Does knowing the truth stop you from eating certain things?

United States
November 4, 2012 4:30pm CST
I think ignorance truly is bliss. I was just reading an article about ingredients found in fast food.. and I may never eat fast food again! Did you know they actually clean beef patties, like the ones served at McDonald's and Burger King with ammonia gas? The FDA has approved this, and what's more, the FDA has said that it's okay to hide this fact from consumers! Read more here: I needed to stop eating fast food anyway.. it's way too expensive!
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20 responses
@mr_pearl (5018)
• India
4 Nov 12
Hi... I know the disadvantages of fast food... And I don't take much interest in it, unless I want change of taste... Whatever it maybe, I prefer healthy food, like green vegetables, or simply prepared chicken or meat... Bread is must.. Here in India, we can't go without chapatis or rotis.. They're commonly made using wheat... Talking of fast food... I love KFC chicken... I used to be a fan of McDonalds, but now they've come up with the most lame inventions...
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@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
5 Nov 12
Really? with McDonald's? Man! It is my all-time favorite fast food restaurant for the past 30 years! Well, I am not sure if it can really stop me from eating their food. Besides, if their food is FDA approved, them it is safe to eat whatever food they are serving.
• United States
5 Nov 12
Being FDA approved doesn't make it safe. The FDA has approved things that have killed people.
• United States
5 Nov 12
Because there's not enough ammonia gas in the burgers to kill anybody.. doesn't make it safe or healthy and shouldn't make you want to eat it.
@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
5 Nov 12
I also read somewhere that Macdonald Milkshaves contain wood shavings, but that didn't put me off drinking the delicious milkshakes they have, I don't eat fast food to be honest, mind you I hardly ever eat out, I am always worried that if I am served a meal and it's not right and they take it away they will spit in it, oh yeah I've seen and read about the tricks that waiters and chefs do if someone complains about their food, now that does put me off eating out. Sometimes ignorance is bliss. My friend asked me round for dinner once and cooked me a meal she didn't tell me what it was, and I tucked in, it was only when she said how did you like the squid that I went green and rushed to the toilet!
• United States
5 Nov 12
My husband will make me milkshakes at home.. healthier and cheaper!
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
5 Nov 12
Well there are alot of things I wouldn't eat if I knew more about them...but on the other hand I know how they decaffinate coffee etc and I still drink it....I think fast food is getting very expensive take my granddaughter out to McDonalds every other Tuesday for supper and for just the two of us....its more then it's worth.
• United States
5 Nov 12
Oh don't tell me about the coffee.. I love coffee and can't imagine giving it up even if they told me it would kill me! Fast food though.. I think I was just looking for more reasons to give it up. It's bad enough that it's so expensive! I've found that McDonald's is probably the most expensive fast food place. We spend far less going elsewhere. Not to mention, for slightly more than you pay for McD's you could almost go to a real restaurant like Denny's or Applebee's.. though maybe not as much fun for your granddaughter. How about for a switch you guys do a picnic at a playground instead on nice days.. or get some cheaper fast food to go, like maybe Subway cause it's healthier, then go elsewhere like playground, movie, arcade... just some thoughts.
@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
5 Nov 12
We ate fast food twice a day as we had no power from the hurricane. Ony the fast food places had their own generator. I honestly do not want to eat fast food again ever. KFC was the worse and then Burger King. No I did not know this information but I am trying to change my diet. My friend has just been diagnised with stage 4 cancer in her lung and she is still in her early 50's. No health care and no money either so am beginning tomorrow to get a group of people together to do some fund raising for her. I hope never to eat fast food again and hope that my family will stop too. Thanks Kat for the info. I feel
• United States
5 Nov 12
Sorry about your friend. I'm glad other than losing power that everything else is okay with you. Could have been worse.. I'm definitely going to try to not eat fast food anymore.. not just for health reasons but for money too. It's cheaper to go to the store and buy the stuff to make burgers at home, and they usually taste better too.
• Singapore
5 Nov 12
What? Ammonia gas used on beef? Is that safe? I think I will not go to McD or Burger King ever again. That is truly disgusting.
• United States
5 Nov 12
I don't think it's just those 2 chains.. I think it's most fast food places that serve beef.
• United States
8 Nov 12
Yes there are alot of things in fast food and or processed food. That next to cost is why we don't eat it very much. I wish I could afford to go organic, but I do my best with what I can get my family to eat that isn't processed. You want something to really get you moving watch Food Inc or the documentary on the guy who lived on Mc Donalds for like a month straight. Eye opening!
@Blondie2222 (28611)
• United States
5 Nov 12
There's a lot of things that fast food places do to make their food that we consumers don't know and will never find out. I never eat fast food much anymore maybe once a month if I'm lucky. It's really bad for you and high in calories that you don't need, I rather cook my own food and know it is prepared in a safe place and is good to eat. I have a friend though that will eat fast food just about every day and that's not good either. Some people go way overboard.
@jaiho2009 (39142)
• Philippines
5 Nov 12
Wow, this is very alarming. Imagine the small kids who started eating/patronizing hamburgers from fastfoods since they aged 5 and once they turned 25- still eating the same hamburger with ammonia... how much damaged it caused them now?...
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
7 Nov 12
I truly agree with you that I do think that ignorance is bliss. You see, right now I'm reading a book that is a fictional book but many of the aspects of the book are based on the truth and after reading what I've read, it has actually made me consider giving up meat all together. I think that my life was a lot happier before I knew of the rates of contamination in meats that happen and that the USDA and FDA allow to get through.
@katie0 (5203)
• Japan
4 Nov 12
Certainly, that's why IM VEGAN. When I saw the video of the cow and pig being slaughtered and find out there was such a thing as not needing milk, eggs and meat in my diet I turned vegan overnight. I thought it was the least descent thing to do as I love animals. I believed in what the majority said that we need to kill them to eat. It's not true.
• United States
5 Nov 12
Well some animals eat other animals, even in nature. We are an animal. That's how I see it. To each their own.. I'm not knocking you for being vegan.. but it's not my lifestyle choice and we should all be allowed to choose for ourselves.
@besweet (9859)
• Ireland
4 Nov 12
Yes, I am trying to eat as healthy as possible. Sometimes I eat fast food but I avoid big chains like mac donald's. I think that local stores that have their own kitchen make fast food a bit healthier because they buy their own ingredients. In any casr fast food has a lot of fat and it's better for everyone to minimize the times they take food that's pre-cooked and full of unknown ingredients that are used to preserve the taste. It's also known that those meals don't have the vitamines that home made meals offer to us so it is better to prepare something fast at home even if it's not our best choice, than take out from a fast food.
• United States
5 Nov 12
That is true and I'm going to start eating at home more often.
@leeandrew (1225)
• Philippines
7 Nov 12
Hubby's sister works at mcdonald and because of my curiosity I asked her about it. She said she doesn't know co's they never do such things. I told her that of course they would not do it there in their store but their manufacturer. Well, I don't really care about what's in there as long as I don't eat it often. Plus I really love mcdonalds burger.
@xhanne009 (108)
• Philippines
6 Nov 12
Same as hotdogs and coffee. I stop eating hotdog and drinking coffee after knowing they're from some worms and some cats feces.
@stk40m (1119)
• Koeln, Germany
4 Nov 12
* as for meat, yes. Defininately yes. As for sweets, no! Unfortunately I sometimes can't resist while I should!! ammonia gas is also in our urine. It's very penetrative and corrosive. However, as far as I know it is not toxic in low concentration and inhaled in very low concentration I think it even helps to clear one's throat but I'm not sure about that. I don't eat at McDonalds/ Burger King because of *
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
5 Nov 12
Most foods are bad for us in someway or another. So if we knew the truth about all of them, we might starve. Sometimes Its better not to know what sin something. Thanks for the great post. Have a good one.
@gilz20 (12)
• Philippines
5 Nov 12
I agree with you.Before,I felt happiness everytime that we my family will plan to eat at the fast food chain.But at the time that i am studying at college,I am shock that not only FDA had added to the food but also they are injecting some chemicals to the ckicken so that they will grow fast.I know behind this is business because the one planning on it is just purely thinking about business even without thinking the side effects to they have done.So i think not only ignorance is truly bliss because even those people who can not afford to go fast food chain is bliss too because they are not expose to those chemicals that being added to the food.
@ungu89 (1999)
• Malaysia
5 Nov 12
everyone know that fast food is not good for health,yet why they still enjoying it. it just due to our life style today, everything need to be done faster. if not u will be left behind. im also being eating a lot of fast food during my study, but after i graduate, i realize of that unhealthy habit i have. i start to change slowly
@franseman (516)
• Philippines
5 Nov 12
Healthy food is very important. People eat unhealthy as much as they can and when they get sick they cry big crocodile tears. D'OHHHHH. It's well known that processed foods contain lots of sickmakers and yet people keep on eating them. I can't understand it!
5 Nov 12
People should be really responsible on what food they take, most of us knew fast foods are not healthy, rich with cholesterol. Might as well choose whats best for the health