have you ever thought to put yourself into a plastic surgery?

@alilin28 (1527)
December 19, 2012 10:11am CST
Nowdays is pretty common that women submit ourselves into a plastic surgery, to be prettier and feel good. Have you ever feel that you have to do one of them? any kind of surgery. I would like to do a breast surgery, Im very young, but I would like to do it on future. what about you? have a nice day
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4 responses
@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
19 Dec 12
oh yes, If I will have the money and time for the procedure.... I will.. if the procedure will make me look better, why not enjoy the benefit of science. Now, I don't have money so I can't go on with it and besides I am at my blooming years still. maybe if I get older.
@alilin28 (1527)
• Uruguay
20 Dec 12
haha your are wonderful! thanks for sharing
@deazil (4730)
• United States
20 Dec 12
"blooming years"????? Okay.
2 people like this
@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
20 Dec 12
hahaha believe, me I look awful when I was younger.. hahahaha.. now this is better than before.... PHALLISSSS... don't question, Miss Deazil. Amendment No. 5... (I have learned from Mr. Grinch.)
@sylvia13 (1850)
• Nelson Bay, Australia
19 Dec 12
I don't mind going to the ophthalmologist and I do go to the gynaecologist when I have to, but other than that, I would certainly not go into any surgery, be it plastic or not! One has to remember that all surgery has a risk involved, so I rather stay exactly like I am!!
@alilin28 (1527)
• Uruguay
20 Dec 12
thats okay, you take care for your health. thanks for sharing. have a nice day!
@funfreak2k2 (1734)
• India
19 Dec 12
I am against plastic surgeries. I just love the way I am and I never want to have a surgery unnecessarily. After all, my body is how God has shaped it.
@alilin28 (1527)
• Uruguay
20 Dec 12
thats good, all of us have different points of you, and its okay to share with us that point. thanks for sharing.
• United States
19 Dec 12
No there is nothing wrong wit my body. I love me just the way I am. I hope one day soon more people can love themselves like this.