so sad

@cormiera (278)
United States
November 2, 2012 1:19pm CST
hey guys im back i guess well i guess ill get right to it my uncle died the other day he was 34 he was like my second dad and an older brother to me. He had had a stroke from what the doctors said and im having a really hard time but we have buried my great grandpa about 6 months ago so we are still trying to recover finacially and we might not have enought money to cremate him and we dont want to let his body go to some creepy place ware they are going to treat him like a lab rat so any donations are much apreciated plz no jokes or fake offers this is not a scam as some are but plz let me know any little bit helps :( thank you so much
2 responses
@Metatronik (6199)
• Pasay, Philippines
3 Nov 12
Sorry to hear that he is so young for him to die. It is so sad when a good person die too soon especially if you are close to him.
@cormiera (278)
• United States
3 Nov 12
yes we were reaally really really close :(
@subhojit10 (7375)
• India
2 Nov 12
Thanks a ton for posting this discussion. Well i can understand your feelings and how u must be feeling now after loosing your uncle who was so close to u. It is such a disappointing and a depressing moment when u loose your loved ones at such an early age. i know u guys are running short of money and want to leave no stone unturned to cremate your uncle and i am sure u will succeed in raising funds for him. All the best from my said and may his soul rest in peace. What say?
@cormiera (278)
• United States
2 Nov 12
thank you so much and i appreciate it soo very much and no he was more than an uncle to me like i said he was my protector and the one i talked to when things werent going so well for me we were like brother and sister really since we were so close in age but i can not put into words how good of a person he was