what is life?

November 2, 2012 4:04pm CST
Life is beautiful full of unexpected trials, hardship, challenges, problems and of course surprises. It will never be forever happiness. Life must started in sorrow first before gaining real happiness. We must pass the test for us to step on the next stage of our life. We should resolve our problem first before making any decisions. We must face failure in order for us to become successful.
2 responses
3 Nov 12
When we are happy, we can feel that life is beautiful. Someone can feel happy when things that he or she dream of is come true, or when our heart and mind feel peace.
@robspeakman (1700)
2 Nov 12
Life is nothing but a state of being - We like to belive that life has some meaning or purpose, but does it honestly? You die and are remembered by your children, If you are lucky then your grandchildren will remember you. After that you become a half remember faded name on a gravestone... I am a realist, but I do know why others cling to the hope that all this means something - I would imagine that life would seem pointless to some if it all meant nothingl