My grandfather was my everything

United States
February 7, 2013 11:07am CST
I was very close to my grandfather. He was my best friend as young child. He was always there for me, when I needed him. He was the biggest fan of my writing. He was Native American and taught me a lot. He has been gone for sometime, now. But, I still miss him very much. I wish, my son and husband would have gotten a chance to meet him. He was a wonderful person. I find myself missing him an a lot now. I have finally started make money with my writing and I wish, he was here, to share in my joy. Are you close to your grandfather? Does yur grandfather play an extra special role in your life?
2 responses
@Bhebelen14 (5194)
• Philippines
7 Feb 13
I am close to my late grandfather too when I was young but he passed away long time ago. I only remembered that he always wakes me up early in the morning to sit beside him while he's drinking coffee and drinking my milk, that's our bonding time since he's working whole day during that time. Even though he passed away long time ago I still miss him and i how wish i could spend more time with him again.
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• United States
8 Feb 13
My grandfather had a favorite chair. We would sit in it together and I would read to him or he would read to me. I really do miss him.
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
8 Feb 13
Just think he is with you spiritualy and right there with you being happy for you he is one of your gaurdian angels SO talk to himjust like you would if ya can see him. you will get a feeling that he is there listening. Nope wasnt close to either of my grandpas really didnt live close to either one
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