I told you Stavros was not dead!!! He's Baaaccccckkkkk!!!! General Hospital soap

@coffeebreak (17798)
United States
April 10, 2013 6:05pm CST
I have been saying for years...Stavros Cassidine is not dead! He jumped down that pit in the underground (under the hospital) refuge that Helena (his mother) built to keep him alive on ice for Tony Jones to revive ...he just literally jumped down there...so you knew then.. if you watched it...he wasn't going to be dead! He is the one that has captured Lulu and now Luke and Laura....check it out here http://tv.yahoo.com/news/general-hospital-exclusive-shocking-return-stavros-cassadine-190000027.html I knew it would have something to do with the Cassidines as that is the biggest feud the show has ever had...and they can't let a good feud die! The article also asks about victor cassidine..now, I dont remember what happened to him after the Ice Princess/Freeze the World epic ended.. I know that Anthony Cassidine (nephew) was "killed" in the freeze machine along with Mikos Cassidine (the father, Helena's husband) and ALexis Quartermaine (neice)... Victor ws there, but he was the one that gave in and helped Luke and Robert stop the freeze machine...but I don't remember what he did after that. But... surely you don't think Helena is REALLY dead, do you? The article insinuates she is "really" dead...but...they thought Stavros was too along with MANY other "back from the dead" folks like AJ. So.. It says she will re appear in "some way", which doesn't delete her just being saved from dieing by Stavros...he could have picked her up and have her off somewhere being "healed". OR....could be that wasn't really Helena that Luke shot... it was her at first, but then...a double stepped in! Or maybe it was a double in the first place. I can't imagen they'd just kill her off. She is after all the head of the family. And Alexis being a Cassidine..Mikos had an affair with her mother...and she knows this, so they are saying they will reveal Sam's father...in the future... and insinuating he could be a Cassidine...but I dont' think so. They'd be related distantly..and I don't think even a soap would be that gross. Mikos was her father...any natural Cassidine would be Mikos relative... But they could be saying they will have the Cassidines be involved in the revelation...maybe they have kept Sam's father as captive all these years or something like that. Or..it could be...Alexis was artificially inseminated with Cassidine DNA as there were no other female Cassidines besides Helena...to carry on the name... and none of the men could keep a wife to do it! Should be a fun couple of months..if they have done it in a good way and not slopped it around!
1 response
@stealthy (8181)
• United States
11 Apr 13
This is all new to me since I wasn't watching when most of the Cassidine story lines took place. I do know that Elizabeth Taylor played Helena at one point; she may have even been the original Helena. When I first started watching after OLTL was taken off, Helena had her daughter killed so there is also the possibility that she is still alive, too. Any way we know that Lulu will eventually be found and saved because they have a different actress(coming from Y&R) to play her.