A teacher beat a 4 year old girl :(

October 30, 2012 4:17am CST
It happened in China last March...but it was just on the news today. A 4 year old child was badly hurt by the teacher . The child could not even talk nor walk after the incident. She suffered brain damage..It was devastating. They should choose their teacher more carefully. It was even hard to watch how the teacher kicked and flipped the kid.
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43 responses
@Paper_Doll (2373)
• Philippines
31 Oct 12
That was really heartbreaking for the parents of that kid. I, who are not even related to that kid feel very saddened and angry about this news, so I can't imagine how the kid's parents have felt towards this incident. But actually, I really find it ironic that this kinds of news, teachers hurting or abusing their students, have been in the news lately when this month is actually a part of National Teachers Month. I wonder if teachers do undergo psychological tests before they are hired. I have one boss, who always refused to undergo psychological tests and would usually make excuses and won't finish the exams. And we all think that she needs to take that as she is really making her staff's lives a hell.
• Philippines
8 Nov 12
Your right, any parents who had seen this video would be shock. It's really saddening to know that a teacher could do such a thing to a helpless child. One member had commented that such method, is still being practiced in some schools as their way, so that students will follow what their teachers had instructed them. I don't know but for me, one must have diligence and a lot of patience to be an effective teacher.
• Philippines
9 Nov 12
Your right, in the past we heard some teachers using this kind of palm beating to punish unruly students. I guess, some are still using this method today but are rarely reported. Beating palms with a stick also hurts but not as much as the pain one incurs if kicked and flipped as if a bag of potatoes. Yes, we can say that there are child abuses too that are reported in our country but not as harsh as this incident caught on video.
• Philippines
9 Nov 12
I think that this is too much for a punishment. I really think that the teacher needs to be checked. When I was in my elementary days, I remember that I have one teacher who really hit our palms with stick whenever we did something wrong. That is not actually beating but a punishment. I once punished with the same method after being caught of staying in our room instead of attending our flag ceremony. I was ordered to squat for few minutes after that. I did not repeat my mistake again as I do not really want that thing to happen again.
@lumenmom (1986)
• United States
31 Oct 12
That is really sad to hear and I feel sorry for the parents who entrusted their little girl in the care of the school and this teacher. I can't imagine what would make a teacher feel the need to even hit the child let alone beat her and cause serious injury. I recall years ago when I was in school we had a new teacher who really could not relate to us and we as a class gave him lots of problems and did pranks on him. One day we could see he was fed up and the whole class was silent.....except one clueless girl who did a very small giggle at the wrong time and it took him over the edge. He took out a police club, pulled her by her ponytail and beat her legs which of course caused bruises. The next day several parents came to the school and we never saw him again. If a teacher is overwhelmed they need to walk away before hurting a child which is something they cannot take back.
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• Philippines
8 Nov 12
Yes, parents entrusted their children to their care but instead this thing happens. Teaching is a respected vocation and we valued their works in educating our youth, but not to the extent of hurting our children. That was really awful, beating the child's legs with a police club. The child's parents must do the same thing to the teacher to get even. If they don't have self control, they have no right to be one.
@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
30 Oct 12
Indeed, it is cruel teacher. I also often hear news like that. My country, things like that too often. This, makes me always worried. I am afraid, my son got such a cruel teacher. I wish I had chosen the school, and the teacher is right, for my son.
@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
2 Nov 12
It's very cruel. I hardly able to see the video. I hope, my child's teacher, treated my son well. I can not imagine, if the incident that happened to my son.
• Philippines
3 Nov 12
Yes, no parents would like their children to be treated like that especially from teachers, who are supposed to be their parents while in school. We entrusted them our children and things like this would happen, it's really sad. What is more disturbing is, some of the teachers present didn't even bother to stop their co-teacher from beating the child.
@nangisha (3496)
• Indonesia
31 Oct 12
Hi Indah.... I think you haven't watch the video. I never hear something like this happen in our country. Maybe few wicked teacher slap or hit their student but not like this teacher she trews this poor child like a sack of rotten potato, and what more sadly there are others teacher there, who not do anything to stop it and its seem not a big problem. Its so sick, please watch it at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zz7tzVWHBCk
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• United States
31 Oct 12
The teacher should get time in jail for this...I believe the teacher should have control and should had called the parents if she had a problem with a child. what is wrong there is not enough control of themselve that they need never to be a teacher of anykind...there is some children who need controled but not like this..there are better ways.. teachers go through alot but that is the job they chose and should know that..never hurt a child..look beyond the hurt and see why they are the way they are... children need alot of love.....I think a child should not go to school too young also..4 years is to young in my thoughts.. I think 6 or seven year olds is better to start...
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• Philippines
8 Nov 12
I guess your right, for some children four years old is too young to start schooling, but there are children who can easily adapt too. So it's a case to case basis, but treating a child like that is unacceptable. Teachers are supposed to be their second parent while they are in school.
@Mattxu (62)
• China
31 Oct 12
I am a Chinese people. As a Chinese people, I also feel ashamed about the behaviors by these "teachers". Because in China children are too many, we don't have enough teachers to teach them. The wage of the teachers in the kindergarten is also low, so few teachers will go to kindergarten. To relieve the pressure of shortage of teachers, we have to use some teachers who are not educated enough. Due to these factors, then it will happens. I think all these are temporary, we can find a means to solve the problem.
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• Philippines
8 Nov 12
Oh I see, so we can say that some were hired because of teachers shortages. And even though they are not qualified or have not met the requirements of teacher the school still hires them. Well, I pity those students who fell prey to this substitute teachers, which I guess is the right term for them, because they most probably applied for the job only for the pay not for the opportunity to teach their students. I just hope the school administrators do something to correct this practice, schools are for educating students not to maltreat them.
• Nigeria
31 Oct 12
their territory is occupied by other countries, and their people are torturing their own people. morality, conscience and just are ruined. its hard to see a future in their education. especially when i saw the video. the teacher beating the 4 year old. i am shocked. i am full of fear for the country. no food, housing or basic personal safety, i hope they get out of the situation sooner.
• Philippines
8 Nov 12
Maybe you're talking about a part of their territory before... but it had already been returned a long time ago, and they are one nation again under mainland China. And I don't think the nation that occupied part of their territory before will tolerate such abuse. As one member here had commented, because of too many students, teachers are not enough, so some schools are forced to hire even though they are not very competent and properly tested. Also due to the low salary a teacher receives, maybe some qualified teacher are forced to apply for other vocation much more higher than a teacher normally gets..
@alottodo (3056)
• Australia
31 Oct 12
I only have one word to say about that teacher f***ing no hopper he must have something against females I think he needs medical and mental assessment before he teach again if ever.
@alottodo (3056)
• Australia
1 Nov 12
Children can be very trying at any given time...at the end of the day they are making their way into the world...if the teacher don't have what it take then he/she should not be there...lets put it this way I can smack my child but no one else have the right to do so!
• Philippines
8 Nov 12
Yes, children are children and this teacher should treat them the way they should be treated. Being a parent herself if ever she is, she knew the difference between good or bad. And no parent will allow her /his child to be treated like that, most especially from a teacher whom they thought will care for them. Let's just hope, this teacher gets the punishment she deserves.
• Philippines
1 Nov 12
Yes, no one in heir right mind would ever hurt a kid.. I wonder what really got into the teacher's nerves.. No matter how a child is, they can be very annoying and pushy.. adults should be more responsible and understanding.
@doroffee (4222)
• Hungary
30 Oct 12
Jesus Christ. I do think there should be a psychological test for teachers before schools employ them, because I believe the tendency for aggressiveness could be shown by these... a really tranquil person would never ever flip out this much (or if they do, they must suffer a trauma, and that would've been pretty obvious). A 4 year old, moreover, is just not capable of behaving in a way flipping out this way is arguable... teens might do that, because they know how to hurt people and be disrespectful, but a kid... if a kid is "cheeky" or loud, well, they don't know that they are "hurting" those people, because they may not know what they do is bad or something, the teacher should be aware of that...
• Philippines
31 Oct 12
Yes, I guess schools should require this testing, especially for those teachers that would handle first time learners like small children. Just imagine, parents would not do such a thing to hurt their children. To think that parents entrusted their children to the care of teacher, for them to teach not to hurt them. The news also said that the teacher lack the qualifications to teach so she is not eligible as a teacher.
@aejey322 (1004)
• Philippines
9 Nov 12
I agree with you doroffee. I also have kids who will be going to pre-school in a year or two. And with this incident, it causes fear to parents like me to send my children to school. Especially knowing that my eldest kid is somewhat a hyperactive child. It will be a precaution for me to ask the school about the teacher's personality before I enrol my child to their school. But so far, I have not heard of any harsh incidents here in the Philippines. But I do heard of those who spank students, but not as harsh as what happened to the Chinese kid.
• Philippines
9 Nov 12
I think all parents would feel the same way as you do my friend. With so many reports of abuses being committed in school especially to young children, I think school administrators should treat this matter seriously. The teacher being the substitute parents while our kids are at school, they should see to it that students are provided with qualified teachers.
@512771751 (1096)
• China
3 Dec 12
As people know this terriable things, all the people anger with that teacher, maybe we should not call her a teacher, but a devil?
• Philippines
4 Dec 12
We all knew that being a teacher, does not give them the right to maltreat their students especially young kids. I guess, school administrator should be strict in hiring their teachers especially those handling small kids.
@caopaopao (12395)
• China
30 Oct 12
I can't bear to watch or hear things like this happened. I hate to admit that it happened in China. I know such things did happen, but I also know most of the teachers are kind to the children in CHina. It's a pity that children meet a teacher who is not kind and friendly. But I am glad to say that when I was young, the teachers who taught me were all nice to me.
@nicanorr (1789)
• Philippines
12 Nov 12
Happenings like this are isolated cases. The errant teacher concerned knows he stepped far beyond the line. He's temperamental, can't tone down and hold his anger when provoked. He's a square peg in a round hole. Administrator, do your action before the issue worsen.
• Philippines
24 Nov 12
Yes, I guess so too that the teacher is too temperamental, who can't hold on her wild swings when met with such situation. But to think that it's a small child she is dealing with, she should have thought so before she let herself carried away by her emotion.
• Philippines
3 Nov 12
Yes being a teacher, we knew that most of them possessed a lot a patience. Teaching being the noblest of all profession if I may say so, are the most highly regarded in society. So, we would think that they won't do such a thing. I think that this may also be happening in other places but are rarely reported. School authorities should do something about it, so that this won't happen again.
@gurung63 (72)
• India
9 Nov 12
It is not only in china. I heard lots of newspaper filling with this type of news.I am surprised a teacher who give us the knowledge of world, let us know about which thing is right and which is wrong can do such kind of thing.Every school should examine the teacher before hiring them. They should be polite and nice with students.
• Philippines
9 Nov 12
Yes, I guess it also happens in other places but are not reported. But this kind of abuse is too much, I just hope some schools will learn from this incident. To be strict in hiring and only qualified teacher are accepted to teach in their schools.
• China
9 Nov 12
the teacher is only individual,but this should be let someone to think that how this people get her job,who should to think?
• Philippines
9 Nov 12
I think it's not an excuse, no teacher in her right mind would do such a thing to a helpless child. To think that the parents entrusted their kid to be educated and not to inflict pain on him. The school should also be held responsible for what their teacher had done to the kid.
• China
22 Nov 12
I'm from China.Things like that happen frequently
• Philippines
24 Nov 12
Oh, I'm sorry to hear about that. Don't you think the government and the school authorities should do something to prevent this from happening again. And they should chose only qualified and well tested teacher next time.
• China
22 Nov 12
these teache must Pull out go execute by shooting ten minute
• Philippines
24 Nov 12
Ha ha ha, do you think so. I guess that is too harsh for a punishment but doing the same thing she did to the child would even the score. Revoking her license to teach and also put her in jail after shouldering the child's expenses in the hospital.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
2 Nov 12
In my country, that teacher would be put in gaol. Before that could even happen though, the person with that sort of attitude and anger would never be able to achieve the status of teacher. I'm not saying we don't have bad teachers here but someone that bad would never make the grade.
• Philippines
8 Nov 12
Putting the teacher to jail for me, I think is not enough for what she had done to the child. I just hope the teacher be punish the same thing, she did to the child to get even, that is if their law permits.
@shaggin (72010)
• United States
1 Nov 12
Wow that is absolutely horrible. I cannot even imagine how the parents must be feeling now after what the teacher did to their child. She had to have been beaten so badly to suffer brain damage. This teacher is a horrible person and I hope she spends the rest of her days in jail.
• Philippines
1 Nov 12
yes, she was thrown around and even hit the ground a couple of times.. she was really light, just like a doll.. S the teacher easily beat her. The parents were devastated.. it would be hard to get her back to normal.
@ally12 (1202)
• Philippines
8 Nov 12
I have seen that video too and I will tell you it was just one of so many child abuse happening world wide, abuse from own parents and relatives, abuse from other people and I just thought was there yet a safe place for our children? Children which we consider the hope and our future. I just wished there will only be one punishment be practiced worldwide against all the child abusers.
• Philippines
8 Nov 12
Yes, we can say that this abuses are really happening and most of them are not being reported. School administrators is to blame to for this abuses, because some of them are very lax in screening their future teachers. Some schools accepts teachers who are less qualified just to have more students.
• China
31 Oct 12
I can not be surprised by the news in China.body-punished education is populor from primary school to high school for many years.Many people hope children can earn more special-care from teacher to enhance their score.some teacher will choose the way punished children if they are not obey.
• Philippines
8 Nov 12
So, this is really practiced up to this time. I guess it's their way, so that students will comply whatever the teacher want them to do, especially if it's about their studies. Maybe, most parents do knew this practice too by some schools. But for me, I think this technique violates the rights of a child. And I guess some would agree with me.
@kokomo (1867)
• Philippines
31 Oct 12
Yes, I also watched that news and feel bad about it. It is very clear that was child abuse. She do not have the right to do that to the child. She must be punished. A child was helpless that time. I felt pity with her.
• Philippines
1 Nov 12
Yes, i feel really bad for the child too- but what's done is done. I just hope that the child recovers from the brain damage..and that she can walk again.. They have good hospitals there anyway, maybe they can still save her.
@leeandrew (1225)
• Philippines
31 Oct 12
I have a one year old girl and three years from now she'll doing school already, and cases like that worries me. I don't know what would I do if a teacher would do such thing to my kids. Ooh goodness I'll probably turn beast if someone does that to my kids. I don't even want to think of it co's it horrifies me. I could not imagine my baby is being beaten.
• Philippines
8 Nov 12
Yes, your right. I guess this is an isolated case but we as parents could not erase the doubt or worry for our child safety. With the thought that this incident could happen in any school, we should be more choosy, which school we want our child to study. And yes, it's parent's instinct to fight and protect their children if their safety or rights were violated and same applies to other living things.