can it happen!!!!!

@ungu89 (1999)
December 9, 2012 6:34pm CST
cannot sleep!!! make me remember it. haha. one of my dreams maybe. that will never happen!!!! haha... but, why happen if the dream came true?????????? i wish, there is no money to used to anything. have ever imagine it. we still working. still the same. the worker still making the food, drink, shelter, house, all that work . in return we still can have that. even how much is it. why there is money to do with the trade. hate it. how can the first person get the idea of making money. it just a paper!!! hahaha... so,that why it is impossible my dream to be true. just in my sleep.
5 responses
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
11 Dec 12
There was once a time where the world did operate without money. However, living in the global society that we live in, I don't think that it would be possible in this day and age. The main reason that I don't think that it would be possible is because it would be impossible to always carry the goods that we need with us to be able to trade for other things that we would need.
@ungu89 (1999)
• Malaysia
11 Dec 12
i know what u mean, the barter system. what i mean is, everyone playing their own role everyone as their role, farmer, worker, all that kind. when come to buying u know u just take what u need, not being greedy. maybe it can work. but with human behavior today. all that jealousy, greedy , this dream cannot become reality. huhu
• Philippines
10 Dec 12
Yeah... It is a dream of course but only God can tell if there will be a chance in this lifetime that it will happen. Money is just a paper just as what you are saying and that paper is what we need everyday. And if ever it will happen then that is the time that surely God will allow.
@ungu89 (1999)
• Malaysia
10 Dec 12
errmmm, yes, we never know what might happen in future
@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
10 Dec 12
Money makes the world go round ... Money is made from paper yet it is one of the most sought after item in this world. It make the world economy run in order. It enable us to get all the goods and services needed. It motivates us, it enable us to accumulate wealth. Money is like honey, the more the sweeter. May money visit and stay with me always .
@ungu89 (1999)
• Malaysia
10 Dec 12
the more is sweet. but to have many also can be trouble to us. huhu it just a dream that will never be true
@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
10 Dec 12
Yes, indeed it is just a paper.. but, it is how life goes. We need this paper to survive and to exist in the world. Without this paper, we can not live. This paper motivates people to work, however, this paper leads people to do crimes, too. Yes, this is just a paper, but everyone wants to have this paper in the pocket. There are these things even the olden times, in forms of metals, like gold, silver and bronze. Now it is cheaper to produce paper than metals, so people dwell on paper instead. No money? hmmm.. that will be an ideal philosophy. But I couldn't imagine myself paying a public transportation using a dozen of eggs... and as change the driver will give me two onions. I can't imagine myself, after the work, I need to bring home, 2 kilos of pork, 5 kilos of chicken, a sack of potatoes, 3 pcs of garlic. LOL. I would need a truck as vehicle then. If there will be no paper money, I could have a house full of rotten potatoes and tomatoes. Stinky smell. LOL and waste of effort and energy to teach because all the payment has turned into garbage. I think that's the essence of the "paper". If i don't need potatoes, I will not just buy it, and I will buy what I need instead.
@ungu89 (1999)
• Malaysia
10 Dec 12
haha, yes, i get what u mean. but what i'm think is, if there is no barter system at all. u do your work, like example u give. u go to work. the driver is still the driver. the farmer is still a farmer. everyone has their own part. when to supermarket, u just take as u need to used, not being greedy, taking so many thing but waste them later.
10 Dec 12
Money in paper form is for convenience. During the olden times, people get paid by SALT. Yes Salt... Just like Table Salt of these days, and you know what? This is where the word Salary is derived. People work and they get paid in salt. Can you imagine dear ungu89 how it would feel or look or whatever, if we bring our salt to shop? We bring a bucket of salt to buy a cellphone... hahahaa, just for fun... :-))
@ungu89 (1999)
• Malaysia
10 Dec 12
hahaha... if we still can used it, everyone can have the new technology one. everyone can have ipad with the latest version. hahaha... i know before this we used barter system. because it not really convenient . like u said, if change salt with cow for instant. hahaha.. person get the cow is lucky compare to one that get salt. hahaha