Favourite website of 2012

March 7, 2013 8:28pm CST
Well 2012 may be gone in some ways but it is still in many of our minds for different reasons and I have things to carry on from that year still such as Youtube videos I said I would do and a story for my blog I started but our web activity for 2012 is done! (Unless you are a time traveler :0) In 2012 I actually came across a bundle of new websites, ok that is not new for me given who I am, always looking for new things to do, read, research etc I can go from one website to another in a minute and of passed 5 sites inbetween it. That's how I came across this one on a website on good websites for submitting articles! But alas this website will have to wait until 2014 to be reviewed! Now there were so many that I do not remember half of them right but I will think of one to write and and I would like you to share yours as well. It does not have to be just one, as many as you want to. Ok. Hmm ok. This sort of seems like an odd choice for me at first but I will go with this one. (I just sat for a minute trying to remember as many as I could) Although this is is a website for only English people (I know in the world wide web it is odd to have something like that!) I hope you can see the usefulness of it and you are of course allowed to visit it. Streetlife.com is a website I discovered last year that is basically connecting local people. When you sign up you pick a few areas near you and receive conversations in a news feed and emails regularly from other people who live near you. Unfortunately they ruin it a bit in my opinion by exercising that strictly. As in other words I posted a conversation asking out of interest how many languages people could speak as I am learning Latin as well as some others, and sometime after I received an email from their team saying my conversation was removed because it was not about "Local conversation." Ok. They want local conversation. Still. It was doing no harm and wouldn't a better philosophy be to be a place for "Local people to chat about anything" (still connecting local people, no different) rather thab a place for "Local people to chat about local things." Maybe it seems a little fussy of me, let me know what you think but I just think removing it was a bit rude, those kinds of things should be reserved for rude, dangerous etc posts and at the most of sent a message asking to try to focus on local themed conversations but again I feel that was not even neccessary. So that is my only issue with the website and I may try contacting them to see if they would take onboard my feedback, as not that it matters but all my previous conversations had been local based and obviously the whole websites were so without meaning to "stray" I just naturally was beginning to feel comfortable on the website and so started talking about other things, again not that it matters to me but no doubt my next conversation would of been local based again. An interesting thing was, in the email they actually reminded me that other websites such as Facebook are good for general conversation! But then again I guess they are not directly competing against them, still it did make me laugh for a minute! You could almost interpret it as heavily suggesting that you leave that site and go to Facebook if you were annoyed but I was not annoyed, just dissappointed slightly. But I go on there now and again to check on what's happening in my area so there it is really useful. Also if you are moving house you could search for the area in the search bar at the top and find out what people are saying about your area, any news, danger, events, and so on. So yeah, when it works it is quite an interesting little website. I do not mean little in any negative way, not that there is anything wrong with little! I simply mean in an almost affectionate way. So if you live in England give it a go! Let me know what you think :) Thank you so much for reading! Please let me know what website you discovered in 2012?
1 response
@doroffee (4222)
• Hungary
8 Mar 13
Oh, this website seems cool. My favorites in 2012 were notalwaysright.com and notalwaysworking.com. The first one deals with stupid or rude (or occasionally super awesome) customers, and the latter is about stupid or rude coworkers and sales assistants. Instant laughing!!! Some people can be so crazy :).
8 Mar 13
Yes, glad you think so and thank you for commenting. Well I have never heard about any of these websites before but both sound good and my kind of websites! Haha I am going to copy and paste these URLS right now! Thank you.