on walking our two dogs and running to the sea...lol

@Cutie18f (9551)
November 2, 2012 7:35am CST
Well this experience happened several years ago when we had two Japanese Spitz dogs, one was small while the other one was big and was ferocious. One day we decided to bring it to a nearby sea where we could walk them there. They were on leashes and for a while we thought we were doing fine until we got to an area where there were several dogs on the loose. Knowing that our Japs were also fighters, we decided to ward off the other dogs with sticks and stones. However, this did not stop the dogs from attacking us. We could not do anything but carry our two dogs and run to the sea. Yes, we ran to the water in order to save our dogs from the attacking dogs. You wouldn't believe it but the dogs still tried to go after us even when we were already in the sea! We had to keep on going deeper and away from the other dogs and decided to go home once we were already far away and safe from the other dogs. Whew! That was crazy, wasn't it? Did you have any similar experience before? What did you do to protect your dog from other dogs?
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7 responses
@challs12 (548)
• Malaysia
2 Nov 12
I never have dog but I reply here just to share my experience being attack by dog. It's common for me when I cross some houses, there will be something waiting. It's a dog, it tries to guard the house so it will bark each time something come to his intention. When it tries to jump to me it will stuck at the fence gate. I will sit down and pretend collecting something to throw to it. It's usually dog will run away if you bend down like you collecting some sand to throw to them. The second time, I was attack by a wild dog. I do the same method pretending I collect some sand to throw to them and the dog ran away. The third time I was attack by a wild dog again. This time I cannot prepare anything to protect myself, it jumped to me to bite my leg without my noticed. I only can kick it on his head and it ran away.
@challs12 (548)
• Malaysia
3 Nov 12
I never run if it barking or try to attack me. I will do just like I mention above. You should learn not to run, but can you stay and not to run if that dog comes to you?
@Cutie18f (9551)
• Philippines
3 Nov 12
Don't run next time when you see fierce dogs.
@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
3 Nov 12
I dread to think what would have happened if you didn't have the sea to run into, it doesn't bear to think about, I think you had a very very lucky escape, if you weren't near the sea those dogs would have attacked for sure, both you and your dogs were at risk for certain. My partner had a small dog so she was able to carry him when there other dogs around, so he wouldn't be attacked by other larger dogs.
@Cutie18f (9551)
• Philippines
3 Nov 12
It would have been a nightmare. Until now I could not imagine that it happened to us---a little funny but really scary experience.
@beamer88 (4259)
• Philippines
2 Nov 12
That was a bit terrifying. I get so worried if my dog gets into a fight with another. But getting into a fight with several dogs, I dread the thought. I also carried my dog once when he almost got into a fight with a dog twice his size. I know we shouldn't hit dogs with sticks, but I guess some kind of paternal instinct came out and I had to protect my dog like I would if it were my son.
@Cutie18f (9551)
• Philippines
3 Nov 12
Yes, we do our best to protect our pets. We seem to be protective of them.
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
2 Nov 12
Oh man, poor dogs. I love dogs. I always walk mine here. But we have so many street dogs here. I end of carrying her most of the way. Like you did its to keep the other dogs from fighting with her. Have a great day.
@Cutie18f (9551)
• Philippines
3 Nov 12
Hi Maria! Small dogs can't stand walking long distances, I heard, so you get to carry them.
@Sindelle (824)
• United States
3 Nov 12
Unless your dogs were swimmers I bet they were freaking out. I had a somewhat similar experience with my dog. She is a toy breed weighting only 4lbs. I was out one night walking her in the grass near my apartment when two dogs out of nowhere went after her. Apparently the man in the apartment near where I was standing doesn't feel the need to adhere to leash laws. I picked up my dog and ran as fast as I could. I also have a medical condition and it hurts very much to run but I couldn't let anything happen to my little doggy. I'm guessing they were stray dogs. I can't imagine that many idiots letting their dogs run loose. That's crazy that they followed you into the water lol.
@Cutie18f (9551)
• Philippines
3 Nov 12
The reason why we ran to the sea was because we thought they would stop from following us. It turned out that these dogs live there and they are used to swimming in the sea. It was a good thing they stopped following us when we were heading away from the place.
2 Nov 12
dogs mans bestfriends .
@Cutie18f (9551)
• Philippines
3 Nov 12
So true Sha.
@riyauro (6421)
• India
2 Nov 12
oh my goodness cutie, that was crazy yeah..haha. i mean you had no choice and that was the fastest you could do. I am glad you saved yourself. if i was in your case I would not know what to do because i do not know to swim . hahah... Thanks for sharing and have a wonderful day ahead.
@Cutie18f (9551)
• Philippines
3 Nov 12
Hi Riya! I can't swim myself but I just went to the deepest part of the sea and started going away from those dogs.