One last discussion!

@Humbug25 (12540)
January 7, 2013 8:12am CST
Well everybody, I am really sad to say that I just can't keep up with mylot these days and so have decided to leave. If anybody would like to keep in touch with me then please send a pm with your email address or facebook address. Now to make this into a discussion, how many of you out there have actually deleted your account and come back later? Did you change your avatar and create a new name etc? Goodbye everyone xx
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15 responses
@hora_fugit (5862)
• India
7 Jan 13
Oh I would like so much to know what happened to make you leave mylot. Couldn't you just leave it here and come back later instead of creating a new is? As for your question, I never deleted my account here and somehow I feel I am one of few...
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@dawnald (85148)
• Shingle Springs, California
7 Jan 13
Aw now, why so final? Your account's not hurting anything. Why not leave it for when you do have time?
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@dawnald (85148)
• Shingle Springs, California
7 Jan 13
As for deleting his account here and coming back, talk to the lamb, he probably holds the record...
1 person likes this
• United States
7 Jan 13
Goodbye, sorry to see u go.Hope things are good w/u. take care.
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
7 Jan 13
i know that you have not been around for a long time but why leave? Just take a break and come back as you are just so missed by your friends
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@jaiho2009 (39142)
• Philippines
7 Jan 13
Do not delete this account. You can keep it here until you find time to come back. I also decided once to leave this site- but thanks to other mylotters/friends who showed me sincere care- I am still here , till now.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
7 Jan 13
Why you leave? For a new account? You can visit Mylot anytime in your free time isnt it? I am here since 2010 and even I am not participating in a discussion then I used mylot web search and discussion search to learn and to gather information about online works.
@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
17 Jan 13
I have never considered leaving here, as this is always a Great place to be. I do know though there are a lot of people here who have left, and come back as other nicks here. Some of them have always been Good friends of mine here as well. So if you really are gone now, I am wishing you the Best, and hope in time you will come back as myLot will always be a wonderful place to be.
@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
17 Jan 13
I hope you will reconsider dear friend, your account is always there for you, so if you do decide to come back, don't need to delete it. I have never deleted my account at Mylot, but I have had long periods where I have left Mylot, but I have always returned, for me Mylot is therapy, a place of support and people who care. Kind regards to you and your lovely family and I wish you all the very very best. Maybe one day I will see you back here.
@taheraa (1545)
• Giza, Egypt
7 Jan 13
There is no reason to leave this site, if a bit been busy these days, there is no objection to leave your account open and enter to it in any other time, allowing you time to do so. In any case, with our best wishes to you, and every success.
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@rocketj1 (6955)
• United States
7 Jan 13
Humbug!! I saw your notification and thought "Humbug! There you are!" I haven't seen a notification from you in ages. Sad to hear you are leaving. I'm rarely on mylot myself and I can understand where you are coming from. No, I've never deleted my account, but I have "disappeared" for long stretches of time. I see that we are still friends on fb, so this is not really goodbye, but you will still be missed around here! :)
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@jazzsue58 (2666)
9 Jan 13
To be honest I'm so damn peeved with this site I'm pretty close to shutting down operations myself. It seems the site has totally blocked me from opening any of the links on the scrolling banner above, or starting any new discussions on my interests. All I get is the "default.aspx" bit in the Mylot address bar and a blank screen! Life's too short to p*** around like this. Sorry for stealing your discuss to have a rant but this is the first bit of typing I've been able to do!!!
@rosekiss (30380)
• Eugene, Oregon
7 Jan 13
I have never deleted my account, as I knew I would come, and I kept the same avatar I have now. I could never think about leaving mylot permanently. It is just to much fun in here, and I don't want to miss out, and I wouldn't want to miss learning from others either, as that is what mylot is all about. I have done both since I have been here. take care, and have a good day.
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@sriroshan (2585)
• India
7 Jan 13
So far from the date I have joined here not even six month I have been here on come and go basis, that means when ever I am free and some holidays I spend more time on this site, other wise try to just log in here comment on two to three post and then close the net.
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@hereandthere (45651)
• Philippines
8 Jan 13
yes and yes. i do remember your username. i think mylot is manageable if you just respond to discussions, instead of creating them because you tend to feel guilty not being able to comment back to the responses. you can make mylot your homepage and default search engine so you can earn rewards now and then to add to your earnings, at the same time they're not forfeited for inactivity. take care.
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
8 Jan 13
hi humbug why not just leave for awhile then drop in occasionally instead. I loved your posts. I am an old stick in the mud and since I am retired and no job mylot has really saved my sanity as one can go bonkers staring at all four walls every day. b ut my trusty old computer and monitor help me with mylots help to be happy again even in a boring retirement center.