Passion - Discovering what you like to do

February 8, 2013 8:03am CST
Hi everyone. I'm currently at a stage in my life (last year of my degree) and on the brink of workhood/careerhood where I'm finding a suitable field or area to have a career in. I was wondering about the best way to discover my passions - I know a lot of this comes from trying different things and gaining experience, but I would like to know what you guys think/have done when it comes to finding a career that you really like doing and would want to do for the rest of your life.
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9 responses
@MoonGypsy (4606)
• United States
8 Feb 13
finding a career that you want to do for the rest of your life involves knowing what your passion is. if you have passion for your work, then it is not work at all. the question is how to go about finding that passion. some people were born with it. you you may start of finding your passions by finding out things that interest you first. if you are on the brink of graduation and you still have not found you passions, then maybe you are in the wrong field. that's okay, too. it's better to know that now then be stuck in a career that you don't want to be in.
• China
8 Feb 13
Before ask someone else here , do ask yourself what attracts you the most in your life. Like something you would like to spend all your efforts or time on or for something you can even forget your meal but still feel no hungry when you try to do it. Probably that is something new to you and is the reason you in a short while would like to pay more attention, but once you figure out why it attracts you so much, you can figure out as well that when it applys to something else, you can get the same passion
9 Feb 13
haha that is a great way to find out what you like to do. I have asked myself that question often and I can't really find one definite answer - it's like sometimes I find a certain thing interesting and work day and night at it. There's no one thing that I'm interested in - it's like I have many passions. I guess I might be attracted to new things? I'm always interested in challenges and challenging myself to do better in anything I do. How do I find a career in something like that? :P
• China
9 Feb 13
"In anything you do " I wanna ask how many things are you doing now? Do you share the same time or energy at different things and if so, that is not so good. Human being is always greedy and its their own ability of controling or banlancing themselves when contronting too much temptation, can help them make the final decision about everything they do. Get something always means give up something. Probably you can try to find one thing that you take the most advantage of and focus on and go detail into it and sure thing is once you find its "real" interested aspect, you would like to take all your efforts and engery instead of which is shared for other stuff you said you are interested in as well.
• United States
9 Feb 13
For me, my passion is writing, so I do all sorts of writing to earn some extra money, whether it's articles or participating here on MyLot, I'm always doing things online to write and get my opinion out there.
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
9 Feb 13
Honestly, when I took up Dentistry in College, it was not my first choice. I have always wanted to be a doctor since I was a kid. I have been surrounded with people from the Medical profession and that encourage me to be a doctor someday. However, my mom didn't allow me to pursue that dream. And so, I took up Dentistry coz it is the closest to the field that I wanted. But I guess, being not that 100% happy with the choice, I didn't have that enough "push" to make it real good in the field, so I really wasn't able to pursue the career. I didn't really know where to go. But since my husband's family was in sorts of business, I was encouraged to be in that field. From that time, I have involved myself with different kinds of business. Now, I have an online shop that caters for companies. So, I guess, you should know what really could make you happy and satisfied with the work that you have. Do you see yourself in an office working a 9-5 job or would you want to be your own boss and be able to freely go to any place or would you want to be an instrument of spreading knowledge to other people?
@inertia4 (27961)
• United States
8 Feb 13
Well that comes from within the person really. I mean, lots of people are passionate about becoming singers and actors and such. Also some are passionate about becoming a Football star or Baseball star. Those are careers that are hard to get into. But for others, if the passion is there for whatever subject you are interested in, that is a plus. I unfortunately did not have lots of opportunity when I was younger. So I wound up working. I would have loved to get involved in the music field somehow. But, if you are studying something that you feel strong about, then that might very well be what you're looking for. But always remember this, no matter what you choose as a career, always have a back up plan.
• Canada
9 Feb 13
I would sit down and think about what you enjoy doing or what you're good at. For example, I really like keeping track of my money and where is goes so I'm thinking of a career in finance. There's really no rush when deciding your career path, it's easy to stress and panic over it but if you have a passion for having a passion then I think it will come naturally.
@xtedaxcvg (3189)
• Philippines
8 Feb 13
I'm actually a person who got the wrong field of study and is regretting every second of it. I've finished college with a degree in Computer Science but I soon discovered that I have the passion to manage my own business. I guess this can be attributed to my drive to make money from my own business. I should have noticed that I was to take Business Management when I was a kid when I started selling things that I got for free and making money out of it.
@joliefille (3690)
• Philippines
8 Feb 13
There are personality tests that will help you make the right career choices for you. Other ways is to list down what you are really good at and rank them according to how well you judge yourself to be good at each. I think most of of us already have an idea of what we're good at early on, it's just that we are tempted to go after that which offers the most money because it is what we work for after all - money to pay our bills and other stuff.
• Philippines
8 Feb 13
Actually your graduation is just a beginning, upon graduation things you accomplished was to free yourself from academe inhibitions. Now to start is of your choice whatever you choice to work is still for you to prove your worth on the job you will be hired and paid .