I did something stupid today.

Penrith, Australia
February 14, 2013 7:10am CST
That's right. I pierced my own ears but it didnt go well. I used a sterile needle the one used for injections and pierced my ear this afternoon. And then when i was to put on the studs, it didnt fit. I couldn't pierce my ear again and so i pushed in the studs rotated them until it was getting really bloody. I couldn't leave the other ear alone and so i did the same thing with the other one. It feels really awful right now. It feels so bad i want to throw my ears out. And the worst part is when i checked on the mirror, they weren't even placed equally. I've seen on the net it costs around 90$ to have both ears pierced. I guess its okay as i saved 90$. This is the weirdest valentine's day I've had in my entire life. Everyone is so lovey dovey, the motels are all fully booked too. And I'm here piercing my own ears. well. Got to live with it, its not like i want a relationship at the moment anyway.
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16 responses
@blackrusty (3519)
• Mexico
14 Feb 13
well yes you save the money and i hope you learned it is far more painful to do on your own and not to say doing yourself they wont be in the same spot on each ear one thing i can say is you can take out the rings let the ears heal and then go have it done right happy heart day to you
• Penrith, Australia
14 Feb 13
I am hoping i dont lose the holes as i dont want to undergo having pierced once again. I think I've developed some kind of fear towards it.
• Mexico
14 Feb 13
if you have nothing in them right now and leave them in you will lose the holes
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• Mexico
14 Feb 13
time will tell and i give you 2 thumbs up for going though it not something that i wont do on my own
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@vernaC (1491)
• Romania
14 Feb 13
I've done this in my teenager years and it didn't go well also. Both pierce are not leveled to each ear and my ear was not proper pierced because the hole is not straight. Then I just let it heal and went to a department store, bought a small pair of earringand ask the lady to pierce me and it was so much better.
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• Penrith, Australia
14 Feb 13
My hole isn't straight and leveled too, how long did it take before your hole closed?
• Penrith, Australia
15 Feb 13
Wow, that was really fast. I'm glad your skin didnt dry but at least you got yours fixed. I dont think i am ever going o have my ears pierced again, i think i developed fear from what happened.
• Penrith, Australia
18 Feb 13
I guess, i think it is more painful if you do it really slowly, i will take your word on this. Thanks.
@wolfie34 (26771)
• United Kingdom
14 Feb 13
Unfortunately we have to learn the hard way in life, and I am sure you wouldn't do that again! I have had piercings done in my late teens and early twenties, I had an eyebrow piercing, trouble is it kept coming out, when I was at the gym, wiping the sweat away with my towel would dislodge it. the hole has healed up. There is still a mark where there was a piercing in my right ear, I only wear a hoop in the left, and a hope in my right inner ear which I have never taken out. Wow $90 was a lot of money to save, but in hindsight after the result of what you did to your ears do you wish you had spent that $90?
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@kprofgames (3091)
• United States
14 Feb 13
Oh Ouch! I had my ears re-peirced last June for my birthday and yes it's a pricey little thing. I had trouble with infection in one ear and have to keep my studs in even now or it closes no matter how often I clean them. Hope you're heal up nicely.....should from all the blood loss...lol Remember back in high school my girlfriend wanted another hole on one ear so did it for her. What she didn't tell me is she can't stand the sight of blood so once it was in she turned around and looked in the mirror then passed out. Wasn't fun at the moment but is laughable now looking back.
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• United States
14 Feb 13
Still clean them every morning and every night and my earrings (I love hoops) every time wear them.
• Penrith, Australia
14 Feb 13
Oh wow, you had an infection and yours was done professionally too as you didnt do them yourself. Its sad that your holes are itching to close, i want to keep my holes though even though they are quite crooked. How many times do you clean them in a day? Haha! Dont worry, i didnt lose so much blood to need a blood transfusion. Its funny how your girlfriend could stand the piercing process but couldn't take just looking at blood. It really is laughable. Its weird how the awful things that happen to us during childhood just gives us more funny stories to tell when we get older.
• Penrith, Australia
15 Feb 13
That's cool, i know some people dont even ever take them off.
@Aja103654 (5646)
• Philippines
15 Feb 13
LOL, singles usually say that. I don't think it was a good idea to pierce your ears yourself. It could get infected, so clean it well.
@Aja103654 (5646)
• Philippines
16 Feb 13
I don't know I see some singles on FB posting about things they don't like about valentines, and how awkward they felt and they seem to be looking for people who are also experiencing the same feelings. Valentines is over rated, I am saying that even when I am in a relationship with someone. I don't like to pressure the guys into buying stuff just to prove their love for their girls. I want that they do it because they want to not because of of peer pressure. You'll be fine. What's done is done. You'll just have to find good earrings.
@Aja103654 (5646)
• Philippines
17 Feb 13
When I was single before on a Valentines day, I didn't feel depressed at all. Haha, even singles make a big deal out of it. This day reminds them how lonely they are or how much they need to find a partner or something. Shouldn't we all think that Valentines day is just a day where it's a good way to earn money selling flowers and sweet stuff? That's all there is to it. Whatever the lovers out doing are their business. LOL, I don't get it. Who is Zooey again? I really don't understand why it can be horrifying. That's right!
@Aja103654 (5646)
• Philippines
18 Feb 13
I remember her now. Zooey is really pretty. Haha, that's true. It's like people are having a contest as to who could make their partners the most happy, who gets to give prettiest flowers and gifts, who gets to spend the most for that occasion. It's tough for the guys. I feel sorry for them sometimes. Facebook is no better, it shoves unwanted pictures and posts of lovers there who are declaring their love for each other. It's kind of sickening, even for someone like me who also has a boyfriend. That's true. Singles feel that way about Valentines I noticed. I wonder why they feel that void?? Singles are not necessarily lonely just because they don't have partners. Besides it's better to be single than be with the wrong partner.
@maurya83 (923)
• India
14 Feb 13
I thought i am only daring but you left me behind..:D i would never do such thing..yes i have done so many experiments with my hairs, eyebrows, clothes and accessories etc. in my teenage but never ever thought about piercing by self..honestly speaking dear, it can be dangerous..you shouldn't do it by yourself if you are not an expert. I can only pray for you that it will not create any serious problem for you.
@maurya83 (923)
• India
15 Feb 13
i tried to change its shape after reading some articles on "designer eyebrows" with help of a razor.. :D
• Penrith, Australia
15 Feb 13
Oh wow, that sounds so cool. And it is daring! In a sense of being fashionably daring. Not many people would actually want to be the first ones to be seen in outrageous eyebrows in public. Its more outrageous than a person like me who has 4 earrings. I know a lot of people who even have more lol
• Penrith, Australia
14 Feb 13
You did something with your eyebrows? What did you do? i experiment too on clothes and accessories, i have this weird urge to always put on something different, i appreciate your concern. Not to worry, i listen to people and i follow advice especially when it feels right. (It isn't really hard to distinguish as my ear hurts like hell and i think i should follow people's advice.)
• United States
14 Feb 13
I would never do that to my self. I always get all my piercings done professionally. Here in the US you can go to any walmart and get it done for like 15 dollars. Not sure where you are that it would cost 90. You might want to check it out. The fact that if it gets infected you could have a serious problem its very close to your brain and you would not want the infection to travel to your brain. When you get them done professionally they give you a solution that you use to clean them with and tell you how to care for them. If I was you I would take the ear rings out and let your new holes close up since they are not even and then I would go to the store and get them done professionally, but that is just me. I would not want people to be looking at my uneven ear rings thinking there was something wrong with my ears or something. Good luck with it. I know that it hurts really bad for days it seemed but that eventually the pain did go away.
@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
20 Feb 13
Don't get your ears wet and several times a day, twist the studs or else the scab will form over the studs. Make sure your hands are clean when you touch the studs or your ears. You MUST keep the ear clean and dry or infection can occur.
• Penrith, Australia
25 Feb 13
Copied and noted ms tickle. (I dont know if that makes a difference but yep. Well, i believe its been a week since i pierced my ears and my left ear seems to do okay but my right ear is still painful, no pus here but it just seems that it hasn't healed yet, I've had a scab form over the stud but then i did twist it, i dont know why its not hearing like my other ear has,
• Penrith, Australia
14 Feb 13
I see, i will make sure to swab a lot. By the way. If you had your piercings professionally done, do you remove the studs and cleanse the area then put them back again? Or you just let it stay and not touch them for a couple of weeks?
@allknowing (132070)
• India
14 Feb 13
In our country it is done when the girl child is a year old. It is done by an expert and until the wound is cured no studs are inserted although a broom stick piece well sterilised is put in place. I would not be surprised if you managed your own delivery!
• Penrith, Australia
14 Feb 13
Oh really? No studs until it is healed? Oh wow, are they allowed to wet it on the first day or I'd have to bath tomorrow instead? I'd be honest and say that I'd be surprised if ever i had children. but if there is something about me, i have very high pain tolerance. I dont know if thats something to be proud of though.
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@allknowing (132070)
• India
14 Feb 13
Please get the wounds treated as soon as possible and remove the studs. Close up the holes since they are not uniform and go to a specialist to get the job done. I don't recommend that you wet that area.
• Penrith, Australia
14 Feb 13
not wetting area noted. Removing stud noted. Although, I dont think I'll ever have my ears pierced ever again. Thanks.
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@averygirl72 (37863)
• Philippines
15 Feb 13
I can't remember how did my ears got holes on it because maybe I am still a child when it was pierced. I don't put earrings on it now and sometimes I am afraid the holes are gone forever. I love changing earrings designs every now and then. Was it very bloody and painful? It's better if someone do it for you.
• Penrith, Australia
15 Feb 13
It was bloody and painful, and you're right i should have asked someone else to do it for me, how long have you not worn earrings? I'm sure they won't close yet as long as you put earrings on them once in a while.
@AkamaruKei (5219)
• Malaysia
15 Feb 13
I'm very sure it is very hurt. $90 to pierced the ear? It is very expensive. I think at here it is not very expensive.
• Malaysia
15 Feb 13
Huh i hope you will feel better in a few day. I'm very sure if doing pierced with profesional it will no pain. I think you really brave to do it by yourself.
• Penrith, Australia
16 Feb 13
Haha. I'm really glad that i come across as brave to you. I feel stupid doing it though. I hope the pain does go away, I've taken quite a few pain meds for it,
• Penrith, Australia
15 Feb 13
It is still painful to the day, and it is very red. That 90$ is the price I've seen on the Internet, it is non-contact, non-pain, no bleeding tupe of procedure. It is done in the US. it probably is cheap here too but i was just so stubborn and did it myself.
@jiiiiin (586)
• Philippines
17 Mar 13
When I am first year high school (six years ago) I have pierced my ear too. I already have earing hole on both my ears. Being a teenager, I thought it is cool if I would have a third earing hole. Then I pierced myself. It is slightly painful because I have done piercing myself very slow. I still have the holes in my ear now.
@jiiiiin (586)
• Philippines
17 Mar 13
my pierced ear hurt like two days only. I hope your ear heals very soon.
• Penrith, Australia
20 Mar 13
2 days only? Oh wow, that is awesomely unreal, I'm afraid i have an infection thats why there hasn't been any progress with its earring, but anyway, i stopped removing the pierce and cleansing them and i just left it on, so far so good, :)
• India
9 Apr 13
Aah... I can imagine the pain you would have felt... ;(
• Penrith, Australia
15 Apr 13
i wouldnt deny that it really was painful especially during the first month after i pierced it, but it is doing fine now. i got worried about getting an infection at first but im thankful that it didnt get serious and i dont feel any pain or discomfort for it at all.
• India
15 Feb 13
Oh my God, I am really afraid of that kind of act while I am the one that I can not have control on myself with recieving a simple injection? it should be painful for you but finally you are brave to do and now enjoy of pierced ears and that new gift.
• Penrith, Australia
15 Feb 13
Haha! I'm really glad that you think that way. Thanks for the compliment. I a, still convinced that it was a stupid idea though. But yes, i am quite happy with my new piercings,
@tyleremy (170)
• China
15 Feb 13
I don't have any piercings and I'm not planning to .The weird thing to me is I felt painful in my ears when I'm reading your post`````what about your reasons to get pierced?
• Penrith, Australia
15 Feb 13
That's very nice to hear tyleremy, it means i am convincing if you were able to empathize properly with my pain. It just also means that i was able to be as descriptive as possible like how mylot wants its posts. I originally had 4 holes in my ears but then the other 2 closed up so i pierced it again. Now i can wear 4 earrings again.
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
14 Feb 13
hi nursefrai oh my you a jn urse trtyin gto p;oierce yo ur wn ears, you should know better. likely now you will get an infection. always y have them done be a professional as its worth the money.Sometimes I think nurses and nurses aides anbd doctors are the worst for treating themselves instead of getting professional help.i,
• Penrith, Australia
14 Feb 13
That's right hatley, i know a lot of people who self medicate. My mom is a doctor and she self-medicated so much, although i think it makes sense since she's a professional and all. She gives herself her own shots. Looks like it runs from the genes and i got this thing that i do from her. i hope i do not get an infection. I was having double thought about removing the studs as if an infection occurs and the hole closes it might turn into an abscess and that in it self would require a minor surgical procedure, a bigger wound and it would definitely cost so much more. Aww hatley, if only i were there with you, I'd do the typing for you so you dont have to and I'd be listening to you a lot.
@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
15 Feb 13
why did you even do that? i mean it is not that expensive to have your ears pierced properly without the infections you can get. i hope you wont acquire any infection from that. i have my ears pierced properly when i was a baby said my mom and i had my daughter's ears pierced too when she was a baby as well.
• Penrith, Australia
15 Feb 13
I had my ears pierced too when i was a baby i originally had 4 holes on my ears but the other 2 closed up so i pierced it again. I am hoping that i do not get an infection too and i hope that when it heals, it heals thoroughly and i do not develop an abscess. Did you have yours and your daughters ears pierced at a medical center?