Are we the Generation

@dlr297 (5409)
United States
February 10, 2013 3:47pm CST
The Bible talks about when Israel becomes a nation ( Which happened in 1948) Jesus in Matthew 24:32-34 states: 32“Now learn this lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come out, you know that summer is near. 33Even so, when you see all these things, you know that it is near, right at the door. 34I tell you the truth, this generation will certainly not pass away until all these things have happened. So we are the generation that will be here when Jesus returns..
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6 responses
@1hopefulman (45121)
• Canada
26 Jan 16
While I might point out different signs then the one you mention, I believe that next little while will bring some dramatic changes to mankind and the earth.
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@1hopefulman (45121)
• Canada
28 Jan 16
@dlr297 Jesus repeatedly commanded us to keep on the watch (Matthew 7:15; 16:5-12; 24:33, 42; 25:13) and one of these day in the not-too-distant future we will be really glad that we focused on the important things.
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@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
27 Jan 16
I believe you are right...I believe that we are watching the Bible come to life right before our eyes.
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• United States
10 Feb 13
The Bible is vague about when Jesus will return and when the end of the world will happen. It is not for us to know and you will have a nervous breakdown trying. Since Jesus left, even the apostles thought his return was imminent.
@iuliuxd (4453)
• Romania
10 Feb 13
It`s not vague, it states very clear that no one knows when Jesus will come back.So the christian teaching is to be ready in each moment for his return, or to prepare yourself for the big moment when you will leave this world ( also if you noticed no one knows when his life will end )
@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
10 Feb 13
We will not know the time, or the hour...But we will know the season. and their is nothing vague about watching all the signs that are pointing to the end of the age, and the return of Jesus. The bible also says to watch for the signs so it does not catch you like a thief in the night. so that you can be prepared. No nervous breakdown here, for if you are with Christ you are at peace, and rejoice for the coming of his return. The signs are coming everyday, and happening so fast now that it is impossible for anyone that knows the word of God to ignore them.
• United States
11 Feb 13
iuliuxd: You are totally correct and that is what I was getting at. We don't know, and it is NOT for us to know. It is a waste of time, energy, and effort and deflects us from the Word as a whole. The ONLY one who knows is GOD(PERIOD) dir 297 Christ might return tomorrow or within the next second or the next lifetime. We don't know and it is not meant for us to know. We deviate from the Word if we read into the Word. You do not know if the signs signify the end or not. The aposles believed that they saw the signs, our forefathers believed they saw the signs, I believe I saw the signs(I'll tell about my Reagan is the Anti-Christ theory someday) and now you see the signs. Live for the here and now and follow the Epistles of Paul and don't worry about the when!
@peavey (16936)
• United States
11 Feb 13
I suspect that you are right and that we are that generation. Too many things are happening too fast for it to not be so. I remember 'way back when I first met the Lord and we thought and got excited about His return, but it was nothing like it is now. Exciting? Yes, of course, but heavy and sad, too. Most of us don't have an inkling of the suffering possible as we go forward into the very last days. But, as John said, "Even so, come Lord Jesus."
@peavey (16936)
• United States
11 Feb 13
I agree. There is much heartache to come. Even if we don't suffer as much physically (and I'm not sure about that), we will hurt for our unsaved family members and friends. There will be hard decisions to make and they won't understand fully the implications of them.
@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
12 Feb 13
Peavey, and Hopefull90. I agree that we are going to start seeing some things that are going to be horrible. but just stay strong in Christ for he will see us through it. and keep rejoicing in the knowledge that we will soon be with God for entirety.
• United States
11 Feb 13
How right you are, Peavey. While we should be excited about the Lord's return most people don't have a foggy notion about what will take place just before Christ comes. They will have the 7 last plagues to go through. A lot of them will be the same as what the Egyptians went through. Only those saved will not be affected as much as those who aren't.
• United States
14 Feb 13
What are the odds that Israel will lose their nation, be dispersed throughout the world, lose their language, after a period of time return to their land, have their ancient language restored, and become a nation again in the matter of a day? I don't see how we could not be "the Generation."
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
11 Feb 13
There are many signs must show before doomsday ,one of it Jesus will come down , many of the signs happened , some of it not , what I sure that there are 2 signs must happen before he come down , I think it will within some years .
@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
12 Feb 13
I believe that the signs are coming at a very fast pace right now.... !. The Confirmation of the covenant. this could happen at any time..and we know when this happens that the tribulation has started and the last 7 years will begin.
@samar54 (2454)
• Egypt
12 Feb 13
When the big signs will start , it will be more fast .
• India
13 Feb 13
Yes you are right we are the generation and we should be here for that time of returns... that is the fact