What you do after getting up from a weird dream?

January 7, 2013 1:24am CST
Hey guys, recently i saw a very weird dream where i was being chased by many hooligans and criminals since i saw their illegal activities. They wanted to end my life and while they were about to brutally attack me, i got up from my dream in panic. This is not the first time i have seen such a dream, i remember that i have seen this dream once before also but i had neglected it as a farce then. To be very honest i was very terrified the way i was being made to torture in the dream and it looked as if my life was in danger. But thankfully it was nothing but a dream and the moment i got up, i was a bit tensed but then i remembered God for a moment and consoled myself to forgot such things and move on. What are your thoughts on this? Have u ever seen such weird dreams? How would u have reacted in my place? Please do share your views!
5 responses
@prashu228 (37525)
• India
18 Jan 13
Hi subhojit When ever i get weird dreams , mostly i don't get up i will wake up in the morning early than all other day and i will start searching whether it is true or really a dream .If i don't get sleep after getting the dream i will sit for a while and if i don't get sleep then ill turn on the PC and i will start playing online games or chess ,i don't try to look at the clock .
@prashu228 (37525)
• India
19 Jan 13
yeah you got my point .It is better to stay calm and relaxed in any kind of situation whether it may be weird dream or a pleasant dream or for real .Staying relaxed is the key .
• India
19 Jan 13
Thanks a ton for your response. Well that is nice to hear that u do not get up panicking to the weird dream that u have seen in your dreams. I think it is better to stay calm and relaxed rather than screaming and panicking just as most of us do. It is also advisable to stay mum for a while and rethink about the dream and gauge whether it was a dream or a reality so that it does not take control over our emotions. What say?
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
19 Jan 13
To dream of being attacked means always exercise extreme caution for the next several weeks as this is first and foremost a warning dream. Keep safe!
• India
21 Jan 13
Thanks a ton for your valuable response. Yes u are absolutely right, no doubt we should not be too much superstitious about these stuffs but we should take it as a caution and should be aware of every thing that is happening around us. Even i hope nothing such stuff happens with me. U also stay safe! What say?
@doroffee (4222)
• Hungary
7 Jan 13
I usually sit on my bed with a blank stare for like half an hour and think. Or evaluate the dream... not necessarily because I believe in that they have meanings, but just think about it, and why I could have dreamt that. Also, I sometimes wake up with wet eyes, if I dream about something I shouldn't have dreamt of... like once, in my dream, one of my sweetest friends was evil, and I cried, because I don't understand why I event dreamt something like that.
• India
9 Jan 13
Thanks a ton for your valuable response. Well yes u are absolutely right, even i do some kind of introspection at times after getting up and try to recall what dreams i had dreamed last night and if they had any significance in my life or not. Well even sometimes i get up with wet eyes when i see something dreadful or scary or very intense in my dreams. What say?
@edvc77 (2140)
• Philippines
7 Jan 13
Some dreams are warning or have meanings however some are products of our unconscious minds. For example, if you often think of dangers or think of some crimes you have read or watch then it will go into your mind and will be released in your dreams. At times, when I had bad dreams, I often prayed for it sincerely and asked for protection. God Bless
• India
9 Jan 13
Thanks a ton for your valuable response. Yes u are absolutely right, since i watch TV a lot so may be any of their fight or chase sequences has etched deep into my mind. But believe me it was very scary and i did nothing but got up from the sleep. It was like as if i was being chased in real but thankfully it was just a dream and i prayed Lord that nothing such things should happen with me in the future. What say?
@GilMegans (241)
• Philippines
7 Jan 13
Usually people got a bad dream when they are thinking things that will attached too much to their feelings and emotions. A dream seems like a picture of our thoughts that will appears when we are sleeping. Many times I can encountered bad dreams wherein it almost makes myself out of the world. Those feelings when your mind is already awaken but your body will not respond to your mind to move along for you to wake up. Traditionally, folks says that after we out of that bad dream, we need to drink one glass of water and then invert our pillow for it will not be recurring anymore. I don't know if do you believed on such superstitious beliefs but frankly I do it oftentimes. Have you did it also?
• India
7 Jan 13
Thanks a ton for your valuable response. Well yes you are absolutely right sometimes dreams are attached to our emotions due to which we feel like as if it has happened in reality with us. Such bad dreams tends to take you to a different world which is scary for sure and that is the reason why we get up instantly. Well i am superstitious and have never heard about this before. If forks are saying then there must be some logic behind it also. I will try next time. Have you ever tried it? Did it work for you? What say?