Facebook, Twitter, Tumbler, Pinterest, Instagram, Google plus. What have you?

@djoyce71 (2511)
March 20, 2013 9:58am CST
There are so many social networking sites nowadays. I have accounts on all of them even Myspace and Friendster before. But, right now i'm only active to facebook and instagram. I use facebook to connect with my family and friends. I like using instagram because I love taking pictures of nature and sharing them with my friends, even though I'm not really a pro.
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12 responses
@coolcat123 (4387)
• India
29 Oct 17
Well, I only use Xackster.com when it comes to social network as they are not just a social networking site but they also pay their members for referring each and every friend of ours which is a good earning opportunity.
@3876745Ok (174)
• Guangzhou, China
29 Jun 15
we don't have these social networking sites,noly Sina Weibo
@rekhum (2420)
• India
26 Mar 13
I were on myspace but no longer using it. Imeem; I am not sure if the site still exists. Orkut; long gone. So now I am only active on FB. If i ain't going to use or be active on the site why bother with it because I hate to remember too many user names and passwords.
@coffeebreak (17798)
• United States
26 Mar 13
I just don't get why everyone wants to be so "sociable" constantly! Doesn't anyone want any time to themselves without having to answer all these options, or use them in the first place? And what do you say... I mean, come on, no one has that much going on in their lives that they need that many avenues to talk to that many people about it all! i think social networking has just gotten so out of hand...does anyone ever TALK anymore? Can anyone hold a conversation with full REAL words instead of the shorthand version typed? I just think this is all so out of hand...no one needs to have that much "social life"...it just makes less time for your own life for real!
@menulis (468)
• Indonesia
26 Mar 13
I have accounts of all of those websites, but today I only open two of those, facebook and twitter. Im not an addicted of facebook or twitter but sometimes in a day I open my account just to know what happen to my friends, just to know whats my friends status and say happy birthday to my birthday' friends
• Malaysia
26 Mar 13
yeah me too, but now i active in mylot as here got i can make some money
@AmbiePam (87819)
• United States
25 Mar 13
I belong to Facebook and Twitter. I don't go on Facebook a lot. I can't get into it for some reason. But I frequently check Twitter. I don't know why I like that site so much.
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
21 Mar 13
HI! I do have accounts on all those social networking sites but honestly, I don't have time to visit them often unless there is something really important to post on any of them. A day is not even enough for me to do all the the important things so I have to prioritize and the social networking sites are the last in my list of priorities.
@ctrlor (76)
• China
23 Mar 13
i cannot connect everyone website in my mother country, i had ever registered on them by the "free vpn",but it isnot stable. some months later, i think i can create a presonal vpn port when i have a vps server in HONGKONG. now, i am only using AOL,ohoh,email.
@sishy7 (27169)
• Australia
25 Mar 13
I don't belong to any of them. I've never even had a facebook account and I am still not interested to have one ever. This is as socially online as I get here.
@suni51 (3429)
• India
23 Mar 13
Hi- I too have accounts on almost every networking sites including a few Chinese. I see best results coming from Twitter and stumbleupon although some Chinese sites work good in a few particular cases. Yes I use them for sharing my work.
@Dias14 (176)
• Indonesia
21 Mar 13
Yes indeed now social network sites much scattered in cyberspace. But among all i prefer use up. Why? Because i think more simple and all i knew. From getting relatives, sahabat, brother almost all use it. So i prefer use up.