why it's good my brother didn't get a webcam..

@maxen07 (882)
March 14, 2013 1:48am CST
An hour ago, an Australian national messaged me on Facebook to ask me what I was doing and to tell me how pretty I am. I chatted with him for awhile, told him a bit about myself and when I told him about me being a single mom and how I'm struggling to pay for my kid's tuition, he told me he would send me sixty-thousand pesos monthly if I could face in front of the webcam, without my clothes on so that would give him satisfaction. Of course I couldn't do it. Truthfully though, the money is tempting because I really do need it for my son but to strip in front of someone is impossible for me. I'm not a comfort woman to be taken advantage of. What kills me though, is if my brother had bought a webcam for this computer, I probably would've budged out of desperation. But then, I also thought that I don't know this man, and that he may broadcast our rendezvous online so really, I couldn't do it. He even told me that he has a Filipino friend who might come home and need the same thing. I told him that if he wanted to really help me, he wouldn't treat me like like that. I wish there are people who would help me without asking something like that in return.
5 responses
• Indonesia
14 Mar 13
He is bad guy who pretending will give a help to you. Never trust everyone you meet on internet, a stramger who offer you money for doing something like that. I tell you, they will never send you the money after you do what they asked you before. Never. Even if you have cam don't accept any cam chat with s stranger, they may record your cam and manipulate it.
@allknowing (130837)
• India
14 Mar 13
I feel for youngsters today who have temptations all around them. They need to be strong to overcome all these tempting offers that come their way. You did the right thing. Your dignity is price less which no money can buy!
@sishy7 (27169)
• Australia
14 Mar 13
Perverts are all over the internet. Be careful. No amount of money is worth doing that.
• Greece
14 Mar 13
There are plenty of evil people on the web which suits them well. Girls are groomed on the web and that is probably what he was going to do with you, one step at a time. Be extra careful with your details, being a girl, pretty,poor and with a child to bring up makes you very vulnerable.
@Alisatan (190)
• Hefei, China
14 Mar 13
He is so meanness to take advantage of your situation like this. Also I think it is a trap. Just be careful and pull these rude, impolite or sordid people into blacklist.