How to lose weight easily and healthily?

April 14, 2013 3:26am CST
I'm a girl in high school.I'm a little fat.I want to lose weight but I always failed.Many girls lose weight by eating less and less.But I think it is not good for health.I have no time to do sports and I have to eat enough to keep healthy.What should I do?
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14 responses
@jiiiiin (586)
• Philippines
30 Apr 13
I am too lazy to do exercise so I am thinking to take slimming pills but I am still doubting because of the side effects I might acquire. If you're not as lazy as me try to exercise, go to gym I think it is the best and safest way to lose weight.
• China
6 May 13
Thank you!
• Canada
30 Apr 13
I think it's really difficult to make recommendations to someone who hasn't conducted a thorough medical history with us (the readers). We just don't know what your life is really like, and whether you are even 'fat' at all :) A lot of good (and repetitive) advice here along the lines of a) not obsessing about weight, b) eating fresh, non-processed foods, and c) getting a regular amount of exercise. Anyone making faddish recommendations should be careful - there is no magical diet plan or miracle that works (or is healthy). Ellen, if you really, really are concerned about your weight, please see a medical practitioner or nutritionist. And make the weight loss a priority - saying you have no time for it indicates your willingness to commit to making it happen. I have many ESL students who want to learn to speak English perfectly, but who don't want to put the time into doing the work ;) Good luck with your healthy future!
• China
6 May 13
Yeah,I really need to act now.I should make the weight loss a priority,as you say.If necessary,it's not difficult for me to see a nutritionist.Thank you!
@nanayangel (7879)
• Philippines
29 Apr 13
Hi there Ellen 1996! Welcome to Mylot! I am in the same situation. I have been trying to lose weight all my life. This is very hard to do because you should have strong self-discipline and all other easy ways to lose weight are either too expensive or hoax. The best way to lose weight healthily would be a combination of healthy diet and regular exercise. These will be beneficial not just for losing weight but also for leading a healthy lifestyle.
• China
6 May 13
I think you are right.Healthy diet and regular exercise are very important.I will try my best.Thank you!
• United States
30 Apr 13
Hi Ellen. I can give you a few tips on losing weight but first let me tell you that weight is nothing to EVER obsess about. You are young and your body is still growing. You need quality nutrition in order for your body to function optimally. I would suggest that you try to make adjustments wherever you can in order to get regular exercise (30 minutes a day, 3 times a week). You could take the stairs instead of an elevator, go on a walk with friends or walk a dog, ride a bike with friends, etc. Even a simple walk after dinner before you start homework would help. Also, try to eat more unprocessed foods. For quick snacks, think fruits and vegetables. Try to avoid packaged food and learn how to make a few dishes. If you drink coffee, try minimizing the amount of sugar you use. Drink more water. I find that simple adjustments in lifestyle are easier to maintain and less stressful. The last thing you want is to be constantly worried about what you eat or how much you weigh. If you feel that a diet would be useful, there are plenty of diets available online, but make sure you get 1,500 calories a day and are choosing food from all the major food groups. All the best!
• China
6 May 13
Thank you for your advice!It's really helpful!
@ayeeesha (1127)
• Philippines
29 Apr 13
Exercise combined with healthy diet is still the best solution to lose weight :) But if you have no time to do physical activities, I suggest cut down on carbs, do a lot of walking, use the stairs instead of the elevator and drink lots of water. Avoid juice, sweets or anything artificial and as much as possible, eat lots of fruits and vegetables :) I hope that helps! :)
• China
6 May 13
Thank you!
29 Apr 13
I think i have a little advise, because i have a family that lose weight almost 20kg by now and she doesn't do much exercise or anything and now this methods also make her become rich also because all her friend that had some problem ask her how she can do that. I know the website so just try it if you like, here is the website
• China
6 May 13
Thank you!
@marguicha (221994)
• Chile
16 Apr 13
A doctor told me once that we can do a lot of exercise without being the kind of person who is into sports. Try walking. You can walk while studying. Stop eating snacks. Normal meals counting calories will prove healthy. If you are hungry, have broth around (not sodas).
• China
17 Apr 13
Walking is really a good way.I ride to school every day and walk less and less.It makes me fat in a way.I sometimes eat snacks,though I know it obviously makes me overweight.As you say,I have to stop eating snacks if I want to lose weight.Thanks!
@mythociate (21432)
• Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
17 Apr 13
On the diet-side (of 'diet & exercise'), two things: eat slowly, and always stop eating when you're full. One trick that (besides improving your digestion) will slow down your eating: chew every bite 30 (thirty) times. See, what happens is: your stomach doesn't tell your brain it's "full" right-away; so you end up putting more food into it than you need (stretching it out a little, making you 'need' even-more food). That "over-eating" is ENCOURAGED by the parental commandment that 'you must always clean your plate' (which is also kind of economical, as 'someone PAID FOR all the food you're given, so you better not waste it!') You can find lots of tips at Oklahoma's "Strong & Healthy"-page which is trying to help combat Oklahoma's 'obesity-facts' & challenges (below). It'll give you tips on 'how to exercise in your time walking between classes, how to eat better,' and lots more. (•Nearly 67% of Oklahoma adults are either overweight or obese •The number is 34% for Oklahoma youth •Overweight and obesity are associated with many health risks, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol, Type 2 Diabetes, and depression •The estimated cost associated with obesity in Oklahoma is more than $854 million each year. •This problem affects the health of individuals, families and communities throughout the state. •42 Oklahoma counties received a grade of “F” in the amount of physical activity in which they engage •29 % percent of Oklahoma high school students watch three or more hours of TV daily •Only 36.4 % of high school students had a physical education class at least once a week, and only 31.4 % of high school students had daily physical education •50 Oklahoma counties received a grade of “F” for fruit and vegetable consumption •Food industry marketing, many fast food restaurants, and few grocery stores are some community factors that influence unhealthy food choices
• China
17 Apr 13
Yeah,I need to eat slowly.I eat food as fast as possible every day so that I can have more time to study.As you say,it's not good for me.I'm also encouraged by the parental commandment like what you say,haha.I will look though the webpage.Thanks!
• Philippines
14 Apr 13
You're not alone. I am on the heavier side too. I had been dreaming of losing weight, but I always fail too. I tried drinking some slimming pills but end up compromising myself. I do believe that losing weight is a life long journey. You cant lose weight over night. It' a life long process. As for myself, I have to make decisions in every time I ate. You can lose weight without having some sports but your skin will sag. Exercise is a good way in losing weight.
• China
15 Apr 13
Thank you for your response!Losing weight is really a life long process,I think.And if we don't find the correct methods,we will often hurt ourselves.In fact we can lose weight in daily life with healthy diet and sports.Even sometimes we only need to wait!I believe that I can lose weight one day,but now I'm not sure if my diet is healthy.And I'm so busy that I don't have enough time to do exercise.That makes me anxious...
@quieley (316)
• Philippines
14 Apr 13
We are just the same. Even if I always skip dinner, I never loss weight. Before, I used to be thin because I exercise every morning. Unlike now, I don't think I can still do that because of my busy schedule. What I do every morning is I drink slimming coffee. I can say that it's really effective. People who used this achieve a slimmer body within two months. But if you want the natural way, you have to eat the right food, drink a lot of water and exercise. I don't know of other safer method than that :)
• China
15 Apr 13
I think you are right.I used to skip dinner,but it didn't help,too.Slimming coffee may be effective,but I'm afraid that my mom won't allow me to try.She always think it's not good for teenagers.As you say,I can choose other ways.Fruits and vegetables may be helpful,though I don't like to eat green vegetables...Exercise is important,right?I'm busy every day,but I can try to run in the afternoon as much as possible.I used to be unconfident with my figure.But now,I realize I have to change it.Thank you for your advice!
@quieley (316)
• Philippines
21 Apr 13
I believe there is no easy and fast way to lose weight in a healthy and safe manner. You can lose way fast using teas, coffees, or pills but there are side effects in those products. Eating the right foods and disciplining yourself is the best method. Aside from eating veggies and fruits, I heard sipping 2 tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar before every meal can help reduce weight.
• China
22 Apr 13
I am interested in the Apple Cider Vinegar...And now I eat vegetables as much as possible.Thank you!
• India
17 Apr 13
HI ellen. Eat healthy food. Stop eating junk food. And try to do exercise and yoga to burn the calaries, atleast an hour a day. Eat everything in a limit, even your favourite chocolate, etc. Best of luck.
• China
17 Apr 13
Eating everything in a limit will help me lose weight.I need to do it.Thank you!
• Canada
15 Apr 13
Hi Ellen and welcome to mylot. You are correct you should never starve yourself drink plenty of water in between meals, and make sure you eat lots of vegetables and fruit. Taking walks is good too even if they are only 10 minute walks.
• China
17 Apr 13
Wow...Taking walk is really easy!Drinking water is helpful too,I think.I will try.
@Ashokraj (107)
• India
21 Apr 13
Walking is the best for losing weight. You are studying in school. You can go to school by walk. Walk everyday as much you can. This is the best and effective way to lose weight. Don't avoid your breakfast mp dinner to lose weight. It leads to health problems and it'll also increase some weight. Daily morning drink some hot water mixed with honey. It'll help you to reduce weight. All the best
• China
22 Apr 13
I have never drunk hot water mixed with honey in the morning.But I think it will be helpful.Thank you!