
December 9, 2012 6:52am CST
Hi all :) This post might get too personal and I am not sure if this might get deleted. I wanted to talk about memories..a vital thing of our lives, that stays with us, deep in our heart, in our souls, and in our mind....forever unless we try to remove it. My Dad left us when i was 13-14 years old(i was in 7th standard), diabetes took him away in spite of the various treatments and dialysis. All i have now are some moments I spent with him...hitting mango trees in my native for a Rs.500 bet i had with him(And i won it and he gave me that money), he teaching me to cycle through streets and i was like i will never stop unless i reach home after learning proper...and some memories of him teaching me to draw, to maths, etc..but the weird thing is I purposely created some memories of me being with him,during 'that' time as i could not bear the pain of losing him..months back before he left, he made me promise i should not cry when he leaves, and that pain was horrible..people were literally talking behind my back 'Why isn't that kid crying?' and i could hear them well..all were crying except me..and i somehow managed to wipe off just a tear before it came out of my eye while watching his body... :( Do you have anything to share..your memories...good or bad?
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8 responses
• Philippines
9 Dec 12
Thanks for sharing. It's good to hear that you had good memories with your father. My father passed away more than nine years ago. He was so strict father. I didn't experience much. LOL. I didn't learn to ride a bicycle, swim, dance, etc. He didn't allow us to go out of the house after 5pm and he didn't give his permission if there were birthday parties, etc. to attend to. I remember good memories though. I guess when I was still young. We often go to the place where I am working now. He didn't want me to study in that city because it's a bit dangerous to travel there because of rockslides or landslides during rainy season. I could just remember strolling around the park and going to some tourist spots in the city. Oh, I couldn't think much now. All I remember are the bad things. LOL. Good or bad they're still memories. If my dad wasn't strict maybe, I'm not the person I am now. Congratulations to him because he was able to raise his daughter well. LOL. I won't forget all the things I've learned from him. He's still the best dad for me. Happy mylotting.
• India
9 Dec 12
Thanks for sharing your memories with us. my Dad was strict too and dad's like them are responsible for making us what we are right now in this world...hadn't we got dads like them, i cannot even imagine how i would have been...maybe a spoiled kid :(
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• Philippines
10 Dec 12
Oh, you're right. If our fathers weren't strict, maybe we couldn't stand in our own now. Thanks to them because they brought us up as good citizens. You're welcome. It's my pleasure to respond here.
• India
10 Dec 12
Hmm..i guess that's how fathers should be..they know it well to mask their love with strictness..
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@shaqziad (655)
• Malaysia
10 Dec 12
Memories, especially with someone important to us, is what bind us together. I want to salute you for respecting the promise with your late dad. It must be painful when those people talks behind your back, but left them alone. They didn't know that promise. Be happy, because the promise belongs only to you. For me, i haven't lost a close family member yet, and i'm grateful for that.
• India
10 Dec 12
Thanks for the response and the salute. I feel great. I hope nothing bad happens with your life
@shaqziad (655)
• Malaysia
11 Dec 12
Your welcome. Same goes to you. Life always can be bad, but let's try searching for the silver lining.
• India
11 Dec 12
Hmm..yeah let's all wait for the silver lining of our lives and lets have fun
@justhere (229)
• United States
10 Dec 12
Sad memories stick in our minds, and the happy one's fad away. I guess that the sad memories leave a hared impact on us than the happy one's. But when one think back they become happy again, and wish for those days again. I did not cry with my mom or dad passing, I don't know why, I guess I knew that they were not suffering anymore and was okay with them going on.
• India
11 Dec 12 were strong so you did not cry..maybe.Yes you are right that we forget the happy moments because sad moments leave a huge impact..
@franseman (516)
• Philippines
10 Dec 12
Memories are the best things we have and we should treasure them Nobody can take them away. My parents passed away more than 20 years ago but I can still hear their voices and often I'm reminded of things they told and taught me. Today I had to throw away many records because termites ate the covers and thus demolished the records. It was a collcetion I worked on for over 40 years. I was very proud of it. And now it's gone!! Yes it hurts me and no, I'm not angry or in distress because I know I had it once and the memory is something I will carry with me till my time has come. When I left Holland I had to leave many thing behind. But I always keep in mind: I had to go on without my parents. So are those possessions more important? NO! And my memories will always be with me, wherever I may go.
• India
10 Dec 12
Good response friend. I liked your concept about memories. Thanks a lot.
• Philippines
10 Dec 12
"Memory is a way of holding onto things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose". My friend, it just shows how much you really love your father. Don't be afraid to cry. Each tear defines your love towards your father. It's just that you were you when you're with him and you haven't get over yet with the memories you have with him. He was a father you were once afraid to lose. You're such a charming child.
• India
10 Dec 12
Welcome to mylot. Maybe you are right..
• India
12 Dec 12
Yeah so true. I will keep him alive inside me.
• Philippines
12 Dec 12
Thank you my friend. Everyone has its own memories, may it be wonderful, sad, painful, etc. What's wonderful with those painful memories is they already belong to the past, though they leave a scar, it just reminds that a wound has been healed. In your case, you're missing your father so badly. You will get over soon.
@mbud80 (115)
• Indonesia
11 Dec 12
sometimes people just see the surface and shallow. They just want to see what they want to see, like they want see you cry and you don't, so they start make a judgement to you. Just ignore that I have memories too. It's remain in my heart although it's beem 12 years and I guess will be forever. Yars ago, I have lover. I love her so much but someday in the end of years she got accident and it took her life. Till now I hate December
• India
12 Dec 12
Thanks for sharing.i agree with you.It would have been so painful for you that time. Hats off!
• India
12 Dec 12
Why did you stop visits? What's wrong in that?
@mbud80 (115)
• Indonesia
12 Dec 12
It's so horrible. From that momment, every new year I went to her grave, bring hear a sun flower. She like that flower. But I decided to let it go, I don't visit her grave this last two years but still, memories about her always in my heart
@ctryhnny (3460)
• United States
9 Dec 12
At my age memories is all I have to keep myself sane. My Dad passed over 20 years ago and there isn't a day I don't think of him and the fun we had. Right now I'm remembering how he loved singing Christmas Carols at Christmas time. When I was in HS he would take me and my friends to a local lake for swimming. My Mom passed away 4 years ago this New Years day. She was 84 and we were very close. We weren't close until she got on in age then we did everything together. She loved shopping and going to the Casinos to gamble. It's funny but I'm the oldest of 3 and I remember having a wonderful life growing up but my siblings say we didn't and I don't know why.
• India
9 Dec 12
Thanks for your response friend. You know what, i feel good to hear about you. I mean what all have you said, maybe i will create another memory of swimming in the lake and all that..Yes!! Now i remember, in my native, i had went with my Dad to swim. I did not know to swim and he took me by his waist and i was like floating on top of the water.. Thanks a lot friend...for making me remember that moment...there was no need of a fake memory after all..Thanks a ton! :')
@Life11211 (452)
• India
9 Dec 12
That's really sad to hear about your dad, it brought tears to my eyes. The best thing before leaving he taken promise as not to cry, i understand how difficult it would for you to control your tears, may be they are not visible to others, but your heart is crying very badly that time.
• India
9 Dec 12
Thanks friend , but as others said and replied, let us pay respects to all of them who had the worst part of their life and which in turn helped them to be what they are today.. Thanks friend...i feel good...i hope others too..
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