Courses they should have taught in college: how to dance at a wedding.

Penrith, Australia
February 13, 2013 11:34pm CST
People dont always have the opportunities to dance every day and dancing at weddings is very different from dancing in the nightclub. My friend is having her wedding next week. And she's telling people she wants a classy wedding and she expects that there will be dancing. I dont want to be the one who will be left there sitting on the table because the only reason an able bodied person wouldn't dance is that he or she isn't a fun person. And i dont want to be in that category.
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6 responses
@else22 (4317)
• India
14 Feb 13
I agree with you.Dance should have been included in course.As far as I am concerned,I don't know how to dance.I love Indian dances.I love to watch dance,but if you ask me to dance before you or a group,I would end up moving about my body in a funny way.One of my friend has learned the artistic skill.He says to me if I love to watch dance,it is obvious that I can learn it as well.He is right,but I have never tried it.
@else22 (4317)
• India
14 Feb 13
Of course,dancing before middle aged relatives or other persons is really difficult.My friends had once made me to dance before girls who were my classmates.I managed to perform some movements and they all burst into laughter.I can't tell you how ashamed I felt then.
@else22 (4317)
• India
14 Feb 13
But it's a big deal for me.And yes,I forgot to tell you that they had made me to be dressed like a girl.I had to oblige them,because they threatened me if I did not put on female dresses,then I would have to perform a streaptease.That would have been much more humiliating.So I had to agree.
• Penrith, Australia
14 Feb 13
I think if i were to dance there i would do okay with 1) ill put my arms around someone else's neck and well just sway OR 2) ill put my hands on someone else's hips and sway. I think i can survive with that, my trouble is, what of they put on a little upbeat music. Ballroom but upbeat. Then I'll be screwed. And also, i feel too cheesy to dance like so around middle aged adults.
@allknowing (132082)
• India
14 Feb 13
The entire crowd never gets up to dance nor do they join the wedding march. It has nothing to do with whether a person knows how to dance but it has several other factors including a tiff with the partner and so on. In the good old days one saw ballroom and waltz being the choice for dancing at weddings and this is history now. One sees even solo dancing. What exactly is your friend looking for?
• Penrith, Australia
14 Feb 13
I have a feeling she's up for something old fashioned since she's not really young she's in her mid 30's. It is a garden wedding and the reception is at this nice pavilion. I was considering the crowd as i have feeling there would be more older people than young people. I'm afraid i might just do the wrong thing and the situation would be really awkward. I just really really dont like dancing.
@allknowing (132082)
• India
14 Feb 13
It all depends on the band. They can control the dance floor. So it is best that it is left to them. If they play the "Blue Danube" surely the couples will restrict themselves to a waltz and not hardcore. Your friend should discuss it with the band organisers and even select the songs/music.
@allknowing (132082)
• India
14 Feb 13
If whoever you are dancing with is a good dancer he will hide your two left feet!
@sender621 (14894)
• United States
14 Feb 13
Not everyone is blessed with the talent of being a good dancer. When you are the bride or groom at a wedding, all eyes are focused on you during the first dance together. If you are not a good dancer this can be very embarrassing and uncomfortable for you. A course in school on social event dancing such as a wedding would be a wonderful idea. I think that it would promote confidence in the individual as well as the expertise of dancing.
• Valdosta, Georgia
14 Feb 13
Thank God I know how to dance but your right, some things should be taught and dancing is one of them. I know most of the dances they do at weddings which is good since my sister's wedding is next month! The only problem is my husband and I have never slow danced together before so we might look a little silly that day but oh well. We didn't have a reception at our wedding so there was no dancing involved. I don't know if we can dance together! Lol.
• Penrith, Australia
15 Feb 13
That's nice to hear about your sister. Congratulations to her. And you're really lucky that you do not possess two left feet. I think i can get by with slow as you can do either 1) Put your arms around your partner and sway OR 2)put your hands on their hips and sway. The big problem i have is when something with a faster beat comes up, i dont think I'll be able to waltz on the floor anytime soon. I can already feel that it will be really embarrassing for me at least.
@r0cker (300)
• India
14 Feb 13
Yeah, Dancing should be taught in colleges. There are so many people who don't know how to dance . Well if you are so eager to learn dance then you can join some dancing classes. You can learn any type of dance there whether its wedding dance or any other dance.
• Penrith, Australia
14 Feb 13
Lol, I like that idea. I looked up the issue and i realized that there are classes specific for wedding dances lol. They're a bit pricey though. How would you have danced in a wedding? :)
• Penrith, Australia
19 Feb 13
Good idea! Thanks for your suggestion, the event is nearing and i have to do find YouTube vids ASAP. I will try to let the dance floor get crowded by the good dancers first before i stand up though so i wouldn't be the center of attraction haha, it will be more comfortable that way. Thanks again.
@r0cker (300)
• India
18 Feb 13
You should try watching wedding dance videos on YouTube .Well that's not pricey. How would I've danced?Well I've danced in many weddings .What you should keep in mind is to don't be nervous & dance freely without thinking what others will think about you?
@jdawg011 (498)
• Canada
14 Feb 13
My highschool actually taught us some dancing, interestingly enough. It was a whole month thing in PE and everyone loved it! If you don;t know how, you can probably ask your senior people and they can give you some pointers, as our older generations mostly have learned to dance.