Jillian Michaels work out .. ouch!

November 18, 2012 8:14pm CST
I've not been working out for a month.. Still figuring out what kind of workout that I am going to do. Today I start my regime, by trying the Jillian Michaels dvd. OMG she really kicks out hard! She has so much creativity in workout, combination of movements, that really works the muscle and burns more calories. It's not just a simple squat, should press, tricep dips. She knows how to make the workout harder. I love her workouts. Is there any particular workout that you like?
2 responses
• Philippines
19 Nov 12
Pilates - Pilates is a physical fitness system developed in the early 20th century by Joseph Pilates and popular in Germany, the UK and the US
Personally, whenever I get stagnant and without exercise for some weeks, I dont jump into heavy workout right away. I do jogging for the first 2 days and then do pilates. That is the most effective form of work out for me especially when I run before and after each session.
• Canada
20 Nov 12
I can not exercise today. Everything hurts. I can't bend down, because my back hurts. I walk funny, because my thigh hurts. I learn a lesson.
@jalucia (1431)
• United States
19 Nov 12
Well, I don't like Jillian Micheals' personality. It doesn't work for me. She is so unnescessarily harsh. I'd probably take anyone over her.
• Canada
19 Nov 12
I know she is harsh. But it's the workout that I am after. Sorry if you dont like her. Many other instructors dvd (I have a lot), they are just pretty basic movement. No variety and boring. I view her harsh tone as an encouragement to try harder. As long as the workout is good, I am ok. Leslie Sansone, the walkout pounds, her voice is so annoying and no innovation, just walking. Denise Austin is another one, I hate her voice squicking, and her workout is so basic. I donate my Leslie Sansone and Denise Austin workout dvd to library. If the workout is good, then I can still do it, by muting the sound. But since the workout is useless, I just give it away.