Review Writing Sites?

@Nero11 (316)
November 26, 2012 6:52am CST
I'm wondering how many review writing sites there are out there that accept previously published content. I know of 3 that you can submit content to that has been previously published elsewhere on the net (both are reviewed in my blog under my profile) but wondering whether anyone had any suggestions for any others? So... that's sites that don't require unique content like, e.g, hub pages do.
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6 responses
@swats89 (1729)
• India
26 Nov 12
Hi. I know site wikinut and Do check the site. They both are paying. Cheers.
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@Nero11 (316)
26 Nov 12
Great, thanks. Will check those out...
@Manasha (2730)
• Pondicherry, India
26 Nov 12
what is the minimum payout there?
@sreekutty (1051)
• India
26 Nov 12
publishus has no minimum but it is not worth the effort because the admin keeps lowering our earnings. Knoji is a review site now but original content- they are paying from $50 to $200 for each consumer review, try it. I am not a reviewer but go through the offer.
@bhelle76 (353)
• Canada
26 Nov 12
I am a member of those wikinut but not active. I did not even try to make one article. In my opinion, it's better to stick here at mylot, than to waste our time finding another site.
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• United States
2 Jan 13
Wow, that is great earnings. Can I ask what sites you are currently working in addition to myLot. I would like to add to my earnings too!
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@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
28 Nov 12
I've never really done any review writing because that is just something that doesn't seem all that interesting to me. However, it does seem to me that most of the writing sites are moving in the direction of only having exclusive content and I actually do think that this is a great idea. The reason that I think that it is a good idea is because of the fact that you will actually make more money overall if the content is exclusive as opposed to republishing the same work time and time again with different sites.
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• Philippines
10 Dec 12
I don’t know if writing sites such as reviews would put up an article or content that is already published somewhere else’s where since some writing sites claim to have restrictions pertaining submitted contents. But if someone here has knowledge about it, then it’s better to start putting more knowledge about this discussion.
• United States
2 Jan 13
It depends upon the terms of the site. Some sites will let you post a blurb with a link for articles and other content on the web. I have read articles that say there are a view sites that let you post a review that you have published somewhere else on the web. I do think that the majority of sites want original content.
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• United States
6 Jan 13
MotleyFool is a financial site that pays $50-100 per article. Also, if you know how to do SEO content writing, you can do well at Textbroker and ContentCurrent. Both offer writing team opportunities, which pay even more. It's possible to make $200 a week at Content Current, once you make their writing team. At that point, you can claim more articles at once, a week's worth, and make more money that way.
• India
28 Nov 12
So can we post which are duplicated some where else? I dont know about this
• United States
2 Jan 13
I have heard of this strategy, but I do not think it is the most ethical. It is one thing if you are promoting a review that you wrote to take an excerpt from it, and link to the review that you have written. Just compying and pasting it from site to site does not sound that ethical. It would be one thing if you re-wrote a review that you posted else where on the internet that had some similarities but was not word for word identical.
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