there seems to be less house work for today

@hotsummer (13836)
March 7, 2013 11:16pm CST
that is what i have been hoping or dreaming of. so I just hope that i would be able to do a lot more things to improve our home and so that we would have less work to do daily. if we would be more organized and would be more efficient in our work daily at home then i don't think that we would need to work as hard daily to get all things done. i think one thing that help us to save more time is because we prepare healthy food now. we just don['t prepare so many foods that are hard to cook or that requires a lot of chopping of this ingredients and lots of opening of cans of ingredients. since we cook simple that we cook less often also. so we have less work. we try to repair something as we some things need to be improved or repair. and most of all i just do things immediately so that it would not any more bother us and would have less hassle at home.
2 responses
• Italy
8 Mar 13
Thats great. It not only gives you time to do some fun stuff with your family but also with your self. Like when I get free time I paint. Its really a relieved feeling to have some time at hand
@hotsummer (13836)
• Philippines
8 Mar 13
yeah it is great when it seems we have lots of free time without neglecting our responsibilities.
• South Korea
8 Mar 13
Well congratulations I hope your enjoying your extra free time^^ and yes you are right if we will just be more organize then expect that those things will be a little bit easier later. In my case I usually cook 3Different kinds of soup during weekend those soup are enougj for a week or two..haha and i will just put it in a ziplock and then heat it whenever meal time. And all I can say is I dont really have to prepare a lot during weekdays. Its like making your own instant food. The taste is still the same. If there are vegetables in the soup i always make sure that they are half cook because as i told i will heat it again.^^