What do you use your griddle for?

United States
April 11, 2013 4:41am CST
I've owned a griddle for over a year and the only thing I've used it for is to make pancakes. I'm positive there are many other uses/other foods to make on my griddle...ideas anyone? What cooks best on a griddle? How is your griddle most useful to you?
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4 responses
• Atlantic City, New Jersey
11 Apr 13
I use my griddle for pancakes, cheesesteak sandwiches, breakfast sausages, slices potatoes, eggs...and list can go on and on :) I live in a studio apartment and only have a griddle at my disposal at the moment..so I make it work for just about any and everything.
• Atlantic City, New Jersey
12 Apr 13
ahhh and thank you!! because you just reminded me that I need to buy a rice cooker!!! :)
• United States
11 Apr 13
A friend of mine lives in a studio apartment as well, and only has a rice cooker and microwave to cook with. It definitely makes you become creative when cooking with only a few options. Thank you for all your suggestions, much appreciated. (Also reminded me to get a griddle for my friend :-)
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• India
11 Apr 13
I use my griddle pan for cooking pancakes, various types of vegetable cutlets, patties etc. Just try various combinations of vegetables and spices, bind them together with boiled potatoes and eggs and you can cook up a variety of healthy options that are tasty too!
• United States
11 Apr 13
Ah, I like the sound of trying eggs and vegetables; thank you for the suggestions!
@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
12 Apr 13
I use my griddle almost very day althogh I don`t make pancakes that often. But it is there where I make from scrambled eggs to omelettes, tortillas and fritattas. And as I live alone, many times I stir fry veggies there as I find absurd to use a wok for such a smaa amount of food.
• Philippines
11 Apr 13
I think what you must do is let your healthy mind do the thinking for after all, cooking is the product of curiosity. If I will explain to you now the uses of griddle it will take us time but with your interest in cooking and the will learn more is much better than any teaching.
• United States
11 Apr 13
That is good insight, thank you for comment. It can never hurt to try new alternatives to typical ways of cooking.