How many hours are you online?Do you feel boring working online.

January 9, 2013 12:42am CST
Hi people,i usually spend eight hours online,sometimes more.I fell very bored some day when i hardly earned nothing on that day.Spending acces time online is a very bad habit to me because from last 4months i became lazier and lazier.I fell very tired even if i get up from chair and also fell very sleepy this days as i'm spending my access time on internet. Do you think is it really a good habit to spend access time working online. Glad to hear your opinion mylotters..
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29 responses
@deazil (4730)
• United States
10 Jan 13
Hi Admin, how are you? Getting along good I hope. Yes, spending a lot of time on the computer will make us lazy and sleepy. It's very tiresome at times. I don't have any extra time but I get like that. I think everybody needs to take a break from the computer now and then. I usually get up and take a brisk walk to wake myself up and feel a little more energetic. I don't think being on the computer all the time is one of the best habits you could have but there are a lot worse ones. I guess the old rule about everything in moderation still holds true.
@deazil (4730)
• United States
10 Jan 13
I've been looking for a job (offline) for a long time and can't find one either. It's very discouraging. "I like to visit USA" you mean online? That's very interesting! Come back and tell me.
• India
11 Jan 13
Hey friend not from online,in reality if possible vecause i had already vivited USA from online.
• India
10 Jan 13
Hi friend,I am doing fine,(not in my real life).Because getting jobs these days has become not only difficult but also impossible due to overpopulation.Also there is no hope for me to get a jobs so i always online,getting some knoledges from here,learning english and time passes very soon than one expected. BTW you're right getting into PC and siiting whole day long is a bad habit. Any ways i like to visit USA before my daily sleep.
• Cleveland, Tennessee
9 Jan 13
I don't think it is a bad a habit to spend excess time online by trying to make some me it shows determination and the desire to succeed. At times I am online for up to 16 hours or more in a day, and I never get board. I may need to take a break off and on but I am never bored.
• Cleveland, Tennessee
9 Jan 13
Yes some times my body does complain. Then that's when I get up and take a break from what I'm doing. At this present time I'm 57 years old. Now household moving which is where my background is in Transportation and Warehousing, that's what I can't do anymore.By the way I just love your profile picture because it fits as you give out your words of wisdom.
@deazil (4730)
• United States
10 Jan 13
Berardesco, I'm online too for maybe 12-14 hours a day, so you have me beat. And my background also is in Transportation and Warehousing as well as Logistics/Inventory. Nothing to with household moving, though. But I'm hoping to move my own household soon. And I'm out of work, thus the long hours on the computer. dodoazo, only if one does not exercise properly. I take exercise breaks and walk quite often. There are specific exercises for people who spend long hours on the computer. The human body, like a car, needs constant and proper maintenance to perform well. But, like a car, it will eventually die too, no matter how good the care. Admin, you're young. Take care of your health while you have it. I use to have time after work to play a lot of games online when I had a job. Now I seldom have time for any online fun. It's good if you still have excess time. Take advantage of it. I don't have any time left to play games anymore, but I think if I did I wouldn't spend it playing games.
• India
10 Jan 13
Hi friend you're doing very hard work greater than me.Spending 16hours and more is not an easy even having a break.I know if there are no job except those online ones than we are compelled to do so either willingly or unwillingly.I am trying to get minimum hours to spend online. Hello Albert,exactly said,we will have health problem gradually unknowingly.Spending to much time online is bit dangerous too. Happy mylottings.
@flagella08 (5065)
• Philippines
10 Jan 13
my everyday time online varies. it depends on the tasks that i'll do for that day. i have my schedule. i don't open sites when im not supposed to open them for that day. i always have my priorities. i never had boring times online. im too busy to entertain boredom. infact, im enjoying seeing my investment grows everytime.
• India
10 Jan 13
so how much do you earn from being online on an average in a month, hope thats not a too personal question
• India
10 Jan 13
wow falgila i do like to invest my money and see them growth ever month,I really like the side you're working,hope you are enjoying your online jobs very much.If you have good earning jobs either it's online or offline,then there is no way that you will get bored.BTW i only have two online jobs and i can say that i am earning well. Hi friend,Pksirivolu i think she doing investing online,and yes i do some online jobs which are pretty earning monthly,i hope you'll love mylot earning side gradually.
@nicanorr (1789)
• Philippines
9 Jan 13
I can stay online for 4 hours but when the internet is too slow, I've no other alternative but close the computer and sleep.
• India
10 Jan 13
Hi,Nicanorr,i also do the same,i fell annoyed if my net connection becomes slow.Not even a single days goes by without browsing web.From the last month i'm looking for a good niche,searching and browsing online,so i am very much busy these days. I think i'll be giving up as soon as i succed getting the niche.
@nicanorr (1789)
• Philippines
13 Jan 13
dodoazo- Your observation if I may call it is correct. You've guessed it correctly that I go for length in the internet especially when the connection is good. I am thanking you so much for the reminder re staying late in the net; the plain truth is I've been hospitalized for doing it.
@nicanorr (1789)
• Philippines
13 Jan 13
Admin1993- I noted we've familiar feelings when the net connection isn't okay. I hope for you the best in your search for a good niche.
@prashu228 (37525)
• India
15 Jan 13
Hi admin I used to spend 12 to 15 hours per day siting in front of the pc and playing online games like chess and some other mini clip games ( in 2006-2007) .Now i have reduced it to 5 -8 hours per day and mostly i spend my time on My lot and chess sites. Yes i got bored of suing internet more and more .It is not at all a good habit to spend more time over internet ,if you are working for some real money then fine , if you are using for chatting or face book then i don't think it is good.
@prashu228 (37525)
• India
17 Jan 13
yeah you are right .I just used to play online games nothing more than that. so i realized i am just wasting time so decided to cut out.
17 Jan 13
wow 12 to 15 hours sounds like a lot to me i can see why you have decided to cut it back. If your online for that amount of hours there can be no way that your spending time with your family. i like to spend about 5 hours online but sometimes i get carried away and im on for longer.
• India
29 Jan 13
I used to play online games but i spend more hours surfing the web and 12-15hours is a lot for me too.I spend only 8-10 and sometimes more depending upon the work.
@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
10 Jan 13
Not really...working online for me is just a part time. This is not my bread and butter otherwise we will all starve. So every time i am bored i shift to something else like, facebook or play games.. Your body needs sleep just sleep when you need it. And when you are called for it. Maybe you lack sleep or You may need some physical activities.
• India
10 Jan 13
Hi..Mavic i think you have got a job,so you're doing parttime online jobs.It is really very hard to work online especially somtimes we easily get angry and bored when we earned nothing some day.For me it's a full time but i just say it's parttime because i'm not supporting my family from onlin earnings. I agree with you.
@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
10 Jan 13
Yes, i have other job. In fact i. Am just mylotting during break ti mes o r if i am not too busy with work. Though i really wanted to concentrate on m ylot because i earned more than i was expecting several times during my free time, well online money for me can not really support a family it takes too long to get the desired payout, though i always meet my desired income even if i do this on a part time basis.
• India
11 Jan 13
That's good to hear you have earned more than you expected.I have set my target but unfortunately it's not increasing yet.I hope i will cashout on July.
• United States
11 Jan 13
I have had this issue too. I do it because I am very bored right now. I probably spend 16 hours a day on my pc. I go back to work next tues so that will change, thank god, I have put on 20 lbs in the last year because of it. Grrrr
• India
11 Jan 13
I hope you have online and offline jobs.Wow you have beat me,spending 16H online is not an easy one. Keep and try to spend maximum hours but i have no job,i am unemployed.
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
10 Jan 13
Since this is a source of my living I don't need to get boring because if that happen to me. I think life get worse than I have nothing to provide with my self and my kid. You need to have a good views in life to manage such thing, friend.
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
11 Jan 13
No. I am not doing freelance jobs nor earnings from my blog. I just only earning a small amount from article writings and traffic exchange.
• India
10 Jan 13
Wow that great,online earning is a source of your life.I guess you're a blogger or Frelanceer. I get bored because i don't get enough dollars than i expected because i have zero knowledge on working profissionally like you.I am not a good writer nor designer. Well thare are many sides that provide full time jobs online if you have enough kbowledge to anthing like web designing,hosting,writing articles.If i have these knowledge that i would'nt be getting bored and lazy. Happy mylottings.
@nemrac12 (388)
• Philippines
12 Jan 13
hello mylotter,8 hrs spending time online? for me it is toomuch. i only spend maximum of 3 hours in divided time. even if you are working in the office , at least should stop for a while. spending longer time in the computer will affect your eyesight , monitors have radiologic reaction.
• India
13 Jan 13
Good day my friend.You're doing good and have good manner because you spend less time. I also thank you for letting me aware about monitors have radiologic reactions.
@velvet53 (22527)
• Palisade, Colorado
10 Jan 13
It varies as to how much I am on the internet every day. Most days it is 10+ hours a day. I have to admit that some days are more profitable than others. I have gotten lazier too.
@velvet53 (22527)
• Palisade, Colorado
11 Jan 13
I so agree. Yesterday wasn't a real good day but today I am doing great. I need to concentrate on writing more articles but there are days when I don't want to do them. When that happens I don't do well. Happy lotting to you. I am trying to get over here more often.
• India
11 Jan 13
Rightly said,it all depends on luck sometimes,earnings are running up and down.Some day i earn more than i expected and someday nothing,so one get bored if he had earned nothing on that day.Online jobs are very frustrating and sometime we get depression and even disappointment. Happy lottings.
@jkct02 (2874)
• Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
19 Jan 13
If you want to make a living out of working online, then you should plan it well and be disciplined to know what you would do and how many hours you should do. In that way, you will have your direction and know how much you may earn by doing what you plan to do. If you have a plan, you won't be spending more time than necessary. But I am sure you know that earning online is not easy unless you are a good writer. If you are not, a job in the real world is what you should do. It is better that you take online work as a part-time job.
• India
29 Jan 13
I agree with your response and yes earning money online isn't an easy task,we need a lot of hard work and time consuming too. Well i can't write well even here in mylot so my chances of earning money online by writing articles is impossible unless i have an excellent english. And thanks for sharing your ideas with me.
@olliekobra1 (1825)
17 Jan 13
if you like being online i dont think that it matters if you are on for a long time. I am online for abour 5 hours a day because i like to earn money online by doing paid surveys so i can be on the comnputer for a few hours. I like to play computer games aswell so i can be on their lesuire pruposes aswell.
• India
29 Jan 13
Yeah you're right i too spend my hours earning online but i never went out or have brak time and also i too love playing PC games,thats a lot of interesting and fun having time to reduce our boredom.
• India
9 Jan 13
Hi Admin. Well it is of course a bad habit as you might have realized by now. I think the laziness is due to monotonous work style. May be if you keep on trying new things and keep your excitement level high then may be you will also remain active in offline life. Don't get saturated by repeating same work every day. Try new. This is my mantra. I hope it will work out with you as well. Anyways have a nice day ... ~=SuperShames=~
• India
9 Jan 13
Hi..Supershames,i have to accept your response.Well these days i have no job rather than online jobs namely mylot and SB.I have to agree that if we learn and try new things online daily,routinely then it's pretty good for every one. Unfortunately i only interested to spend my hours only earning online. I hope you're sequencely following and managing your time online. Happy lottings.
1 person likes this
• India
12 Jan 13
Well I am a student and my priority right now is studying. However, I still try my best to spend as much time as possible over internet for online earning. And I advice you to at least go for a morning jog daily ... What say ?? Have a nice day ...
@mranjaan (136)
9 Jan 13
I think if you have no other work, then may be it is good to earn online and for that you are sitting in front of internet.
@mranjaan (136)
10 Jan 13
Of course, i too love to work online.
• India
10 Jan 13
I think you have understood my problem and yes you're correct,i have agreed with you.If one have no job then internet is a good place for an individual to make his/her living on if he hard works. I hope you also love towork online.
@lynboobsy11 (11343)
• Philippines
10 Jan 13
Internet is for us bored people who wants to earn and it is not right to have a habit of not taking a rest even every hour. I've been doing this for almost 7 years now before I join mYlot at first when I'm still addicted I do the same way my only rest is to pee or sometimes I'm lazy too to make a pee that's why I develop a urinary tract infection since then I change my habit even though I'm still on the internet the whole day I make a rest and stand every time I felt tired sitting down.
• India
10 Jan 13
You have a very long years experience,that's great. I am very new to online websites,i started 4months ago and i'm addicted to those websites that i rugularly visit. I will be giving up as soon as i earned enough money and knowledge from online. Happy mylot earnings.
@RJRAAZ (31)
• India
10 Jan 13
All the these depends how you utilize your that time of being online. Truly I spend almost whole day online for some extra earning, for my research work etc. So, definitely if you are using internet for just waste of time in doing chatting or anything else like that. Of-course people old generation or who does really not know how cyber world is , want to say it is just a waste of time. Not even that some think about us that we are just using internet or computer for watching movies or finding partners to chat, but they really do not know that it is not true in each case. And as you mentioned that you are becoming lazy because use of internet, that is not true. Actually it makes you less active because it cut you from real world or real group or community of your friends.
• India
10 Jan 13
I know how i can go with my time complying with different jobs online.If you have only few jobs like 2and more then we will get busy whole day with those jobs.We utilize our time online according to job and financial conditions.Some jobs like mylot,we have come here and respond or comment to any discissions but some are there like MS those task expires soon,so we need to complete as much as we can without watching time.So we unknowingly spend enough time than we expected. Happy earnings from mylot.
• Marikina, Philippines
10 Jan 13
It depends on person I guess. If you feel lazy and bored, you can play game first to take away boredom in front of a computer. I feel that way sometimes especially if I stay long in front of a computer laptop. Well, for me is not a good habit if we stay too long in front of a computer, but of course, sometimes there is nothing we can do about it but to spend on computer especially if we have to work online to earn money.
• India
11 Jan 13
Your idea is also a good one,i lile playing games whenevr i get bored and if i start to play games then i wont be able to move until i finish the entire game.So i don't play game and i spend maximum hours to earn online,sometime bored and annoyed but either willingly or not i will have to continue my job. Thanks for the response. Happy mylottings.
@mythociate (21437)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
10 Jan 13
Surely you mean 'excess'- or 'extra' time when you say "access time." Maybe you need to make your time feel more-valuable by setting 'goals' in your schedule---and no, not "earn so-much money in the next hour" (because you don't necessarily control your earnings, unless you've got someone paying you a 'for time logged-in'- or 'pay per word'-wage); I mean a 'work on a different "project" every time-interval'-schedule: For instance, the 'time-interval' I use is usually three hours---for three hours I work on myLot, for the next couple intervals I check my email & eat lunch & walk-around & watch TV or whatever, for the next three hours it's back to myLot, for the next three hours it's dinner & TV or whatever, then I try not to worry about the next 12 hours. Or something like that. Or not. Sometimes the intervals go longer or -shorter, and the weather & TV-schedules & big-event-schedules (church etc.) make me move-around the intervals sometimes ... retired lifestyle, (without the huge reserves of weath most retired people have ... and some old people hear that and say, "What? What reserve? Where?" Exactly, Grandma & Grandpa! )
• India
11 Jan 13
Hi friend i mean to much time online.I have got 3jobs and all are low paying one but i am earning without any difficulty but takes to much time to earn few cents. Maybe i will have to give up as soon as i get some high paying ones.
@Angelpink (4034)
• Philippines
9 Jan 13
If you are productive online then such thing is a good habit and never time was being wasted. You feel always lazy and always sleepy maybe that is brought by physiologic aspect of the body. Physiologically speaking maybe some imbalance in the hormone or you lack Vitamin B complex. If you don't feel like eating some proteins , i guess you can eat plenty of green leafy vegetable it's a good substitute.
• India
10 Jan 13
Good day friend,i think you people have got day jobs but unfortunately i have no job.For me i keep earning and do some serious research about my blog Topic to get started.I am felling more frustrated and sleepy but no choice except from online i am earning some dollars monthly. I always not take food on timings so i think i am getting sleepy and bored surfing online.
@anshu23 (147)
• India
10 Jan 13
Hello admin! I am also an avid surfer.I usually spend around 6 hrs a day surfing internet.But actually I distribute my work so that I am not bogged down or bored. I think the best solution of being bored is to take frequent breaks.As long as I enjoy my work it is not a big problem for me.
• India
11 Jan 13
Great job.I was an avid reader but after i came to know of online jobs i give up.I will have to continue to become a good blogger.This online jobs rather than blogger pays too low which am unable to meet my minimum requirements monthly. So that was the reason why i spend to much time and get bored with low paying jobs online.