people who cheat

United States
December 18, 2012 6:28pm CST
ok everyone. all the guys and girls out there who think its "cool" to cheat. i dont agree one bit, why bother being with the person if your going to go behind there back and do things that will hurt them? can anyone PLEASE answer this?
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5 responses
• United States
9 Feb 13
I don't think it's cool to cheat, either. In my opinion, some people do it because they always think the grass is greener on the other side. Some cheat for the simple rush it gives them. Some people cheat simply because they do not have in them what it takes to stay in a monogamous relationship.
@katie0 (5203)
• Japan
20 Dec 12
That's for sure, there's nothing cool in lack of carachter and honor. Cheating are for cowards, we must face the other and respect and be selfless enough to realize that although we don't love them anymore we have no right to just jump into another adventure. We must at least say that we are no longer together, the way we must.
@berting600 (3453)
• Philippines
19 Dec 12
You maybe right not to go with the person whom you say is a cheater,yet if this could be your better half.Would you still say that you just leave behind her doing to cheat you again.Of course you would revenge against her by filling a separation complaint and also file a case against her and her lover of concubinage and adultery,so that both of them could be put to prison and that you could be paid by them,and you would automatically become single again,without any court hearings,that is in the name of our existing laws.
• United States
19 Dec 12
Sometimes people are not using their heads when they decide to try something new. I am not saying it is right at all. if they are grown they choose to live with what they do in life.
@Iriene88 (5343)
• Malaysia
19 Dec 12
It is no 'cool' at all! They did not realise how hurt it is to the victim. They will know how it feels when the same thing is done upon them. Avoid these people at all cost.