
February 20, 2013 1:10am CST
I have been ask to say a prayer over some prayer requests but I don't have any idea about what to say can anyone help me? Please
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7 responses
@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
20 Feb 13
We can talk to God in a way we talk to a Father that we love and respect. Jesus, the son of God taught us how to talk to his heavenly Father. You can read what he said in Matthew 6th and 7th chapter - and you will find many other places in the Bible where we read how people prayed. Here is a helpful article so that we can learn what the Bible says about prayer. This site is good for searching answers to other questions and you can choose the language you prefer to read. You might also like the Awake! magazine with good advice to families and a lot more subjects that may interest you. This site has been set up by volunteer workers and it is free to use.
@JohnRok1 (2051)
21 Feb 13
Don't trust Awake! Their Jesus, a created and, therefore, finite being, is not great enough to bear even the smallest single sin of ours without suffering on the cross or in hell for eternity, sinless though he be to start with. The true Jesus, the Son of God, is infinite. "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the word was God". The last word in this sentence is an adjectival noun and means that Jesus Christ is God in every way (including being an infinite being), but not identical in person with God the Father, Who is God with Whom the Word was. Christ said "Ye must be born again" (John 3). If you are born again, you are in Christ, and your prayers in Christ will definitely be heard. If not, pray for your sins to be forgiven and for yourself to be born again in Christ. God may hear your prayers even if you are not born again, but He has not promised to. Study John's Gospel, because it was written "that ye might believe". But believe on Him, not on some Church, though genuine Christians want to meet to worship God with other Christians.
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@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
21 Feb 13
Well everyone has the freedom to think what they want. I have used the literature on this site over 50 years and always found that they keep to the truth. Everyone has now the possibility to do searches on the site and see if the information is founded on tha Bible or not. The Bible is the authority, not human beings. I continue learning all the time, and I like to go to the original languages that the Bible was written in, as they clear up many misunderstandings that are so common these days - and has been for hundreds of years.
• Philippines
22 Feb 13
buenavida: JohnRok1's response is based on the Bible (but not on your translation). I don't think he just got that idea from nowhere or from his mind. JohnRok1: This is what the official JW Bible states about John 1:1, "In [the] beginning the Word was, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a god." (New World Translation) In their translation, Jesus Christ is just a god and not God [...contrary to all other translations I have ever seen. Their officials say that this translation is justified because in the original Greek the word "God" is without the article. It is without the article, but it is clear that this is not their real reason, because verses 6, 12, and 13, of the same first chapter of John contain similar usages of the word "God," all without the article. The Witnesses have translated all of these correctly with a capital "G" and without inserting "a". The only instances I have found in which they translate "God" with a small "g" are when "God" refers to Christ. It is certainly not done consistently whenever the Greek word "God" lacks the article. (See the examples in John 3:21, 8:54, 9:16, 9:33). In the case of John 1:1-3, to avoid a translation that correctly identifies Christ as God, the New World Translation ends up attributing the creation of all things to "a god!"] I enclosed the explanation in [] to give credits to Thomas Heinze.
• Philippines
26 Feb 13
PRAYER is freedom to communicate and have intimate relationship with God. the idea of praying is by this acronyms: ACTS. A=Adoration, praising God for His goodness, praising God for what HE is and praising him for He is our God and hoping to have eternal life with Him in life to come; C= Contrition, we ask forgiveness for our sins, be cleanse and healed and by his grace to live a new life with Him; T=thanksgiving, for all the blessings, graces and good fortune he gave us, even our trials and pain, we thank him to strengthen us with the Faith, Hope and Love; S=supplication, what we ask for our family, our self, our needs. We ask for his support and financial freedom, for our healing and health, for our spiritual blessings that we will always be him . PRAYER is what we need reminding us God is always with us, that our relationship to Him is forever.
@chiyosan (30184)
• Philippines
25 Feb 13
Hi Fenirose. I do not know your religion but i do hope to be able to share with yyou how we do it when it comes to our church. Prayer requests were written by people who asks to be helped by the church through prayer warriors these prayer warriors would often have a shift or time alloted to them to continuously pray for the church members and their requests written in a piece of paper. If you were given an access to it, get them or one by one... read it to yourself and just pray over the person who wrote it and pray for the request itself that God show or help the person to see and realize his or her request in due time. Most of the time we do this as we are praying for ourselves and for our family.
@TriciaW (2441)
• United States
24 Feb 13
fenirose the best way I have found to pray for others is very simple. God please take care of (the person's name) Keep them in your grace and may they see Your love in all that You do. Amen God I don't think needs us to be experts on what to say for He knows what is in our hearts.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
24 Feb 13
Hi ferirose, Prayer does not have to be words and it depends on what you have been asked to pray about. If someone is ill and you are asked to pray for their recovery, it is often best to find a quiet place where you can be alone. I like to close my eyes and listen to the silence. I let the person's name and face , if you know them, come to mind and the see them as well and healthy. Hold the picture as long as you can. It is a prayer. Don't worry if it lasts only a few seconds, you have sent your thoughts out to the universe. Blessings.
@Keynote (399)
• India
21 Feb 13
We all are in some ways different from each others than our prayer should also be different.I think you should say what you feel like talking to god on that particular day as each day you will have something different to say to the god and he/she will also not get bored of us repeating a same thing over and over again.
• India
20 Feb 13
praying is diffrent in each religion but I think meaning is all same as we say good words and wishes in praying time. so you can say somethin on your wish in your heart, something like forgiveness for sins that we do, it is all depends to you.