Today is my father's birthday...

January 6, 2013 7:39am CST
My husband and I have been thingking about how to celebrate my father's birthday these days.And we finally decided to eat out with my parents. It is the first time we celebrate his birthday after we got married.This evening we really had a good talk.I haven't talk with him like this since senor high school. I still remember the days when I was in senior high school.At that time,the classes ended at 10pm,and the school is far away from my home,so my father used to ride his bicycle took me home everyday.But we usually didn't say anything on the way home.It seemed there was a gap between us.And it lasted for years that we did not have too much to talk.But I know he loves me deeply.It is the slient father's love.
6 responses
@iva75cpb (729)
• Bulgaria
7 Jan 13
Never stop cherishish your parents. What you have decided to do is great. To me, it doesn't matter how big the birthday gift is, or whether there is a gift at all. The behavior, the respect you show, the small gestures and much more valuable than the most expensive present. Eating out with your paretns may be a good start to some renewed and beautiful relation between you and your father and I think it is more tha a great idea.
@iva75cpb (729)
• Bulgaria
7 Jan 13
Exactly, just open yourself and your heart to show them your love any way you can. Like I said, even the smallest gesture matters. For example, a simple phone call to see how they are doing is worth a lot more than a golden bracelet. Or a simple bouquet of flowers... Anything you can think of would do :)
• China
7 Jan 13
Yeah,we should show our parents our love to them.But I just do not know how to show my love.Our chinese usually hide our feelings in most cases,but I think we should open our heart to our parents.
7 Jan 13
we decided to celebrate of my father birthday in attractive manner .so i can do lot of thing on my father birthday. we are going outside in morning of my father birthday in last 5 years we can't celebrate my father birthday.
• China
7 Jan 13
Would you mind me asking why you can not celebrate your father's birthday?
@GreenMoo (11834)
7 Jan 13
what a lovely post Summer. there are so many tales of misery here on myLot that it's uplifting to read something about love and appreciation. I hope you have many more happy birthdays with your father. He sounds a lovely man.
• China
7 Jan 13
Yes,he is so lovely.I will celebrate every birthday with him.And I think people here need to post more happy things for us to share.
@Arieles (2473)
• United States
6 Jan 13
What a nice gesture, to share your Dad's birthday with all of us. Happy Birthday to your Dad. Father/daughter bonding time is always very nice. Wow! You had classes until 10pm? Where did you go to school?
• China
7 Jan 13
Thank you.I studied in china,the class ended late in most senior high schools.We need to attend to the college entrance exam which is a very important exam in everyone's life.We should study hard so that we can go to a better university.
@artauxeo (287)
• Philippines
6 Jan 13
send mylot's greetings to your father. happy birthday to him. now, i miss my dad. i should make a short call to him to know how he been lately. ^__^
• China
6 Jan 13
Thank you.Good wishes for your family.
@ZoeJoy (1392)
• United States
6 Jan 13
Birthday presents do NOT have to be things. They can be time spend together, going out to dinner sounds like a wonderful birthday present. Especially, since your relationship needs to be build up closer, which is what you would like. Perhaps, taking him out to dinner or for coffee or a walk in a park, etc. once a month for the rest of the year would also be a wonderful Birthday present. I wish that you and your Father can build up an even stronger bond, communication and relationship. Wishing your Father - Happy Birthday!
• China
7 Jan 13
Thank you.I really need to build up a closer relationship with him.Because of his busy work,we seldom have a chace to have a good talk,yesterday was really a wonderful time.Thank you for your suggestions,I will keep him company in the following days .