MadAdsMedia Legit?

MadAdsMedia - i'm searching for alternative to adsense and I saw this, is this legit? MadAdsMedia
@tech40 (23128)
December 30, 2012 7:10am CST
Hi guys im searching for Alternative for Adsense then I saw this MadAdsMedia, have you tried this? 1000 Impression = $0.92 does anyone get paid from this? Can you recommend me an alternative to adsense that can give me enough money to support myself,
1 response
• India
30 Dec 12
Try chitika if you are getting good traffic from US,UK,CA etc. Recently I got paid by Chitika. But it took some time to reach minimum threshold as my blog's most traffic is from India.
@tech40 (23128)
• Philippines
30 Dec 12
yeah, I looked on chitika an hour ago, but i dont have traffic on US UK CA, more on Asia area .