See!! Change is BAD!

@mommyboo (13174)
United States
April 30, 2013 12:58pm CST
I was alerted to some big site overhaul and all I want to say here is ..... SEE!!! Change is BAD! I want some answers. I would like to know from someone on staff WHY you decided to do this without any input from your users. If I JUST wanted to interact without more perks on the side, guess what, I would stay solely at facebook. The thing is, I've been a good quality user here for several years. I have made some lasting friendships here - yes I've met a few fruits and nuts but for the most part I've allowed my dog to eat them. For other users, why do YOU suppose this change happened? Anybody have some insight? Is the company BROKE? Can't get advertising? Sponsors? Heh. It seems like every site that was any fun or had anything quality to draw you in besides the promise of earning has crashed and burned. If you want to impress this social networker, you have to provide a good solid platform and some creative options. This was THE BEST site for that out there and it seems to be going down in flames.
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17 responses
@mariaperalta (19073)
• Mexico
30 Apr 13
What a great way to thank us.. after they shared our info. all over the net by mistake. Shame on you my lot!!!
2 people like this
• Calgary, Alberta
30 Apr 13
I can feel the "love" its is so "lovely"
1 person likes this
• Mexico
30 Apr 13
Yep. Like Lamb said we all got in the a&*^^^ this time. PLus all spammers will post at new site. I wont be there.
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@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
30 Apr 13
maria this leaves me abu t to lose my internet cable if I do not find some more earnings someplace else and I rember someone said the nmew changes would give js more earnings options obah humbug I now do mot believe anything they say.
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@dawnald (85148)
• Shingle Springs, California
30 Apr 13
(nods head)... I really think too many people will leave, too many spammers will come in dropping referral links, and the rest will leave either because of that or because all their friends left.
2 people like this
• United States
30 Apr 13
You're probably right, Dawn. (nods head in return) You also mentioned in another post,that you think the spammers will be so hot and heavy here that admin won't be able to keep up with them. I, too, agree with that (still nodding head)
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• Calgary, Alberta
30 Apr 13
I will quote this cheesy lyric from a Moldovan song titled "a million" "The Mayas are right its the end of the world because you are gone" I have a feeling that many people are singing a classic Skeeter Davis song right now. I am sure you guys are familiar with that Skeeter Davis song. Mylot doesnt love us anymore. Anyone who wants to sing that song with me.
1 person likes this
• Malaysia
1 May 13
so it seem soon mylot will be a place of the great spammer area to hang up they link. I don't think mylot community here want that to be happen, so seriously I hope that mylot creator could reconsider it again your decision about the major overhaul, as this lead to bad result
@34momma (13882)
• United States
30 Apr 13
wow!after being here for so many years i feel like this is a slap in the face. Of course I don't use the money here to pay my rent or feed my kids, but it was nice to come here and chat with friends and make a few extra bucks when i wanted too. I have no idea why they would change after all of these years... Oh well... Facebook it is
• United States
30 Apr 13
Actually, there are numerous perks to be found via Facebook. I've won contests, received freebies, gotten coupons and been alerted to sales through the pages of businesses I like on the site. I also promote my writing on monetized sites via Facebook. I also keep updated on local, national and international news through FB. I keep in touch with people I know via the site. Then, there are the sometimes addictive games... This site is not going to be able to compete with that. The earnings gave people an incentive to hang out on here, and that is now being removed. The other changes being made are not going to turn this into an exciting place to be, and they do not offer any real perks. Gee, we can now post affiliate links... Well, what good is that when the place has a small number of members that is only going to get smaller with the removal of the earnings program? MyLot had one thing that gave it a spot within this vast online landscape. It has now removed that thing.
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@Ghajini (776)
• Philippines
30 Apr 13
Even though on my earlier response, I said that I'm excited to experience the new mylot, however you are right that the new mylot will surely have a hard time to compete with the giants of the social networking world. Since one of the main reason for the success of this site in the past 7 years have been removed. Come to think of it, I think if mylot was having financial problems, it would have been better if they just admit it. Anyway, I think the best move for mylot right now, is to listen to the responses of its members and consider retaining the cash incentive program, that way everyone will enjoy the site even more since there will be a new and improved version of mylot, yet will allow members to earn for their participation.
@May2k8 (18246)
• Indonesia
30 Apr 13
mylot don't fulfill their promise to stay forever, now all that has happened and time can not be reversed.
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@rosekiss (30380)
• Eugene, Oregon
30 Apr 13
I like myulot the way is, and even though I am not here just for the money, the fact that they have discontinued the earnings part of it, will be upsetting to most people, especially when they were using mylot to help pay their internet bill. I don't know if I will be staying or not. It just depends on what the site looks like when the change happens. I have enjoyed my time here though, and I have made a lot of friends, but I surmise that most of them will be leaving, and when that happens, mylot will not be the same anymore, and it might end up crashing and burning. That will be so sad too, as it has been a very good site since I joined in 2009. I probably won't spend all that much time in here anymore, as it just won't be worth it. Take care, and have a very good day.
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@derek_a (10874)
2 May 13
Yes, I agree. A lot will leave .There should have been notification. Not great earnings, but to some on here, it would have helped.
@derek_a (10874)
2 May 13
I need to apologise to myLot staff. I just realized that notification post they made via my digest. I think it would serve members better on the home page as soon as somebody logs into the new site to save members making the error of thinking that there has been no notification.
@leateagee (3667)
• China
1 May 13
MyLot has issues to deal with. I agree with all the things that you've said but I also wish they won't change. Not all chnages are bad though.
• United States
30 Apr 13
I do not like the idea that a lot people were not asked about this and now that we are not getting any payout. I am no where near the $5.00 area and now I am not sure if I will make it. I think we should have all been asked instead of having this sprung on us. If I wanted a chat site I would only stick with facebook.
@tinym8 (420)
• United States
30 Apr 13
I did not see about the changes. Could someone tell me what some of them will be (besides no payment)? This is terrible because I just got back here about a week ago after being away for quite a while. Now it will not be the same. I too probably will not be here nearly as much. I needed that extra income. I won't have time to stay on a site that doesn't offer that. I may pop in once in a while but will not be as active. When is this change supposed to take place?
@grvdubey11 (1879)
• India
1 May 13
Well if the people running Mylot had to discontinue the earnings program then they should have made some necessary changes first.The thing is everything related to this website has earning program as its core.You see rating system, reputation star , quality responses all lead to one thing that is earnings.When everything revolves round earnings how can anyone blame members if they are bidding goodbye after this decision.I am sure those running Mylot would have known that what will be the consequences of such a decision.Surely they have financial problems and there can be various reasons for that like the one mentioned by senior member here(lamb).If they were in position to revoke this decision they would have done it by now looking at strong reactions here.
@Deepak2J (1178)
• India
30 Apr 13
Maybe they want to be always updated like facebook and earn a lot of money
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@CuteMandy (162)
• China
1 May 13
The idea of change is very bad, but how can we change this? If we don't like , we only just go away.
1 May 13
I was so disappointed with this change, i am just new here and i have read several blogs and it is quite awesome but when a message pops out on my inbox telling that the site will not be paying anymore and will be a plain social site. Damn it was not good! maybe they want to take the money all without sharing it to every users, maybe they are getting bankrupt, maybe they want to be rich I dont know whtas the reason behind this. I hope they changed there decision. because of this news "THERE SITE WILL BE ON DOWNFALL"
@Hatley (163781)
• Garden Grove, California
30 Apr 13
mommyboo I think too many way too to o many people wanted a Facebook tupe place and damnation they sure got it as fo rme this is not going to help myy ability to pay my cable internet bill as I relied on the help I got from my earnings here so I wil lhave to be away some from here even though I do value all the friends I have made here. I do wish that they had let us all know about no longerd having the earnngs p rogram.
@much2say (54423)
• Los Angeles, California
30 Apr 13
Yep. Pulling out the earnings entirely is a major change - bad change, bad decision. When they said they were going to do an overhaul on myLot - I was expecting something completely different. Well, a lot of people are already disappointed - me included - and the changes haven't even happened yet. I am grateful for what I had here, but it's a big shame it won't continue.
@Arieles (2473)
• United States
30 Apr 13
Change is good. Change means you are growing and learning. If the change is unwelcomed, maybe you be forced to change. Sometimes change will bring out positive reinforcers that have been missing and our lives will only get better because of them.