
February 19, 2013 4:57am CST
Guys Ive just read an article it's about the health care bill Obama passed in his 2nd term. RUMOR has it that there will be a microchip(just the size of grain) implanted to your hand to monitor your health condition, BUT again RUMOR has it that in fact, that microchip contains your personal datas, bank accounts, health records etc. It is said some have been implanted with this chip already. OH My Gosh! I can't contain myself from thinking about 666 in the bible... I hope this is not TRUE as I searched a site belying this said rumor please refer the link below :((( SAd and terrified !!!
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6 responses
@arviez (183)
• Philippines
19 Feb 13
Hi welcome to Mylot dear I think this is just a rumor and I hope this is not true. I read the bible and I think that 666 is going to happened but I think not now just keep believing on His word cause 666 will just happen that Only God knows. Have fun here.
• Philippines
19 Feb 13
I hope so too, but if it is indeed tru the health care that requires people to inject a microchip, I hope that its sole reason is forn health and health concern only not for manipulation , and slavery. :(
@arviez (183)
• Philippines
20 Feb 13
Exactly just keep the faith and fingers crossed.
• Philippines
19 Feb 13
You said rumors then don't panic, people are now becoming expert in destabilization. I for one one don't believe in rumors specially if I knew that the one talking is a person of no credibility.
• Philippines
19 Feb 13
yes, but you know there are just things government hide us from, they don;t intend to disclose sensitive matter to the public specially if it comes with belief religion and stuff, just cant prevent myself to be concerned at times. :)
@yoyo1198 (3641)
• United States
19 Feb 13
....and I have a bridge I'd like to sell you too.
@Archie0 (5651)
20 Feb 13
Implanting something inside my skin gets me goosebumps. I would never do this, and why would someone else monitor my daily eating and working habits? i am not a robot or something. I think we all know what is good for us and what is not. I cannot think myself monitored by someone all the 24 hours every single day.
@ShyBear88 (59308)
• Sterling, Virginia
20 Feb 13
It's just a rumore things to get people worked up over the fact that they don't like him as the president. They have been saying this since way before the election every happen since he was in term for the first time. They are not implanting people with microchips. They are thinking about and working in the field of medicatal to do something that will help people that are sick to put certain divices under the skin like a pasemaker.
@Snippets (12)
• United States
26 Apr 13
Remember the point you lead with: this is rumor. so, for first things, don't overthing on soemthing that is not real. Secondly, while you may want to connect the dots to make a Biblical connection, you are making quite a jump. What is being rumored should be seen as a helpful technological boost. If you are the type that can pry yourself away from buying into the "Big Brother" conspiracies, you can also see the benefits fo such a technology. These types of things could help prevent an unresponsive hospital patient from being given a medicine or procedure that they should not have or don't want. It could help locate a lost person through GPS. Pets have had chips for years and the technology has helped reunite many lost pets with their owners. There is no end to the helpfulness of information like this and what it could provide. But most importantly, keep it all in perspective. The Bible reference doesn't, in any way, point to the type of device you are assuming. I remember 20 years ago or more when grocery stores started using scanners to scan food. So many people thought that THAT was the mark of the beast coming to fruition. Of course, it was not. It was just technology. The Bible says that no person will know the time of the coming so it seems unlikely that we would be able to predict it with the introduction of new technology.