My Daughter's First Birthday...

United States
April 15, 2013 3:06pm CST
...was alright. I invited 20 people, plus their kids and husbands/wives and only 14 people were there (including myself and my daughter). My mom, two aunts, an uncle, my friend Liz and her two kids, my friend Amber and her two kids and husband, and my mom's boyfriend showed up. Her own father didn't even come. I told him about the party three different times on Facebook (the only way I have to get a hold of him) and he never answered me. I also sent him an invitation. So it's not like he didn't know about it. He won't give me his new cell phone number and I don't have his dad's number. He will NOT be invited to her next birthday party. If he can't make an effort to see her or answer my messages when I tell him something about her, then he doesn't deserve to see her. He doesn't care to anyway. She did have a nice birthday party and she got some fun toys and cute outfits. A few people who couldn't be there are sending their presents later. I'm glad that she got some new books because she loves books! She even got a Dora the Explorer coloring book from her Healthy Families lady. I can't believe that my dad wasn't there. I saw him the day before her party and he stood right in front of me, looked me in the eye, and said he would be there with one of my younger brothers. I never got a text, phone call, or anything and he didn't show up. My grandma (his mom) didn't show up either and she was at my baby shower.
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2 responses
@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
16 Apr 13
were you hurt when those people did not come to the party? or it is just OK, since the most important thing is your daughter had a great party?
• United States
16 Apr 13
It kind of hurt my feelings that my dad wasn't there but I knew her dad wasn't going to show up.
• United States
20 Apr 13
I asked him why he wasn't there and I didn't get an answer.
@Mavic123456 (21893)
• Thailand
17 Apr 13
ohh i am sorry to hear this. maybe you can ask your dad why he did not come, just to appease yourself. there could be a serious reason why he wasn't able to.
@sid556 (30960)
• United States
16 Apr 13
I am glad that your daughter had a nice birthday. It sounds like it was a lot of fun for all. I would not even bother with inviting the dad to any future events. If he cares then he will contact you. He does know when her birthday is and he should of taken the initiative to call and ask what you were planning. Your dad....I would call him and ask if everything was ok. Is it like him to not show up for things when he says he will?
• United States
16 Apr 13
Yes, my dad does tend to say he'll do things and then he doesn't. But I was kind of surprised that he wasn't at her birthday party. And he doesn't like to tell people his business so if there was a reason as to why he didn't show up, I'll never know what it is. I don't plan on inviting my daughter's dad to any future events. He knows how to get a hold of me and if he can't make the effort then I'm not going to waste my time.
@sid556 (30960)
• United States
17 Apr 13
Well, I know you were hurt that your dad didn't show up but if that is how he is, I hope you can forgive him and maybe just tell him that he was missed at the party. My ex is kind of like that and we all know it. He might miss an important event but he will make up for it in his own way at another time. The kids all know that he loves them and I suppose that is what counts the most.
• United States
24 Apr 13
Well, I rarely hear from him anyway so I guess it shouldn't have been a surprise. He never came to any of my birthday parties when I was younger either. I usually only see him at Thanksgiving and Christmas. IF they tell me that they're doing something.