are you good at remembering names, or faces?

@Cutie18f (9551)
November 26, 2012 7:41am CST
I can quickly remember faces. When I meet people who I have met many years ago, I could easily place the face, remember that once we have met somewhere. However, I am quite poor when it comes to remembering names. I sometimes have difficulty reconciling faces with names. Some people can easily remember names while it is easier for me to remember faces. How about you?
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36 responses
@victorywp (3524)
• United States
27 Nov 12
hi Cutie18f, i can easily remember faces and the character of the person, and i think i am really good at it. i even can recognise people whom i have not met for more than 20 years and those who put on thick make-ups. i think the only time i would missed maybe is if the person had gone through some major plastic surgeries on their faces. but i still can recognise him/her by their character if persists. LOL! and i am quite good in remembering names too, just that it was not as good as for me to remember faces.
@leeandrew (1225)
• Philippines
26 Nov 12
I can remember faces too but definitely not the name. Sometimes some there are some people that would smile at me and I smile back and wonder what's their name, there was this one time too when a long time not seen friend I met somewhere, I cannot introduce hubby co's I forgot her name. So bad of me. Sometimes... I still remember the name but totally forgot how they look like. hahahaha.
@Cutie18f (9551)
• Philippines
27 Nov 12
He, remind me of myself at times.
@Cutie18f (9551)
• Philippines
5 Dec 12
Really? Then you better eat those foods which they say will help you with your memory.
@leeandrew (1225)
• Philippines
28 Nov 12
I undergo a major operation four years ago, and friends told me that I might suffer some memory loss. SO now when I can't remember something, I don't pushed myself remembering it co's it might be just an effect of the medicines that was given to me when I got operated. When friends talked about things I forget the terms, I just pretend I knew it and tried to avoid to comment.
@sajujohn (1005)
• India
26 Nov 12
Yeah, my case is also similar to you. I can easily remember people's face but am really bad at remebering their names. Some times really it will happen that even I will forget the names of friends whom I meet daily for a few seconds and you know how embarassing that situations may be. Also at this time I remember one of my college professors who used to remember evreything what he have talked with him/her from their fisrt meeting itself. I really admire him for this reason. Also he gave me one tip for remembering the names; when you are talking to him/her always try speak that person by calling their name.
@Cutie18f (9551)
• Philippines
28 Nov 12
Okay, maybe I should do that next time Saj.
@beamer88 (4259)
• Philippines
26 Nov 12
There was a time I was good in both. Nowadays, it seems that my memory is fading a bit. There were several occasions wherein I really had difficulty remembering the name of people I know, and it had put me in an awkward position when these things happen. But at least I'm still able to recall faces. It's a lot better than not recalling a the name and face of someone at all
@Cutie18f (9551)
• Philippines
27 Nov 12
We are really similar that way, Beamer. At least, it is better than not remembering anything. LOL
@ankitbhat (269)
• India
26 Nov 12
it is hard for me to remember names and faces specially. i have noticed one thing in me that whenever i try too hard to remember names and faces i just cannot but when i am easy about it not trying too hard ..each and every name strikes in my mind
@Cutie18f (9551)
• Philippines
3 Dec 12
Good one, Ankit, just take it easy each time.
• India
26 Nov 12
I am basically quite good at both, but to a fair extent in a sense that I haven't talked to that person or known that person that much in earlier times, that's where I have the chance of forgetting their names but their face I will never forget :L
@Cutie18f (9551)
• Philippines
1 Dec 12
We're the same Acoustic!
@dpk262006 (58676)
• Delhi, India
26 Nov 12
I face the same problem and I forget the names. I could recall a person's face if I've met her/him earlier, but many a times his/her name slips my mind. Any idea how to remember names?
@Cutie18f (9551)
• Philippines
27 Nov 12
Hi Dp! I don't know. That's a hard thing for me. LOL
28 Nov 12
Me,yes I am bless of remembering names of people that I have encountered. Even today I cold still remember my grade school and all subjects college teacher.
@WakeUpKitty (8694)
• Netherlands
1 Dec 12
No I am not. My problem is that most people (blond people mostly) do look exactly the same to me. An other reason probably is I am not that interested in what people do look like. I observe behaviour/whole appearance way more as the face. I am also more fixated on the sound of the voice, the emotions in it. If it comes to names I can mostly only remember them if I hear them plus saw the way you have to write them.
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
26 Nov 12
I real bad at names... I sometimes know I know someone but cant remember who they are. Im not old, but its just me.
@Cutie18f (9551)
• Philippines
26 Nov 12
Hi Maria. Yeah, some people are just like that.
@hlfbldmom (743)
• Philippines
26 Nov 12
I am actually good in remembering both names and faces. Especially when I talked to that person from before. I actually remembered all the names and faces of my kindergarten classmate while most of them don't remember my name.
@Cutie18f (9551)
• Philippines
26 Nov 12
Wow, HLF. You are one of a kind.
@betty1989 (751)
• China
26 Nov 12
it is easy for me to remember both name and face. just remember some special characteristic
@Cutie18f (9551)
• Philippines
26 Nov 12
I need to do that next time Betty. Thanks.
@ZoeJoy (1392)
• United States
4 Dec 12
I can not remember names. I have to see the name on paper and even, write out the name myself before I will remember that name. I do remember faces but then, can't place where I have seen that person before. I know what can help to remember a name is when you are introduced to that person, and that person tells you his/her name. Repeat their name back to them and then, say that name quietly to yourself several times. I know that has helped me to remember names.
• Singapore
3 Dec 12
To me, I can easily remember their faces but not their names if I didn't meet them too often as well. I use my phone to help me with that. Adding their phone numbers,particulars and their picture to aid my memory. Hope this helps:)
@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
27 Nov 12
Me too I have problems remembering names specially when It is just introduce to me once. But I'm very much familiar in remembering faces I can even tell where we met first andsometimes it is embarrasing that I know them only from their faces.
@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
28 Nov 12
To connect a name to the face, try to note some outstanding feature that connects the two, the more outlandish the better. For example, if the ladies name is Mary Butcher, and she looks like someone butchered her hair, there is the connection. If part of the name can be remembered, the other part will us usually follow shortly.
@cerebellum (3863)
• United States
27 Nov 12
I am like you, I can remember the face but not the name. If it is someone I went to school with, I have a friend that can remember the names and what the person wore and everything so I ask her.
• Philippines
27 Nov 12
I am the same. I am good at remembering faces, but I cannot say the same about remembering people's names. Whenever I see a familiar face, and then I couldn't remember their names, I try my best to avoid that person. That way, we save one another from an embarrassing situation.
• Philippines
27 Nov 12
I am more on faces than names. I dont know why but I easily remember faces than names. Maybe it's more easy to memorize faces than names.
• Changzhou, China
28 Nov 12
Unfortunately, i have a bad memory to remember the name, face even the directions of the road. The point is i am just in early twenties but with such a poor memory.I dunt know why, and how to solve this problem, dear friends ?