• United States
22 Jan 13
I dont think french fries make you fat , I eat it a lot . I dont eat it every day but its ok to eat it a few times a month .
@Archie0 (5651)
21 Jan 13
Whoever told you french fries is healthy, is probably a retard. How can on earth a french fry be healthy? first of all it is deep fried. Secondly it has potato which is starchy food, when you eat potato deep fried it is totally harmful thing. It accumulates fat in body, and that is stubborn fat which never melts down fast, i advice you check on your intake and lower them down.
@GemmaR (8517)
30 Oct 12
There is no particular food that makes you fat, but it would depend on entirely how much of each of these foods you choose to eat. If you don't eat many french fries then it won't make you fat, but if you eat them all day every day then obviously they will. Of course it also depends on how you cook them as well. If you cook them in oil then there is a chance that they will make you fat quicker because of the fact that there are so many calories in the oil. The best thing that you could do would be to have a balanced diet and have everything that you want as long as it is in moderation.
@shaqziad (655)
• Malaysia
31 Oct 12
I personally think french fries does not make you fat. It is just a food. What makes you fat is your greediness and laziness. Well, what you can do is eat them without salt, fry them in no trans-fat oil, and limit your intake to just a serving for each meal.
30 Oct 12
DO you like Chinese food? It is quite healthy and varoius.But some Chinese restaurant abroad are not very authentic.
@jjpotter (44)
• Philippines
1 Nov 12
It depends on how much you eat. Also, I've read before that as much as you can, say no to anything fried.
• United States
30 Oct 12
Eating large amounts of deep fried foods is never good for you. It will cause you to have a heart attack from eating them all the time. I love to eat fries but can not do that to my self as I dont want to die from a heart attack. I can say that when you eat anything fried it is very fattening for you and will cause you to gain weight if you continue to eat like that with out changing. Good luck I hope that you are able to find a nice replacement for your french fries that will make you just as happy.