Shocked by my colleagues behavior

@hexebella (1136)
January 4, 2013 5:53am CST
It was our hosted NY eve party in our hotel/resort for in-house and walk-in guests with live entertainment, buffet dinner, open bar and dancing. Being one of the organizers we participated in the party after 22:30H when all guests are already settled. One of my colleagues whom I have known to have a very refined and polite behavior displayed his other side after intoxicated by alcohol. I was shocked to see him dancing like wild crazy and pulling each one of our other colleagues to the dance floor. He was also putting his arms around my female colleagues, touching the hair, kissing on the forehead as if they were close friends. He did not take advantage, he observed restrictions and respected the girls. However it was not his normal behavior. He became talkative, talking too much. We have a gap and we are on a non-speaking terms, only in cases that we have to talk and which is work-related. He also directed some conversations to me which I responded and pulled me on the dance floor during our group dance which he did to everybody like a kid playing. After the party, there were 4 of us left as he insisted that we finish the champagne in the bottle and have more fun. After an hour or so we managed to convince him that we will take the rest of the drinks to the reception which is around half kilometer away. He agreed to walk and he can not balance his body hence he leaned on me and I supported him with my arms on his back waist as i was trying to prevent his falling from zigzag walk. While walking he was talking a lot of things, like happiness, fun, enjoy the life, he even mentioned some things which we have discussed in the past before we had our cold war which I told him I was impressed as he remembered everything. The next day, I saw him in his business suit and he behaved as if nothing happened. He is again quiet, refined and looking like a dignified person in his business suit. I have been drunk in the past to the point that my friends have to carry me as i can not walk anymore but I was fully aware of what I was saying and doing. I have been analyzing his displayed behavior which was really shocking. On the other side it was funny but I also feel sorry for him as I think that he might have some frustrations, unhappiness, discontentment in his life. I would like to help him as I have been into reading and learning some self-help, motivational, personality development books and lessons but we were back to our cold war again.
1 response
@vernaC (1491)
• Romania
4 Jan 13
You are thinking to help him so why not try to make the first move? You can start in simple greetings like good morning, hi, hello and more, or you can smile at him. Cold wars will end if someone will start speaking up, then eventually you'd be able to talk with him about your intention to help.
@hexebella (1136)
• Philippines
5 Jan 13
Yup of course, and I already did that the next morning but I got an aloof behavior.....I was thinking if my analysis is right, I'm not a psychologist, I really don't know....I hope I could get inputs from mylotters