Can You Luagh Like Belachew Girma?

@arviez (183)
February 23, 2013 1:27am CST
Belachew Girma is the Master Laughter of the world right now and he gained this title after laughing straight in 3 hours and six minutes left other finalist grabbing the crown as the King of Laughter. He discovered laughing after reading a book about laughing that time he is so lonely and was an addict to after losing his wife from HIV but as the time passes by he becomes a master in his craft and right now he is sharing this talent to those people who wants to stay away from their sorrows and wants to be happy. He has a laughter school in Africa teaching students to laugh on their problems and traveled around the world to teach laughter meditation to countries whom are not happy with their life. I think I'm going to love this person if given a chance I would join to his meditation or his class I really love laughing and I think I can laugh the way he does. What do you think? Share your views. For more info please visit this link: and search for Belachew Girma
1 response
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
24 Feb 13
Honestl;y, i don't a laughing class for myself arviez. That's because i always get to laugh everyday, since as they say, "mababaw daw ang kaligayahan ko" (i am a simple person , that even simple things can already make me happy). At the office, most of my office mates are jokers. They like making everyone laugh. So we can't help but laugh at jokes and can't help ourselves when we do it so loudly. Then at home, my husband always makes me laugh because of his jokes. And i always make him laugh too with my Kakulitan.