provide for the responsibility as women household

December 5, 2012 6:30am CST
I have a friend a neighbor who was married and had three children, she was a woman working in the office but was not her husband.Stay at home few brother of her husband. She often thought the she should not feed but its should be her husband responsiblity
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4 responses
@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
5 Dec 12
Yes, it is not her responsibility to feed her husband and his brother in laws. That's not fair. She is just responsible to feed her children and herself. Hmm.. her husband is too insensitive. Maybe he is doing that on purpose. such a man!
@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
7 Dec 12
this may be difficult but she can try talking to her husband of what responsibilities she is taking which is not actually hers. Or ask what the husband and his brother's plans. Do they have any plans to find a job? this getting across the message that "I am not supporting you and your brother for a lifetime." I just hope that she will have the courage to tell this.
• Indonesia
7 Dec 12
so what she should to do
• Philippines
5 Dec 12
Oh, that's really too much for her. I am also providing for my husband and our son. I'm glad they are only my sole responsibility.
• Indonesia
7 Dec 12
how lucy you are unfortunatelly shes not
1 person likes this
• Philippines
10 Dec 12
You are right. I am thankful that my situation is better than the situation of other people. I can just pray for their success so that even they have a lot of responsibilities, they can still able to provide for all of them.
@jaiho2009 (39142)
• Philippines
6 Dec 12
Wow, this is really sad. How come her husband is relying on her. Imagine they have 3 children already- and it's not her obligation to fed her brothers in law. What kind of people are they?
• Indonesia
7 Dec 12
sometimes few people facing problem they dont want it happened
@subhojit10 (7375)
• India
5 Dec 12
thanks a ton for sharing this discussion. Well yes if a woman is working and is taking care of her children then it becomes too difficult for her to manage both the things. Now if her husband is staying at her then at least it should be his responsibility to take care of his children and this should happen naturally and no one should say this to him. I think whatever she said was absolutely correct, at least he should take care of his children as long as his wife is out for work. What say?
• Indonesia
7 Dec 12
yes because her husban stil young and strong phsycally