I got alot of sleep but still so sleepy and tired..

November 21, 2012 5:08pm CST
I don't know why but im so sick when I wake up. I had a good night rest but when I wake up my body is so weak. I can't sleep anymore but my eyes are teary. Have you had the same experiences? What did you do about it?
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5 responses
@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
21 Nov 12
Your body calls for it but your mind said "enough". Yes, you need to sleep more. If you had a goodnight rest you wont be feeling that. Go back and sleep again. It is needed.
• Philippines
21 Nov 12
My head don't let me sleep anymore. I tried but I just roll around my bed for 30 mins. So I got up and mylot.
21 Nov 12
i have the same thing.. it is awful i went to the docters and they did some tests but could not find what was wrong so they gave me some tablets which do not work so i went back and they said i just have to wait for it too stop:(
• Philippines
21 Nov 12
That is really awful if the doctor can't find any cure for something. Maybe they are not really good at it.
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
21 Nov 12
I have read where people say you can get to much sleep.. maybe thats what has happened to you.
• Philippines
21 Nov 12
Im used to sleep 4 to 5 hours but today I got around 6 hours of sleep
@cgicale (137)
• Philippines
21 Nov 12
Hi arreolabryan, I have similar experiences before. We'll you really have to go to you doctor and have a check up. Maybe you're developing some sickness or you might just be stressed out. Just make sure you get enough sleep, like for me, enough is 8 hours, any sleep more or less than 3 hours I don't really feel good. I won't feel very active and sometimes gets a headeache. So to be safe visit your doctor.
• Philippines
21 Nov 12
Thanks for the advice, I will try to shake this one of for a couple of hours and if I still feel sick I'll try to see a doctor. Maybe your right Im just stressed out.
@AkamaruKei (5219)
• Malaysia
22 Nov 12
I think you should check to doctor. Maybe you have some problem.