Pen Drive

@pro_ojha (600)
March 4, 2013 10:23pm CST
Hello Friends I have to buy a pen drive , I am planing to purchase this online . Will you tell me what should look in a pen drive , For Which brand I should go and on which site i can busy this
2 responses
@Sir_bobby88 (8231)
• Singapore
9 Mar 13
You might want to try gmarket or ebay . You might want to know if you are using USB 2.0 or 3.0 and how big of a thumbdrive or pen drive you need it to be. I think you should just buy a 16GB worth or pen drive as it is clearing fast at a discounted rate yea.
@pro_ojha (600)
• India
9 Mar 13
Thank you so much Bobby for your suggestion , I will help me to buy ..
• Tallaght, Ireland
26 May 13
Maybe Sandisk and PDY could be the best ones if your looking for affordability and best usage.Sony could be also one., but its turning costlier day by Day.