Ah, Poutine. Nothing Better!

April 12, 2013 10:12pm CST
Ever had Poutine before? If you're in Canada, the answer is probably yes! Imagine a big plate of French Fries (good ones, not those crappy little ones from McDonalds!) smoothered in gravy, and melted cheese curds. Ah, perfect!!! Absolutely delicious. "Poutine" is actually the French word for "mess" because originally, when a patron at a restaurant suggested adding cheese to the fries and gravy, the cook said in French, that it would a "a big mess." LOL A big mess indeed, but a delicious one. Walker and I got a bunch of coupons in the mail from Harvey's. In our apartment building neighbours tend to toss coupons, so we scooped the extras out of the paper basket, and took them home. LOL For those outside of Canada, Harvey's is the best burger joint in Canada!! The burgers are grilled fresh, and topped with fresh ingredients of your choice. The fries and onion rings are to die for. and as well as soda, they offer healthier alternatives like milk, and bottled water. Tonight I had a bit of a late-evening craving, so I headed next door, and got a big order of yummy, gooey order of this wonderful dish. Walker tried it once, and never really developed a taste for it. LOL I told him that a part of the Canadian citizenship exam is to eat a whole bucket of poutine, while drinking Labbats Blue beer, and watching a hockey game, after having trudged to the bar wearing snow-shoes. hahaha Poor guy! :) But then it doesn't matter that he never developed a taste for it. Mor for me, I guess.
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11 responses
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
13 Apr 13
hi danish canadian oh that sounds so good and I have never had it but I can imagine what it would taste like. I love french fries big and melted cheese and gravy it has to be so good. what a combination of flavors wow.,
@scubapro (1051)
• Gifu, Japan
13 Apr 13
actually i have never eaten and also have never heard about it,but danish's talking about that fries made me hungry here it sounds really delicious ,i also eat mcdonalds potato,but i cant say its delicious i prefer cutting and cooking my own potatoes by myself its the most delicious one peace
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@ElicBxn (63308)
• United States
13 Apr 13
"melted cheese curds" wait... you just wrote that? like... WHAT are "melted cheese curds" ??? (excuse me while I go look that up on the internet) Okay... now I know what cheese curds are... Apparently the dish is also served in some places in the U.S. as well, not Texas. I will admit that I wouldn't eat my fries with gravy either.
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@BellaDoc (762)
• San Diego, California
3 Aug 17
Fries with gravy is awesome!
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@ElicBxn (63308)
• United States
3 Aug 17
@BellaDoc the problem with that is... (to quote someone who I really don't like, but...) I'm not a big gravy fan anyway and a lot of gravies aren't safe because they are made with stuff I'm allergic to. FOR EXAMPLE, my wife's mom brags about how great her gravy is. It isn't, its "cheater" gravy. She makes it with cream of mushroom soup. Other people use corn starch instead of a flour rue. And here it is. Campbell's cream of mushroom soup has corn starch in it (it may say modified starch, but it is corn starch.) I am, call the ambulance, allergic to corn protein.
@BarBaraPrz (46175)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
13 Apr 13
I like Harvey's, too. They also serve hot tea. Do you remember when they would give away free hamburgers on Canada Day? My friend and I went one time with her dog, and they gave her a burger for the dog, too.
@BarBaraPrz (46175)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
13 Apr 13
Forgot to mention... when I worked at the Merc' a lot of us would get fries and gravy from the Vienna restaurant nearby. Not sure if they had poutine.
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
13 Apr 13
Sounds unique. I love fries with chili poured all over them then melted cheese on top....yummy! In fact I just had them a few nights ago. I am not so much into gravy but the chili fries are yummy!
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@allen0187 (58586)
• Philippines
13 Apr 13
hi there danishcanadian. my supervisor and trainer in my previous job were canadians and near the tial end of their stay here in manila, they hosted a dinner for us. this is one of the meals that they served. i honestly fell in love with poutine!!! it was love at first bite!!! i had a good amount of servings of poutine which i downed with grey goose vodka. simply amazing!!! nowadays, i try to prepare and have this meal during my cheat days and poutine really makes my cheat days worthwhile! lol! cheers and happy mylotting!!!
@deine86 (115)
• Philippines
25 Apr 13
I didn't have it before, but as you described it, I think it really taste great. I will grab some in a restaurant nearby after work. I really love fries, so yummy.
@Lindalinda (4111)
• Canada
13 Apr 13
Oh, you make me cry. How I wish I could taste poutine again, alas due to diabetes it is a no no, however, I have very fond memories of many snacks of poutine made with good fries and absolutely amazing curds. Those in Quebec are the absolute best in the world. As far as Harvey's is concerned I remember when we were young and out with friends on a Saturday night we used to get the burgers, fries, onion rings and a strawberyy milkshake to finish off the meal. Would you believe that! Now, of course I am one of those people who throws the coupons in the wastepaper basket when I pick up my mail in the lobby. Sad, sa, sad! Now it is veggies, veggies, veggies and a fruit for desert.
@kixsh101 (2105)
• Philippines
13 Apr 13
This is the first time that I have heard of it, and it seema to be delicious. I love potato fries too much and I love mcdonald`s too. Happy Mylotting!
@BabyCheetah (1911)
• Australia
14 Apr 13
Yes I had it whilst in Canada and OMG what mess I made I got it from a food truck though not sure if that's better or worse but wow it was nice but soo messy and there was too much it was really filling!
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
13 Apr 13
I love good french fries. Your way there sounds yummy... Id love to try it sometimes..
• United States
13 Apr 13
Well that sounds good, never had gravy on my fries, I will have to try that. I'm the Frugal Bree