Is MyLot a habit with you?

@Emvy548 (387)
December 25, 2012 11:55am CST
In my journey with MyLot I have found that it becomes a habit with you over the course of time. I remember when I signed up four years ago I had made a couple of posts and then forgot about it. It was only after I came across an interesting article about MyLot ( that I came back and became a permanent part of MyLot. I come here regularly to read so many interesting posts and make my own posts. Have you also made MyLot a part of your routine?
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24 responses
@dollar3235 (2062)
• India
25 Dec 12
Yes, Emvy548, even I joined myLot thinking that it's a money earning website where you type your comments and earn money but with time, my attitude towards myLot is changed, there are days when I only read discussions. I like to be anonymous so this is the perfect place for me and the other good thing is, here you'll find all the type of people they can discuss on anything and provide you insight of the subject so it's an awesome platform where you can spend your time and learn and earn at the same time.
@Emvy548 (387)
• India
25 Dec 12
Hi dollar3235 - The wide variety of topics keeps you engaged and entertained. If you have a question and don't know who to ask you can post it on MyLot and you can be sure to get responses unlike many other sites where questions go unanswered.
• India
25 Dec 12
It's not only about getting answer of questions. It also helps when you are happy, sad or confused. You share your feeling and you will find people here who have already been in those shoes and they will tell you how to handle such situations. It's really good place to be. It's simple and effective..
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@syramoon (654)
• United States
25 Dec 12
For awhile Mylot was a big habit of mine and then life intervened and decided to get yucky. It still is, but seeing today is a holiday I decided to give myself a much needed break and just chat on Mylot. I'm hoping it will help me to feel better. I'm also hoping that I can work it back into my routine. I missed Mylot a lot!
@Emvy548 (387)
• India
25 Dec 12
Hi syramoon - Good to see you back anyway and I do hope you are able to spare time to be with us here.
@deiusz (193)
• Indonesia
26 Dec 12
i new here and i dont see any facility for 'chat' that you said, is that you mean is like this? in my mind mylot is the same as forum but with more people here because so wide field here that i can see, if in forum we know more specific about something, in mylot is more than that. or chat thats you mean is like on yahoo messanger? or line? thats what i called as chat facility.. :)
@MoonGypsy (4606)
• United States
25 Dec 12
i go into phases with mylot. i must say, for the last couple of months i've been checking in every time i log into my computer, and throughout the day. sometimes it gets pretty quiet on here, though. i love when it's live and people are on to post alot.
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@Emvy548 (387)
• India
26 Dec 12
Hi MoonGypsy - Good to see that you are around most of the time.
@anklesmash (1412)
25 Dec 12
My lot has definitely become part of my day to day life.Though I don't have a particular time scheduled to post on my lot.I just tend to post whenever I have the time and inclination to do so.Though generally I do a couple of hours in the evening on my pad in front of the Television and during the day I post from my phone whenever I have a free five minutes it's a productive way to spend my free time.But my lot has definitely become part of my life as whenever I am not doing anything I instinctively check my lot.
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@Emvy548 (387)
• India
26 Dec 12
Hi anklesmash - That is a good way of making idle time more productive - by logging into MyLot and participating in the discussions! It becomes a part of life before you realize it.
@iva75cpb (729)
• Bulgaria
25 Dec 12
Well, it's come and go for me, I must admit that. But every time I return back to MyLot after month of absence, it becomes not only a habit, but an obsession. Sometimes Mylot is all that I do all day once I find interesting topics and discussions to write and talk about. Obviously there are many people here like me who enjoy discussing on various topics and finding new friends. MyLot is kind of the first social network I signed up years ago and I don't think I will be sorry for this.
@Emvy548 (387)
• India
26 Dec 12
Hi iva75cpb - Good to know that you visit MyLot even after many years. MyLot is really a true obsession.
• Valdosta, Georgia
25 Dec 12
MyLot is my addiction. I absolutely love being here and I would hate to be without it! I think most people that come here and give it a chance become addicted to it. =-) I am more addicted to MyLot than any other site on the internet! Lol.
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@Emvy548 (387)
• India
26 Dec 12
Hi LovingMyBabies - Yes, MyLot is indeed an addiction, but a good addiction nevertheless. I too agree that it is more addictive than any other site on the internet.
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
25 Dec 12
I consider mylot my second home as mylotting has become a habitual affair for me the moment I log in to the net. I spend most of my time here entertaining myself reading the interesting topics and interacting with friends via my responses to their discussions.
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@Emvy548 (387)
• India
25 Dec 12
Hi zandi458 - Yes, you make many friends here on MyLot who become so dear to you. In fact it is your friends, their messages and posts that bring you back again and again.
@kimbers867 (2539)
• United States
25 Dec 12
Thanks for sharing the article. I have gotten very lax in coming out to mylot but one of my resolutions for 2013 is to come out and visit and contribute to at least one discussion a day.
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@Emvy548 (387)
• India
25 Dec 12
Hi kimbers867 - Good to know that you have include MyLot in one of your New Year Resolutions! I hope you are able to contribute even more in 2013. I also wish you as well as all those who have posted here and everyone who reads our discussion a Very Merry Christmas and a great New Year ahead!
@TeamCholent (2832)
• United States
25 Dec 12
I myself just like to come and post from time to time and share my experience and wisdom with others and bash those who don't agree On a serious note the site is a cool way to spend a few minutes and learn some new stuff and also share my experience where possible. I think the revenue is a cool factor but people shouldn't make it the focus here(if they d they don't tend to last long)
@Emvy548 (387)
• India
25 Dec 12
Hi TeamCholent - How true! Revenue is secondary and what is important is what you post. If you post good content and do so regularly, money will follow.
@nezavisima (7408)
• Bulgaria
26 Dec 12
definitely part of my daily life. each time I sit down to write here and I get angry. I think this is a big part of my life if I did not go to work. nice day! Merry Christmas!
@bluespygirl (2112)
• Philippines
27 Dec 12
I can't end my day too without logging in myLot. That is why when my internet connection is so slow, then I can't log in here in myLot, I was annoyed. I feel that my day isn't complete without myLotting. MyLot is like part of daily routine already. It is one of the few sites that I log in whenever I can. Happy Holidays! Advance Happy New Year too.
@lifes97 (884)
• United Arab Emirates
26 Dec 12
no sure not i do not like to be addict to any thing, that is not good, and that is not really something to addect to , that is not really healthy, nice to spend time here but not habit or addict to it. at all.
@jeetking (190)
26 Dec 12
That nice.I also visit mylot when I surf the internet.
@Admin1993 (628)
• India
26 Dec 12
I have just joines mylot to earn money as i'm disabled.I am a newbie here and i love reading post more than responding.
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@cobalt20 (1318)
• Philippines
26 Dec 12
Oh. yYou are tryly welcome here. You are now part of Mylot community.
@AmbiePam (87819)
• United States
26 Dec 12
I used to be addicted to it when I first signed up years and years ago. Now I enjoy it, but I don't spend nearly as much time on here as I used to.
@jricky1 (6800)
• China
26 Dec 12
I feel like i'm addicting to mylot.This is my everyday habbit to do.I check my discussions and also responses from email box.Well if there are some problems that i can't use it anymore then i would be really upset.So maybe everyone here thinks the same as me.
@ryanong (9665)
• Vietnam
26 Dec 12
I used to be addicted to mylot since i spent much time for reading and posting discussions but right now i am not. i am a bit busy and i can't connect to mylot long time as previous time also. However i still like mylot, i always try to connect to mylot whenever i can.
@smilemoon (766)
• United Arab Emirates
26 Dec 12
It is really cool and nice to spend time and moments here in mylot even if you stay away of for a long time. You miss it sometimes and come back to share nice thoughts with people. It is useful to make discussions with others. Have a nice moments here. Keep in touch.
@Suziecha (89)
• China
26 Dec 12
I am sorry to say that mylot is not yet a habit with you now. I signed up the web for half a year. In the early time, it's really a habit. Recently, there're some reasons why I didn't login. But, I think mylot is good for my English and I can learn more knowledge. I would like to form the habit. Haha.
@Angelpink (4034)
• Philippines
26 Dec 12
Yes , Mylot is a good habit of mine . Though i am so busy with my other schedule or not , i am really logging in here every single day. So fun to be here , i enjoyed and i becomes so productive. So bless have bumped this site.