Neobux ready to enter its 6th year! Offers Discounts, More ads etc!

@mohkanari (1957)
March 27, 2013 12:16am CST
Neobux is completing its 5th year of functioning on 28th March and ready to enter to 6th year. In connection with it, Neobux has offered many discounts on purchases, extension of RRs etc up to 28th. In addition there more numbers ads to view too. Yesterday I clicked more than double number of ads. I won $2 too as my 140th Adprize! Try to take advantage!
3 responses
@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
27 Mar 13
How do I go to the page where the discounts are? I have not been offered any discount yet. Please help me. I am a fan of neobux and I`d love to see if I can get something extra.
@rog0322 (2829)
• Cagayan De Oro, Philippines
27 Mar 13
Hi, Really? I don't realize it has been five years since. I am not a real fan of neobux due to its low rates, I only go to the site every now and then when there's nothign much to do. I shall check it out sooner. Thanks for the tip.
• United States
27 Mar 13
When I first signed up with neobux I did not think that I was going to like the site, but it has turned out to be my second favorite site (this one being the 1st one). I have made payout a few times and have not tried the Adprize yet, but I will check it out. I may save my earnings from there and invest. I love the site.