Do you think Samsung Galaxy S4 will beat all phones in the market?

April 14, 2013 4:18am CST
With samsung galaxy s4 coming up in the market all the rest of the phones seem to have become very very lowly. The features provided by S4 are fantastic and no other phone in the market currently have the same features and configuration, Do you think it will beat all the other phones in the market?
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4 responses
@dpk262006 (58676)
• Delhi, India
14 Apr 13
Samsung Glaxy S4 is reported to be one of the costliest in the group of smart phones available today. It may have some extra ordinary features but its price tag could ba a deterrant for mobile phone lovers. HTC is reported to be giving very tough competition to Samsung Glaxy S4 and could beat it in competiton, if compared with all its advatages and disadvantages.
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@kixsh101 (2105)
• Philippines
14 Apr 13
As of now, I think galaxy S4 have the best and up to date features. But bet you this year won't not end without other smart phones manufacturer will beat it. HTC in my opinion is leading in advancement on features, and of course Apple won't just let Samsung smash them down. Developments on smartphone features will surely come out every now and then and it won't stop. Let us see until the end of this who will have the best upgrade then.
@rosekiss (30380)
• Eugene, Oregon
16 Apr 13
I can imagine that it will be, from what I have been reading in reviews, but I doubt that many people will be able to afford it, as it is very expensive. I know I can't afford it, as I have the galaxy s3, purchased it in December of last year, and I am still paying on it, so I certainly won't be getting the s4. I would like to have it, but with each succeeding phone that comes out, it is a bit better than the one previous, but it also costs a lot more too. I am content with my s3 for now, and more than likely when I do upgrade, then there will be a better phone out there than the s4, as technology changes all the time, and hard to keep up with it. It just isn't feasible to purchase a more expensive phone than the one I have now. Take care, and have a good day.
• Jordan
16 Apr 13
I believe it will defeat Note2, it is more clear and faster, although note2 is a greate phone, and it seems that every one is interested init, but S4 will get the market soon.