Good discussions for good earnings

December 12, 2012 9:25pm CST
It is really hard to think for a good and unique discussions that will capture every member's interest. I posted several discussions but only few of them got the interest of many. Having a good discussion is one wya to earn more. By having many responses, you will get a chance to comment on each response thus giving you the opprotunity to post comments making you earn more. In my case, when I got lots of response to my discussion I can earn as much as $0.25 in just few hours a day. But take note that you need to response to your discussion because even it was the best discussion that will earn hundreds of response, you will never earn from it unless you make quality comments on the response. Remember, you earn here in mylot by your own participation. Good day mylotters.
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12 responses
@allknowing (130538)
• India
13 Dec 12
Every time we post a topic we expect a flood of responses but that is not the case. It is so unpredictable. I have had from 80 to zero responses!
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@Devilova (5392)
• Indonesia
13 Dec 12
Just try to ask a simple question or share a problem that people will get interested involved with. Choose the right interest to place it under. Even that isn't a guarantee, but sometime it's work for me.
@allknowing (130538)
• India
13 Dec 12
@..... -Raja I have had better blockbusters than that! - I think two or three of them! @Devil....Yes. Even then there is no guarantee that users will flock to respond
• Philippines
13 Dec 12
It really depends on the interest of other members. I see some discussions that are really flooded with response but it seems not interesting to me. It really depends on the interest of individuals.
• Philippines
13 Dec 12
There are times when I just want to read the discussions and not comment. I only post comments on discussions I am interested in. I don't know about any of the myLotters here, but I noticed that there are hours when there are no good discussions. It's usually in the afternoon where I have to scan for hours and cannot find a good one.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
13 Dec 12
Same here. Before I never used to post my discussion and just made some response. However, there are days that for more than an hour, there are no good discussions that will catch my interest.
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
13 Dec 12
hi asdomencil you a re so right its really a good way to earn well making comments back to the responses you get on your discussion . I spent several hours tonight getting caught up on making comments to the responses I got on my latest discussion.It was a whimsical discussion and I g ess people enjoyed it too.
@Devilova (5392)
• Indonesia
13 Dec 12
Yes Hatley mam, when there is no discussion that interested me. I prefer to check my recent discussion and or try to create a new one. @raja I notice that you aren't active for a whole week. What happen?
@Devilova (5392)
• Indonesia
13 Dec 12
Yes Hatley mam, when there is no discussion that interested me. I prefer to check my recent discussion and or try to create a new one. @raja I notice that you aren't active for a whole week. What happen?
• Philippines
14 Dec 12
It is really hard to think of a discussion that will catch the interest of other. When I got one, I am very happy to see that there are many response to the one I created.
@surekharathi (14146)
• India
13 Dec 12
You are right not easy to capture the interest of every person on our discussion. Same is with me post lots of good discussions but only get more responses on few discussion but you are wrong good discussions means good earning because if discussion is good but we not comment back then no earning. Mylot paying is depend on overall participation of full day and quality based discussions and response so we cant say only good discussions means good earning.
• Philippines
13 Dec 12
That is what I am talking about. Of course you need to make participation in your discussions too not only to earn but to keep the discussion running. Just like what you said, you will never earn form a good discussion you made if you don't participate. On the other hand, having a good discussion that will catch the interest of many will be an opportunity to earn more after commenting on their response.
@prashu228 (37525)
• India
13 Dec 12
I agree surekha overall quality participation is necessary for good earning.
@ARIES1973 (11426)
• Legaspi, Philippines
13 Dec 12
Regarding choosing of which topic to write about, I think members will most likely open a discussion if it is about strategies on how to gain additional income. That is my personal opinion. Yes, you are right that even if our discussion get hundreds of response if we will not make quality comments, the topic we had started will not give us full benefit. that is why I am trying my best to make a quality reply on those who exerted their effort in making a response to my discussions. Have a nice day!
@Devilova (5392)
• Indonesia
13 Dec 12
@aries you right sis, usually I make a respond based on the comments that I have received. The more quality I got, the more I try to give it back.
• Philippines
14 Dec 12
I agree to both of you. Makign quality comments on the response that has a substance is one way to show appreciation to them. However, there are some response that for tha sake of participation they will write what they want which in turn, I will not make any effort to think what I will comment on that. Good day!
@franseman (516)
• Philippines
13 Dec 12
Well, here got a good one! But it's true, I too started s few discussions where i got only a few reponds. Others were doing slightly better. Also I noticed a MyLotter who starts at least 10 discussions a day. Well.....discussions: a lot about really nothing. Personally I don't like that. I only start a discussion when I think it can be of importance to others. Or at least can be interesting. But starting a discussion like "shall i have beans or cabbage for dinner" is something i would NEVER do.
• Philippines
13 Dec 12
I agree with you. I also noticed that there are many mylotters that keeps on posting what is happening to them in a daily basis making this site like a social network posting updates about them. I never did that too. Most discussions I made are based on my experience and observations but I need to think that it will be interesting to others.
@cobalt20 (1318)
• Philippines
13 Dec 12
Having a good discussions is just a bonus for us. I have created some good discussions and I am very thankful that they responded well. I do not really expect 100 responses but I really appreciate those who participate my discussions. Good discussions can be readable and understandable. We should always participzte here.
• Philippines
14 Dec 12
Same here, I never expect to get tons of response in every discussion because it is really unpredictable due to different interest of individual. I am really glad to see if some of my discussions have 10 or 20 responses. Furthermore, seeing my discussion in today's top is a great achievement for me which makes me inspire to think of more interesting topics to discuss.
@Devilova (5392)
• Indonesia
13 Dec 12
The more quality you have got, the more quality you will try to give. That usually I try to give on my discussions. Just pick the right interest to start your discussion, share a simple but meaningfull thread. in my primary interest to make a discussion, cause I will got comments not only from my friendlist but also from others. Some of them are newbie, seem that this interest is the favorite for newbies.
• Philippines
14 Dec 12
I agree with you. I also observed that there are some interest having the same "name". In this case, one trick I can share which I usually did is to check the number in parenthesis meaning the number of mylotters with such interest. The bigger the number the greater chances of having many response because there are many members that can read your discussion in that particular topic or interest.
• Valdosta, Georgia
13 Dec 12
I try to post discussions most people can relate to... Not a lot of only speaking to one kind of people. That seems to get a lot of responses, I get a lot of responses most of the time. It is a good way to earn here, the more we write the more we earn you are right about that! =)
• Philippines
14 Dec 12
Youa re right, the more we participate here, the more chances of earning. Like what you said we need to think of discussion that many can relate to in order to get many response that you comment on.
@prashu228 (37525)
• India
13 Dec 12
yes i understood this very well. when ever i start any discussion i make it a point that i respond to every comment. I feel its my duty too , because people have taken time to make my discussion worth. we will have good earnings as well.
• Philippines
13 Dec 12
In my case, it I don't feel that it is my duty to respond but a respect and showing appreciation for those who make response on your discussion. Of course, another way of earning.
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
13 Dec 12
I have really liked many of your discusions here... just keep posting them, I will be happy. have a great day there. Almost weekend again.
• Philippines
14 Dec 12
Thanks for appreciation on my discussions. As much as I want to keep posting here in mylot, it is really hard to think something that will catch the interest of others.
@ads5rmb (62)
• China
13 Dec 12
i do not get any good discussion here.
• Philippines
14 Dec 12
If youa re talking about your discussions, better keep on think some ideas based on your experience and observations that could catch interest of others and your discussion will be good enough. Good day!