Back to Mylot after ten months :)

February 19, 2013 6:16am CST
phew! its been ten month my school life was over and I leaved mylot too, but again I am back. Now I am in college Perusing bachelor degree in computer science and having a beautiful life.Though I was upset about my career because of bad grade but now everyone one there always encourage me which i love the most. Being in new place in an beautiful environment has really refreshed me . So friends what going on here? Anything have changed here? :)
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14 responses
@nicanorr (1789)
• Philippines
20 Feb 13
I knew you have had womderful experiences outside of mylot during the last 10 months, what inspire you to be back at mylot?
@nicanorr (1789)
• Philippines
1 Mar 13
When are you going to leave us again? Do you find yout stay there interesting?
• India
20 Feb 13
I was missing those sticky discussions, its a great place where I can gain much knowledge and information about anything. There are many more facts of Mylot which really pulled me back to here. Thank for having your such great response.
• Philippines
20 Feb 13
Welcome back! I am not sure if it's different few months ago because I'm just here for 3 weeks :D Happy mylotting!
• India
20 Feb 13
wow that is great :) Welcome to you to Mylot I hope you will have some pretty experience here like mine.
@Bluedoll (16774)
• Canada
19 Feb 13
I was away too. Glad things are good for you and hope you enjoy mylotting again. People do come and go I suppose everywhere but maybe the downtime will be refreshing?
• India
19 Feb 13
This is the only place where I can discuss anything, so obviously I had to come :)
@else22 (4317)
• India
20 Feb 13
WELCOME BACK TO MYLOT. You were busy with your studies and could not attend discussions here.So what?College was an interesting place,so is Mylot,and now you are back here again.From one interesting place to another.Wonderful!Study should be your priority and I am glad it is.Now that you are back here,enjoy.Be as active as you can.Mylot is just the same.Share and enjoy.
• India
20 Feb 13
yes it is dear. cheers :)
19 Feb 13
Don't ever worry about your future. Just enjoy everyday of your school days.
• India
19 Feb 13
Yes but, school life was the best ever. Thanks for the encouragement dear.
@mani118 (146)
• Pakistan
19 Feb 13
Wellcome back kajal1992 dear. And start fun here at Mylot.. :)
• India
19 Feb 13
thanks buddy!
@Lucky12 (767)
• United States
19 Feb 13
Wow welcome back to mylot. I was on here on and off at one point and now I log in every single day to type and read discussions. Nothing has really changed since I have been here except we just have more people haha. I hope that you have fun mylotting again and I can't wait to read more of your discussions.
@maezee (41996)
• United States
19 Feb 13
Congratulations on being in college. Computer science sounds like a really thriving industry to get into. How are you enjoying your pursuit of your bachelor degree? Hopefully all is going well. Don't forget about us here at MyLot! Best wishes to you!
@grkelly (1206)
• Malta
19 Feb 13
welcome back. Mylot is basically the same as it used to be I guess. I also was away for some time and then got back. Although i try to log in daily i do not always manage to because of other duties and obligations which take up so much time. However it is a good idea to try and post at least 1 comment or discussion a day so as to remain active.
• India
19 Feb 13
yeah :) thanks
@jenny1015 (13366)
• Philippines
20 Feb 13
I guess nothing much has changed except for the number of members that this site has since you left. But generally, Mylot has always been the great place in the net.
@toniganzon (72279)
• Philippines
19 Feb 13
Nothing has changed here except for the fact that newbies are dominating. Old members seem to be taking a lot of breaks including me. Haven't been mylotting for quite some time myself but i do appear once in awhile when i feel like it. Glad to have you back and so glad about your good news. Keep it coming.
@jricky1 (6800)
• China
20 Feb 13
Congrats,so nice hearing you back again.I think that's why mylot is such a wonderful site cuz it's full of reputation and a magic place to be.While you can discuss with your friend again and be a new you.,have a nice day ahead.
@Raine38 (12257)
• United States
20 Feb 13
Welcome back, and congratulations I guess for graduating and now starting to pursue your bachelor's degree. It is nice to know that you have looked past the low marks you received and is now inspired to start another chapter of your life. Mylot is still here, lots of new members (myself included) but so far nothing has happened that the site admins couldn't handle. Good thing you didn't log on here back when the site was having problems. It would have been a bad comeback for you but now everything is back to normal.
@Angelpink (4034)
• Philippines
19 Feb 13
Hi there ! Welcome back here ! Good that finally you decided to come back here. You just did the right decision ! Your time here won't be wasted. This is the place where you can be productive unlimitedly . Good output here will depend on how fast , dedicated your hands , heart and mind works here. Move those hands now friend , beautiful people in Mylot waiting for you.