Buying a pirated dvd movie........

January 2, 2013 8:22am CST
Not sure how long this has been going on in Mexico. But the last week here, Ive seen many in the streets selling pirated dvd movies for just 1.00. Now here in Mexico new dvd movies are very expensive some over 20.00 each. My brother bought 10 pirated dvd movies yesterday for just 10.00. The cost of just 1 or 2 in the store. Is this right? He like me , only watches a movie once or twice at the most. Would you feel bad buying these? He says he isnt, as if he doesnt buy them, the next guy will. He is right.
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29 responses
• China
2 Jan 13
Although the pirated DVDs are forbidden in china,there are still a lot of people selling and buying them.I have done it before,and I found there was no difference from the legal copy,and the price is much more lower.Maybe that is the mainly reason that people tend to buy the pirated ones.
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• Mexico
2 Jan 13
really, I never was aware of this business here. My brother told me there are alot of these people selling inside mex. city. I guess just now they have come outside here. Have a great day there. See yaaaa
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• India
2 Jan 13
Hi maria. I dont buy dvds from the streets. But I do watch pirated movies downloaded from the torrent. And if a movie is good I go to watch it on the movie theaters. However I remember buying those pirated dvds when I was very small. But now with internet connections I think everyone prefers downloading them online instead free of cost. Anyways have a nice day ... -=SuperShames=-
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• Mexico
2 Jan 13
I see, maybe thats also how the copy them? As some of these movies are not even out on dvd here yet. Im new to this. Have a great day there....
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• Mexico
6 Jan 13
really? so thats how they get them? I saw some the quality isnt bad at all. Pictures was good, the sound was ok, hope you have a great day there...
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• India
6 Jan 13
Hi maria. Well someone goes to the movie hall and records the movie. And then uploads them on internet. Others download it from the internet and then copy them on to the DVDs. And that is how they make their business almost free of cost...
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@narthan (325)
• India
2 Jan 13
Selling Pirated DVDs/CDs of a newly launched movies are even more common in the streets of India. What I don't understand is though the law prevents from selling pirated things how are these people able to sell in the heart of a city without even having the fear of being areested!!! This is a good example of corruption level. Well buying a pirated DVD/CD is certainly wrong considering the effort and money the movie producers shell in. I think it our duty(with a little of courtesy) to encourage the movie makers. We can expect a better movie next time only when we encourage them by buying original DVD/CD or by watching them in the theatres. Even though if you buy a pirated DVD in the worst case do make it a point to buy the original DVD if you liked the movie. Regards, Narthan
@narthan (325)
• India
2 Jan 13
That happens in India too... People meant to protect law itself go wrong:-D Aren't we staying in a weird world??
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• Mexico
2 Jan 13
we sure are, when politicians and policemen do more wrong than the normal person, its bad...
• Mexico
2 Jan 13
funny, Ive never really seen it here in mexico. Just at xmas time I did. Now they are out here every single day. Funny thing is, we have a police sun station in front of my home. i saw the cops buying movies there yesterday.
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@mdorki (125)
• Germany
2 Jan 13
I personally wouldn't buy them. I do not consider it immoral, just not worth it. There are a lot of places online one can watch stuff for free, often legally and one day soon, most of those movies will appear on one TV channel or the other anyway.
• Mexico
2 Jan 13
true, but these guy were even selling movies that came out in theaters last month here....
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• Mexico
2 Jan 13
Narthan,, your right there.
@neelia27 (896)
• Philippines
2 Jan 13
Going to cinemas to watched movies is now more can you blame people who buys pirated dvd in such a cheap in the philippines you can buy it for less than a dollar.. though government does everything to banished the piracy in the philippines still there's a lot of vendors selling it.. I do watched pirated dvd because I can't afford going to cinemas to watched all the movies I wanted to see..
• Mexico
2 Jan 13
I agree, what I cant understand is how do they have movies on fake dvs already? some havent come out on dvds yet...
• China
2 Jan 13
In my area,I have also seen someone who sold the copy DVD with cheap price in the street.But I think the quality is not bad actually,but I seldom buy it not coz it is illegal,but coz I usually watch the movies online,so it is unncessary to buy it
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• Mexico
2 Jan 13
yes my brother said that, but he said if you are going to watch just once or twice they are ok. Sure alot cheaper than paying 8.00-20.00 per movie here. Take care there.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
4 Jan 13
This is a hard call. Pirating movies is theft and buying them steals from the owners of the movie rights. That said, DVDs are mass produced and way too expensive as I see it. I'm guilty of copying movies that my daughter has bought and we have copied some of mine for her. I don't buy new movies because they are too dear. I only pay $2 or $5 dollars or maybe a bit more if I really want the movie. I have over 200 DVDs and some of them I have watched several times. In the days of videos, I often taped a movie from the TV.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
4 Jan 13
I had the idea that they somehow capture the airwaves when the movies are shown or something. They do it from boats at sea. I'm probably imagining things though because I still don't see how it's possible.
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• Mexico
4 Jan 13
Yes, I also tapes shows and movies off the tv, I cant figure out how they get their hands on movies that arent even out on dvd yet. And copy those....
• Mexico
5 Jan 13
you might be right.. I saw the guy today he had dvd for sale, from movies in theaters here now. Have a good weekend there...
@lady1993 (27225)
• Philippines
5 Jan 13
That is a big issue here in our country... The government has been trying to fight this, pirated stuff being sold on the streets, but it is really hard since many people buy it, since it is very cheap and sometimes the quality is good too. And you don't have to wait such a long time to watch the movie, and it's cheaper than a movie ticket.
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@lady1993 (27225)
• Philippines
7 Jan 13
We do have a rule about that here- and the penalty is quite high- for buyers and sellers.. It is just not implemented well in our part, but in the center of our country, it is implemented better. I don't know what i'd do without pirated stuff though...
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• Mexico
7 Jan 13
I looked here we dont, I even saw the guy selling to the police at the sub station by my home. One guy bought like 20 dvds. Have a great day there.
• Mexico
6 Jan 13
I think they need laws here as well, I talked to people inside our city.. they say they sell them everywhere. Even xbox and play station games are faked here as well.
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
3 Jan 13
We would be saving a lot of money if we buy pirated cds. However, this is illegal. And also, do not think we will be having quality movies to enjoy watching with if we allow piracy to take over coz the movie companies are losing a lot of dollars because of this. And if the movie companies fail to earn, they would not be able to put together new good movies in the future.
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• Mexico
3 Jan 13
Im sure its ilegal say in usa. But here in Mexico the laws are very different. I cant find a law against it here.
• Mexico
4 Jan 13
Jenny.... I think thats it. Also maybe its just got started here. As Ive never seen pirated dvds and games sold till now..
• Philippines
3 Jan 13
Hi Maria, We have all these pirated dvd around here in my country. It's been here for a long time I could remember. It wasn't that popular before but people think it's more practical rather than buying those original CDs when in fact you just need to watch a movie once except if you really like that movie though. I bought it and I am not guilty. I don't want to be guilty.
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• Philippines
3 Jan 13
I am actually from the philippines...and there's a variety in here...
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• Mexico
3 Jan 13
really? I never saw them in usa, and just started to see them here. But my brother says they are all over the downtown area here. Have a great day there....
• Mexico
3 Jan 13
I guess they are here as well, I just never saw them here.
@echoforever (5180)
• United States
3 Jan 13
I bought a pirated movie in San Francisco that I think was brouht from Mexico and I got it for only $5. The sound was messed up though.
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• United States
4 Jan 13
Well then awesome, get some near to free movies, i would!
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• Mexico
3 Jan 13
oh no. My brother said he has bought them for years here 1.00 each. Only had a few that were bad.
• Mexico
7 Jan 13
he says they arent the best quality.. but the 3 he gave me so far... I could nt tell that they had copied them...
@tech40 (23128)
• Philippines
3 Jan 13
Just watch a movie though internet, or called livestream it is free, you may also a download a movie if you want, almost all of the resources regarding on movies are all on the internet, if you are interested then try to search, there is tons of movies out there, and some of them are blu-ray
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• Mexico
3 Jan 13
Ive really never done that. Are there really good free sites to see movies at?
@tech40 (23128)
• Philippines
3 Jan 13
Yep, you may use torrent to find good video quality,
• Malaysia
3 Jan 13
Yeah i see download movie from internet is better than we buy pirated dvd. Some have quality hd and quality sound.
@AkamaruKei (5219)
• Malaysia
3 Jan 13
Hmm at here a lot of seller selling pirated dvd. Even sometime they caught by police they still selling pirated dvd at other day. It is because most people at here like a cheap price. Original dvd is expensive that why people buy pirated dvd. But pirated dvd dont have a quality. Sometime I also buy pirated dvd. When i play in dvd player sometime it stuck and sound not clear.
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• Mexico
3 Jan 13
Its the first time Ive ever seen them here near my home. They even sold some to cops here.
@tech40 (23128)
• Philippines
3 Jan 13
But each pirated movies you bought, there is always an side effect, the sounds isnt clear, the substitle doesnt match with the voices, the movie is not so clear and sometimes some of them are not working or playing,
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• Malaysia
3 Jan 13
Yeah tech40 the subtitle not match it is so funny because the actor and actress in there say other things but translation subtitle is different. Maria at here this situation is very serious. Only a few people buy original dvd. A lot of pirated dvd selling but only a little original dvd selling. It is because a lot of customer want to buy pirated dvd that why pirated dvd still alive.
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• St. Peters, Missouri
3 Jan 13
I'm gonna go all computer ethics here. This is actually a major computer ethics question. Just because it's available and possible, can we download any picture off the Internet? What if the copyright symbol isn't there and it doesn't say copyrighted? Can I just take it then? Can I come to your blog, copy your blogs onto mine, and then call them mine? Pirating DVDs is illegal. I think everybody would agree with that. Therefore, buying pirated DVDs is contributing to illegal activity. The act of buying pirated DVDs may or may not be illegal in your location, but it should be considered the same as stealing. The DVDs were created to be sold. There are people that rely on the sale of the DVDs to live. We steal from these people every time we buy a pirated DVD.
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• Mexico
4 Jan 13
I agree with you 100 %, Im trying to figure out how these guys here, Have movies on dvd that arent even out on dvd yet...
• Mexico
3 Jan 13
I agree, but in a country like Mexico I can find no where where it say ilegall. It should be if its not.
• St. Peters, Missouri
4 Jan 13
In many places it's not illegal. But in all places, it's morally wrong.
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@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
4 Jan 13
On most of the dvds I buy, usually films they have a commercial right at the beginning say that piracy is a crime. But unless they can properly enforce it, there will always be pirated copies out there. But film industries make soooo much money, that pirating will not cause much of a dent in their profits. It depends on your conscience I suppose. DVDs are cheap enough, I usually wait till they have gone down in price, so I buy the legit copies. Ice Age 4 was £12 in the shops and they a good profit out of that, I want it but won't pay the full price, so just by waiting a couple of months, it will go down to £5, wait longer and it will come down to £3. Probably cheaper than the pirated versions!
• Mexico
5 Jan 13
I just looked at a spanish movie from here in mexico.. I dont see any warnings on the package. we need those laws here as well. Take care there.....
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
2 Jan 13
wow Maria if you bought pirated dvd movies here in the US and were caught you woui ld be fined as its illegal to buy either stolen orp iratec movies and tVS.I do not go there as I alwmost had to payu a find for downloaded music that was not to downloaded but I managed to tell them I had not idea they were not available to down load as the site clamied they were free and not under copuright .With me its just that I feel for the performers that are bilked out of their earningd from these pirates.
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
2 Jan 13
hi Maria I am fine a s I am taking a stronger seniors vitamin this witere.last year at this time I was so ill first I had a cold then the flu then bronchitis and I was coughing up blood so went to the doctor and found I had bronchial pneumonia so was put on super strong antibiotics and finally got rid of it.But this year I have not even had the sniffles sol I am hoping I will continye into the new Year feeling great.Did not sleep well last night so am sneaking back to bed this morning.
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• Mexico
2 Jan 13
I glad you found something better. its no fun being sick. Been there, done that so many times. Take care there. Hope to see you often here in 2013...
• Mexico
2 Jan 13
really? I dont think here in Mexico. As I saw the kid selling to the policemen here across the street at the school.How are you these days? Did you have a happy new years there?
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@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
3 Jan 13
There are also pirated ones here and it gets cheaper because the government is on the look out so i guess thats why they make it a whole lot cheaper lol.. costs us 40.00 and less per dvd
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• Mexico
3 Jan 13
I never really saw it here, till xmas time. We must have a new person sending those workers here to sell these movies. Have a great day there...
@Ambebe (42)
3 Jan 13
Honestly, piracy is never really good. It would take down the movie and music industry which is happening here in the Philippines. Movie makers are making movies when there's a special occassion like christmas or year end. There are very rare musical artist are making albums and no more talents to discover in terms of music. All are into good looks now and not pure talent. Piracy ruined everything.
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@Ambebe (42)
3 Jan 13
Yes many of us can not afford buying the original. BUt we should also think of the impact on it in the economy. Maybe you should try watching movies online. Hihihihi. You got a lot of movies and genres to choose from. (mind my spelling.) Happy new year. :)
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• Mexico
3 Jan 13
true, but like my brother said If we dont buy them, the next guy will. Same thing...
• Mexico
3 Jan 13
true, but maybe for the price people overlook the quality. A big difference form 1.00-15.00 per movie. Take care there....
• Philippines
7 Jan 13
Pirated DVD’s, CD’s and other media related goods is common here in my country, since I live here in the Philippines where it is the gate portal for trade in other parts of southeast Asia, commonly pirated goods are badly shipped in the country for black market trade. Although, authorities in my country did prepared strict implementation of pirate law, somehow they can’t stop the trade because some might have been confiscated and then released by government smugglers. Somehow, this industry is hurting the media industry most especially the media and computer industry mainly because in media: They sell pirated movie films and in computer: They sell pirated softwares. Although this is rampant, I wouldn’t buy such, mainly because I don’t want to be sued by authorities because I had purchased something that is fake and in low quality.
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• Mexico
7 Jan 13
really,, I never saw it her eoutside mexico. But in the more populated areas of the city.. I hear has been there along time.
• Philippines
7 Jan 13
It's been in the black market since early 1999 and 2000, it's just that in this new age, it's been really rampant.
@edvc77 (2140)
• Philippines
3 Jan 13
I don't mind other people buying a pirated cd. However, I prefer not to buy pirated cd's. It is not only a violation but also will cause damage to dvd player or to my computer. It's better to buy the original ones. Just a suggestion. :-)
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• Mexico
3 Jan 13
I understand that, I hear the quality isnt good on them. But for 1.00 each you get what you paid for. Have a great day there...