Why should I hassle with paying shipping cost & extra gas to return fake item?

@apples99 (6556)
United States
February 9, 2013 4:25pm CST
A Seller sold me a fake product & they said they wanted to resell the item & they requested that I return counterfeit item for resell Why should I hassle with returning the item especially after taking everything into consideration I think I shouldn't have pay extra shipping & gas for the sellers mistake! yes they gave me a refund but the cost of returning the product will soak up the refund money, also the product should be thrown away not resold to someone else don't you all thank so? I understand that returning the item is fair under normal circumstances I'd do it without complaint if the product was genuine just defective, but since the seller sold me illegal goods why should I bother to return it. Sorry for the topic double take, but I had to vent hahaha but Grrrrrrr.
3 responses
@FrugalMommy (1438)
• United States
9 Feb 13
Um... you shouldn't. I'd get in touch with Amazon's customer service department and see what they have to say about the item. Amazon's really good about taking care of their customers when things like this happen. The seller who sold you the counterfeit is in the wrong here. Amazon doesn't allow Marketplace sellers to sell that sort of stuff. I think they will probably tell you that you don't have to return it to the seller. If you'd like to return it to the seller anyway, send them a message through Amazon and tell them you will send it back if they give you a concession to cover the costs of returning it or give you a prepaid return label. You could have the carrier come by and pick up the item if you get the prepaid label. I had UPS come pick up the defective car seat I got from Amazon because the box was too big to fit in my car.
@owlwings (43910)
• Cambridge, England
9 Feb 13
They requested you to return the item. It wasn't a condition of the refund (or if they tried to make it so, it wasn't legally enforceable). You have every right to tell them to arrange for collection of the item if they want it and the agent would have to come to your house and at no inconvenience to you to do so. Legally, you have to give them the option to recover the goods but it does not have to be at your expense or inconvenience.
@Cutie18f (9551)
• Philippines
9 Feb 13
This is what I think. Since they already returned your money, then you are obliged to return the product whatever they may want to do with it. To be fair also to them I think because they will need it for inventory etc.